Sanji also didn’t know when he appeared at Robin’s side, just like a ghost, he said flatteringly: “Miss Robin, I will protect you, and the admiral has nothing to fear.”

“Then you have to be careful.” Robin smiled, which immediately made Sanji’s heart blossom, and his eyes flew out of their sockets and turned into pink peach hearts.

“Miss Robin cares so much about me, even if she sacrifices her life for Miss Robin.” Yamaji was impassioned and looked obliged.

As if he could give his life for Robin at any time, heroically and righteously.

“Everyone prepare, there are still three thousand meters!” Will loudly reminded everyone that because of Raab and Nami, the ship was not descending very fast.

Will’s reminder also increased Raab’s strength, and the speed of the ship falling sharply decreased.

The ship descended.

In the town of Magic Valley, the red dog stood proudly in place, and the fire fist Ace on the ground beside him had completely fainted, and the blood in his mouth was stained with dirt on his face.

Akainu locked his eyes on the landing pirate ship and said to himself: “The number of people in the Demon Pirate Group is more than the number in the intelligence, but…”

The Spartan landed at a distance of only two hundred meters from the red dog, and although the ship slowly landed on the ground, it still splashed smoke.

Will jumped from the deck and fell to the ground, looking solemnly at the Admiral Red Inu on the opposite side.

The next second after he jumped off the boat, Chloe, Akin, Kosha and the others also landed beside Will.

Akin looked nervous, his body was tense, his hands gripped the weapon in his hand hard, his eyes were fixed on the red dog, but he asked Will in his mouth: “Captain, what should we do now?!” ”

At this time.

Will was also thinking about this question, and of course he found the situation of Fire Fist Ace in his sight, which made him a little puzzled.

Since Fire Fist Ace appeared here, why didn’t you see the people from the Blackbeard Pirates.


It should be his own appearance, which led to the change in the plot and the butterfly effect.

Follow this time node.

Luffy may still be the first to come and go ahead?

The red dog walked silently, exuding a fierce aura like a flood beast, and a strong sense of oppression came straight to him.

When he was less than fifty meters away from the Demon Pirates, the red dog’s cold and murderous voice sounded, “After waiting for you for so many days, I finally came down from the empty island, and appeared in front of me so coincidentally.”

“Doomed, I will arrest all members of your Demon Pirates!”

The approach of Admiral Red Inu made everyone in the Demon Pirate Group nervous.

After all, the name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

Coupled with the powerful momentum emanating from the red dog, no one dared to easily underestimate the man in front of him in a big red suit.

“Captain… This guy seems to be stronger than the Anilu we met, I don’t know how much? Kousha’s face was a little gloomy, and he unconsciously put his right hand on the hilt of his sword.


The instinct of his body made him feel like he was prey being targeted by a beast.

There can’t be anything wrong with that feeling.

And he just faced the prey like a natural enemy, and he couldn’t help but be afraid.

Chloe’s face was also a little heavy, and he said with a serious look: “Admiral is the strongest combat power in the Navy, do you know how many people there are in the Navy, millions?”

“This guy is one of the strongest three, countless pirates have died in his hands, and many bounties are several times ours!”

Except for the captain and Raab, the bounty of the others on the ship did not exceed 100 million.

Pirates who died in the hands of red dogs and offered bounties of hundreds of millions and billions.

The most feared general in the Demon Pirate Group is none other than Robin, the shadow in her heart has been with her for more than ten years, and her voice is full of nervousness, “Everyone, you must be careful, the red dog is a natural magma fruit ability, and its power is only stronger than Anilu’s thunder and lightning.”


“He’s much stronger than Anilu, so everyone must be careful.”

When it comes to Anilu, everyone has an object of comparison in their hearts.

Anilu is very strong, so strong that the entire Demon Pirate Group can only be defeated by the captain and Chloe, and none of the others are Anilu’s opponents.

And the man in front of him is far stronger than Anilu.

Naturally, everyone did not dare to be careless.

At this time, Will spoke: “Akin, Nami, Ape, Kulikai, orangutan, Cornis, you will immediately get the Spartan to the beach, we will come to you later.” ”

His own pirate group, he naturally knows the strength of the crew, don’t look at the fact that now all of them have powerful devil fruits, but they really come to the admiral.

Even if it’s a swarm, it’s not enough to see.

Nature burns the fruit, and the captain of the Whitebeard Second Team is lying on the ground as if he is dead at the moment.

“Want to go?!”

Chi Inu sneered, “I didn’t promise to let go inside, and I wanted to escape in front of me, isn’t it a little delusional.”

As he spoke, his fist snorted with hot magma, and the surging magma was black and red, constantly emitting a gurgling sound.

Thick gunsmoke lingered around the red dog, and the pungent smell of sulfur permeated.

It’s creepy.

“Meteor Volcano !!”

The red dog pointed his fists towards the sky, and the magma shot straight into the sky like a volcanic eruption.


The original beautiful scenery of the blue sky and white clouds was destroyed, and the sky seemed to bleed, turning red.

The red light of the magma on his arm shone on the skin of the red dog, showing a layer of oily luster, and even the hot magma still could not make him change his cold expression.

“Magma… Magma is flying into the sky! Nami was taken aback and frowned, feeling that Akainu was definitely doing this on purpose.

“Hey… Did you hear the sound?! Yamaji, who was holding a cigarette, looked nervous and had a bad premonition.

The ape shouted in panic at this moment: “It’s magma!!” It was magma falling from the sky!! ”

Phew!! Shout!!


In the sky, the atmosphere constantly hissed, and it was a huge magma fist falling from the sky like a meteorite!

Dozens of huge magma filled the sky.

The surface of the magma is covered with raging burning hot flames.

Covered attacks like a catastrophe.

Each magma fist is not only like a boulder of several meters, but what is more terrifying is the ultra-high temperature carried by the magma and the impact of the rapid landing.

and magma rubble with a high probability of an explosion.

Chloe held his glasses on his wrist, and his voice was slightly heavy: “Is this the strength of the admiral?” ”

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