“Captain, as a man, you can’t shed tears!” Chloe seemed to be smiling, but his appearance was really difficult to distinguish.


Will gritted his teeth and cursed, and finally said a few words softly, “You must win!” Their

gazes met in the air, and there seemed to be a strange electric current.

Behind Chloe’s snake body.

The other eight huge heads completely ignored the terrifying thunder and lightning, and opened their mouths to frantically tear at Anilu.

The mouth was overflowing with thunder and lightning, and scarlet blood splashed out.

Violence, madness, gentleness, perseverance appeared in him alone.

This scene was deeply imprinted in Will’s mind and could never be forgotten.

This scene.

She also looked at the female warrior of Shandia, Laqi, her eyes shining, and she couldn’t help but mutter: “Chloe… He’s so handsome! At

the same time, her heart clenched.

Worried about Chloe.

Nami put her hands to her mouth, likened to a trumpet, and shouted with a serious and hopeful face: “Hey, Chloe, you must live.”

“Chloe!! If you fall, I won’t let you go!! Akin shouted.



Rab also let out a loud cry at this moment.

And the apes and orangutans on his back also stood up, but their legs were still trembling, shaking from side to side, and they also cheered for Chloe.

“Hey, Chloe, you can’t lose!!”

“Yes, you’re a monster!! Monsters don’t fall easily. The

voices of the crowd were long and loud.

Echoing between heaven and earth.

The next moment.

Chloe’s last head turned towards Anilu.

At this moment, Anilu’s body constantly stimulated powerful and terrifying thunder and lightning power, bombarding Chloe, and his body was entangled by the snake body.

It can only stimulate the power of thunder and lightning in the body.

And Chloe withstood the damage of the power of thunder and lightning, constantly tearing and twisting.

The two sides are competing with each other….

Who is more ruthless!

The nine snakes of Chloe were covered with scorched marks of being struck by lightning, and wisps of blue-black smoke floated out.

There was a scorched, pungent smell in the air.

Chloe’s image is simply miserable, can’t bear to look at it directly, pieces of scale armor turned out, revealing red and black flesh and blood, and even more because of the temperature of thunder and lightning, nourishing oil.

He was miserable.

Anilu did not hesitate, four large mouths biting his limbs, sharp teeth pierced deeply, even in the body of Thor.

However, blood still flowed wildly along the place where the tooth was bitten, but the blood was quickly evaporated.

In addition to the four heads that held his body in place, several other heads frantically tore at Anilu with their sharp mouths.

The scene of blood splatters was extremely bloody.

“Ah~~!! Bastard!!! ”

Shut up!!


Anilu’s mouth kept wailing and screaming.

The battle situation can only be described in two words: tragic!

The camera turns.

The picture comes to the dungeon, in the dim dungeon, Kosha and Kulikai are enthusiastically looking for gold.

“Over here, let’s dig down and see if there is any!”

“This stone is too big, Kosha, you come and chop this stone!!”

“Haha… A lot of gold, give gold to Nami, and you won’t be beaten in the future. Koshamezi thought that he had asked Robin.

As a result, Robin said that he had already paid Nami protection money when he got on the ship.

He had the same idea.

Prevent the sudden thunder and lightning from falling overhead, although Shanghai is not big, but it is split black every time.

Robin smiled and recorded some documents on the side, “The Golden Land is really a great city, but it is a pity that it was brought to the sky by the updraft.” ”

Some feelings, it can be said that this situation is rare to encounter once in thousands of years.

After all, to be able to bring a part of such a huge island to the sky is really an unimaginable natural terror in nature.

It has also become an unsolved mystery, an unknown secret.

She recorded it with the book in her hand, because she wanted to let people all over the world have the right and freedom to learn through reading the history of the world that has disappeared into the river of time, been buried, and abandoned by people.


Kosha and Kulikai were happy with their large bags full of gold.

“We searched for half a day but couldn’t find the golden bell, so if the huge golden bell is buried in the ground, it will be difficult to find.” Kosha was a little depressed.

The Golden Bell is the most valuable thing in Sandora, the land of gold, and it is made of gold all over and is extremely valuable.

And very historic, it was the golden bell that once guided the convoys and lit up hope for countless storms.

Kulikai smiled bitterly and said, “Look for it again, if you can’t find it, you can only …” Before

the words were finished, there was a loud banging sound in everyone’s ears.

Kou Sha looked puzzled and guessed: “Before it was thunder, now it is this huge noise, is it rare to captain them?” ”

The earth seemed to shake violently, and the dust falling from the ground was clanging.

“Let’s go out first, in case the cave collapses, we won’t be able to get out!” Kulikai suggested, looking at Kosha and Robin for their opinions.

Robin closed the book, stuffed it into his backpack, and said, “I’ve already recorded it, let’s leave quickly.” The

three of them immediately rushed towards the outside of the cave.

Out of the cave.

The loud sound was even more ear-shattering, and countless birds and beasts in the forest gathered and fled, whether they were natural enemies or not, they were running rapidly at this moment, away from the center of the sound.

Robin looked at the source of the voice, and couldn’t help frowning, his face was full of worry, “What’s going on, since Will and they left, it seems that the voice has become louder and louder, did you encounter an enemy that even the captain can’t solve?”

She was full of confidence in Will, but such a huge movement made her feel a little worried in her heart.

“Then what are we waiting for, let’s go and see.” Kosha looked anxious, saw Robin nodding, and immediately threw all the gold on the ground regardless of it.

Hurried towards the location where the sound came from.

When they arrived.

They were all stunned to see the scene in front of them.

Kousha couldn’t help but gasp, “Hiss… Did this guy Chloe start crazy to fight like this?! ”

In sight.

The huge snake head actually crashed directly towards Anilu, who was imprisoned by him, and the key thing that shocked them was that at this moment, Chloe, who was in the form of nine babies, simply did not dare to look at him directly.

It was scorched black, and no purple color could be seen.

The flesh and blood were blurry, giving off a burnt smell.

Robin was also frightened pale, “He… Is he crazy?! ”

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