“Of course!”

Will swore by the words he patted his chest.

Then he continued to increase his firepower, “Even Anilu we can defeat, in Qinghai, we are also very strong!”

“It’s easy for our ships to get on the island, and after the adventure is over, we can return to the island.”

Saying this, he also stopped and observed the expressions of Cornise’s father and Konise.

There was some apprehension in my heart.

Konise’s father looked at Konis, and asked with a kind smile on his face: “Konise, do you want to go to Qinghai to see?” ”

He knows his daughter, with a decent personality, but full of courage and strength in her heart.

He has always been proud to have such a daughter.

Cornix also looked at her father, and after hesitating for a moment, she bravely said, “Father, I want to go to Qinghai to see, I will tell everything I experienced in Qinghai, and then come back and tell my father and tell everyone.” ”

And then.

She looked at Will and said firmly, “I want to go on an adventure to Qinghai with you!” ”

After saying this decision.

Her heart seemed to calm down a lot in an instant, calming down.

However, Koenigs did not regret the decision she made, perhaps this was the only opportunity in her life to go to Qinghai.

“Welcome to the Demon Pirates, we are a group of pirates.” Will said with a smile.


Cornis was a little puzzled and asked, “What is that?” ”


“Pirates are a very complex group of people, most of them burn and loot, do all kinds of evil, and some people are looking for treasure.”

After a pause, Will then exuded a domineering will and said proudly: “And we… It’s a group of pirates chasing their dreams! The

domineering will emanating from him made Cornis’s face pale, and she muttered, “Qinghai is really a magical place.

“That… When are we going to Qinghai?

Will thought for a moment and replied: “It’s not urgent for the time being, we still have to stay on the empty island for a while, through training, after all, adventure is always accompanied by danger, so you must also participate in our training.”

“So, when you’re ready, just come here tomorrow.”

Corniss nodded, “Well, I’ll definitely come tomorrow.” She

and her father also went back with the rest of Angel Island.

Will smiled and said to himself: “Not bad, this time I took in five crew members at once, and I should consider the Devil Fruit later.”

He turned and walked to the side of Anilu, who was extremely injured at the moment, plus he had only been fed a little food yesterday.

Guarded by Raab, this guy still doesn’t even have the strength to stand up.

“Rab, you look at him first.” Will gave Anilu a meaningful smile and was ready to squeeze Anilu clean completely.

He turned around and shouted, “Apes, orangutans, Kulikai, and Laqi all come here!” ”

Not for a while.

All four came to Will.

Will solemnly said: “Since you joined the Demon Pirates, you will all be family members from now on, and your strength is very weak at present.

“So I have prepared something for you to improve your strength.”

Without saying a word, he took out four devil fruits from the system.

Will held four devil fruits in one hand.

When they saw the four devil fruits appear in Will’s hand, Kulikai, the apes, and the orangutan couldn’t help but gasp.

“The captain actually has so many devil fruits, and this casual one is worth hundreds of millions of Baileys.” Kulikai was shocked.

The apes and orangutans immediately ran up at lightning speed, and from Will’s hand, one of them took a devil fruit and ate it immediately.


The two of them turned black, and they bent over and vomited in unison.

“It’s so unpalatable!”

“It’s so tasty!!”


It’s a taste you’ll never forget.

The two began to vomit and complain frantically, but they couldn’t spit out anything.

Will looked at Laqi and Kulikai and said, “There are still two demon fruits left, you can choose for yourself, the ability of the demon fruit depends on luck.”

“Even I don’t know what the power of this devil fruit is.”

Kulikai said to Laqi: “You choose first, and give me the remaining devil fruit.” ”

He also doesn’t have any burden on eating the Devil Fruit.

Having seen the strength of Will’s group of people, he knew that he could not catch up with his own efforts alone, not to mention that he did not need to dive to find the land of gold.

Lachi stepped forward and took a devil fruit from Will’s hand.

The remaining one was naturally held in Kulikai’s hands.

At this time.

Laqi suddenly thought of the hydra monster that Chloe transformed into yesterday, and she instantly thought of the devil fruit in her hand.

Could it be that the reason why Chloe became that look was because of the devil fruit in front of him.

Yesterday, Chloe’s strong posture was still deeply imprinted in her mind.

I ate it immediately.

Will looked at the apes and orangutans and asked, “What are the abilities of the two of you?” ”

Akajiri horse monkey form!” The ape said.

“Gibbon monkey form!” Orangutan said.

The two are very happy, this ability is incomparably matched with them, just tailor-made.

Even Hill was a little surprised, the devil fruit did have randomness, and even Chloe’s demon fruit nine-infant form was not the most suitable for Chloe.

Chloe’s weapon is a glove worn on his hand, and ten knives on the glove are like animal claws.

Compared to the Nine Infant Form, the Devil Fruit that is indeed a clawed class is more suitable for Chloe.

However, Hill is not worried, after all, he still has the Devil Fruit Ability Deprivation Scroll, and if he encounters it in the future, it can also be replaced.

Will looked at Lachi again and asked, “Lachi, what ability did you awaken?” ”

Raphael form!” Lachi replied.

She didn’t know exactly what her ability was, but a voice in her consciousness told her in her mind when she ate the devil fruit.

This is the Raphael pattern.

“Raphael form?!”

Will looked puzzled, he really hadn’t heard of this name, “Laqi, can you use the ability for everyone to see?!” “Good


Saying that, an astonishing light bloomed on her body, and the white light carried an extremely pure power.

The next moment.

Behind her, six white wings suddenly appeared.

Only important parts of the body are obscured by emerald green leaves, and other places reveal skin as white as marble.

“This is…”

Will looked startled, and then exclaimed with joy, “Six-winged angel?!” ”

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