Everyone looked into the sky.

In the sky.

A winged pink spotted horse flew through the sky, carrying a man in silver armor and armed with a knight’s gun.

He rode and levitated in front of everyone.

“What an ugly horse.” The orangutan said bluntly.

Because the winged horse in front of him does not have the sacred and majestic appearance of the legendary Pegasus and unicorn.

There is a head that is completely different from the body, and the overall image is ruined.


The pink horse in the sky suddenly spat angrily at the orangutan.

The saliva hits the chest of the orangutan.

He instantly sprayed back with a mouthful of salt soda.

Pegasus flashed his wings and flexibly avoided the orangutan’s saliva, and Gan Fore, who was on Pegasus, immediately said: “I am Sky Knight Gan Fawl, and I want to ask you something.” ”

His identity, Will naturally knows.

It turned out to be the god of the empty island.

But not now, Will reached out to stop the orangutan’s move, wanting to hear what Gan Fore wanted to say.

It also happens to be possible to get some information from him.

Gan Fore then said, “Were those priests defeated by you before?! ”


Will admitted, “They were indeed defeated by us. ”

Hear the group in front of you admit.

Gan Fore said a little anxiously: “You are in big trouble, you have moved the priest, and God Anilu will not let you go.”

“He is a very terrifying fellow, able to master the power of lightning and can easily destroy everything.”

When his words were finished.

He was surprised to find that the group of Qinghai people in front of him were indifferent.

No response?!

Gan Fore had witnessed the destruction of Beka, and Anilu had enough power to destroy the entire empty island.

He stared at the group of people in front of him, and then said: “You may not know the strength of that guy, his thunder and lightning can no one block, his speed is as fast as thunder and lightning.

“He also has an immortal body.”

Still no response.

Are these Qinghai people really not afraid?!

Robin looked at Gan Fore and smiled.

With such a group of powerful partners around, there is no need to worry at all.

“So, why are you telling us this?” Will raises a question that has little to do with what Gan Fore said, what he said.

The eyes of Nami, Robin, Akin, Kulikai and others all looked at him.

Gan Fore glanced at Will and said, “You are very different from him, you have the same ship, but you two have very different personalities. The

words came out.

Will understood.

The person in Gan Faul’s mouth should be the One Piece King Gore who once came to the empty island. D. Roger.

Will spoke, sonorously: “Of course I am different from him, he gained fame, wealth, dreams, but he lost the most important thing.

He didn’t want to talk about Roger, and immediately asked, “Do you know Sandora, the land of gold?” ”

Land of Gold?”

Gan Fore was slightly stunned and replied, “I don’t know, I just know that this place is called Gapayado, and before it was called Shandia, and the island is inhabited by Shandian people.”

“But now, they’ve been driven away.”

Will was silent, it seemed that the history was a little long, so he didn’t know anything about the Golden Country.

He was sure of one thing.

That is, the land of gold is on the empty island, as long as it is there, it will definitely be found.

Kulikai seemed to be a little affected, and asked: “Is there really no golden country, then have you seen a huge golden bell?!” The

old man riding a pegasus in front of him looked not young, if even he didn’t know.


Gan Fore replied without the slightest hesitation: “If there was such a huge golden bell, it would have been discovered long ago.” His

words hit Kulikai completely.

Kulikai suddenly sat down on the ground decadently, looking stunned, and chanting words in his mouth, “How is it possible… How can it be… Doesn’t the Golden Township exist at all? ”


Will looked at Gan Fore a little speechlessly, walked to Kulikai’s side, and comforted: “The land of gold must be on this island, look for it.”

But Kulikai in front of him didn’t seem to be comforted by Will, lowered his head, and bit his lip hard.

You can only find the golden bell.

He only knew that there was, but where, he had no impression at all, it was a matter of how many years, and he had crossed into this world.

Integrating the memory of this body, resulting in a memory that was not impressed, it is even more unimpressive.

The other side.

Kou Sha walked through the forest and said a little depressed: “What happened to this area?!” After walking for a while, I saw a beast, where did the other beasts run away?!

“If you don’t get more food back, how can you eat enough.”

On his shoulders, he carried the corpse of a beast that was more than ten times larger than him.

··· Boom…


There was movement in the jungle.

Kosha looked pleased, carried the beast on his shoulder and ran towards the place where the sound came from, and after a distance of about two hundred meters, he stopped.

“It turns out that there is a hole, then you can’t run away.”

In front of him, a cave appeared that could accommodate several people to enter side by side, and the cave was pitch black, and there was no bottom in sight.

Kou Sha jumped suddenly, suddenly raised tens of meters high, grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, and steadied the harvested prey on his body with the other.

Climbed the stout branch and released the prey.

Then fell on the ground and entered the cave, the cave was a little dark, not completely into darkness, Kosha also clearly saw the surrounding things, after entering tens of meters.

His eyes lit up.

Immediately stepped forward to pick up something on the ground and excitedly shouted: “It’s gold!!” ”

It was a crown with precious stones.

“Here…” ”

Is this the land of gold?!” Kosha was a little excited.

Legend has it that Shandora, the land of gold, was found by him.

“There must be gold nearby, look for it.”

He began to search the hole.

The other side.

Anilu, who was originally moving at high speed, stopped and said to himself with an indifferent expression: “There are 127 people on the island at this time, so it will be three hours.”

“If in three hours, anyone is still alive, even if he passes this trial.”

“But…” ”

Three hours is enough for me to kill everyone.”

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