The Devil Fruit that appeared in Will’s hand was similar to a cactus ball between cacti, but it was a pale yellow overall.

Or rather a gritty color.

That’s right.

The devil fruit that Will took out was the demon fruit of the sand crocodile Klockdar, one of the original seven martial seas.

Nature Sand Fruit!!

Seeing the Devil Fruit in Will’s hand, the yellow ape, the squirrel, and the Burning Mountain all turned pale, and the pupils in their eyes suddenly contracted.

The squirrel suddenly shook in his heart and exclaimed, “Where did that kid get the devil fruit?!” ”

The size of the Devil Fruit is not small, they didn’t see anything abnormal on Will in the previous battle, and it was impossible to hide the Devil Fruit.

The yellow ape’s face was solemn, and he pouted: “Wow, is this the reason why it is called the Demon Pirate Group, it really makes the old man feel incredible.” Everyone

was shocked.

Admiral Yellow Ape even raised his hand and stretched out his index finger, and the golden light flashed on his fingertips, illuminating the vicinity, like a dazzling beacon in the night.

The direction that the tip of the index finger pointed to was the Devil Fruit in Will’s hand.

The laser laser shoots instantly.

And Kosha instantly took the devil fruit in Will’s hand, clicked and bit down, and at the same time took the fairy bean, seeing

that Kousha took the rustle fruit, Will was also relieved, “Kosha, hold on,

Cornix will bring someone to save us.” ”

A golden laser laser passed between Kosha and Will.

The boom caused a violent explosion not far away.

Dirt and wood chips flew through the air.

“Captain, rest assured, with this ability, I have confidence!” Kou Sha’s face was filled with a bright and confident smile, and he was naturally no stranger to the rustling fruit.

That was Klockdar’s ability, and he had seen it.

Nature knows the strength of this ability.

Although he didn’t want to take the Devil Fruit before, now he couldn’t resist the two vice admirals of the navy headquarters without the power of the fruit.

“This is bad!” The yellow ape rubbed his chin and looked helpless, although it was not clear what ability Kosha had.

But there was always a bad premonition in his heart.

The squirrel and the Burning Mountain on the side looked at each other and immediately attacked.

The figure swept across the ground like a glider, approaching Kosha with one left and one right.

“Arc moon dune !!”

Kousha’s arm instantly turned into a yellow gravel, revealing a large knife in the shape of an arc.


“Sand fruit?!”

The faces of the squirrel and the fire mountain changed greatly in an instant, and the long knife in their hands with an armed color domineering spirit set up this sand slash.

Forced to retreat several meters.

The two of them looked at Kosha in disbelief, and the squirrel shouted sharply: “How can it be a rustling fruit, even if Klockdar dies, how can the sand fruit appear in your hands?!” ”

Klockdar became famous very early.

By the time Klockdar was world-famous, they were only naval colonel officers.

And the ability of the Klockdar Sand Fruit has long been spread throughout the sea.

After that, he was recruited by the world government to become the Seven Wuhai.

How could they not know the ability of the rustling fruit.

It is precisely because I know that it feels even more incredible.

Huoyao Shan took a deep breath of the cigar on his mouth, but still couldn’t calm him, “It’s terrible… The Demon Pirates may be even more terrifying than the real devils. ”

Thunder Fruit, Cloud Fruit, Red Spirit Bird Will, and Chloe…

Thinking of the peculiarities of the members of the Demon Pirate Group made his scalp numb.

Admiral Yellow Ape’s face was also completely gloomy, losing his expression of hangerlangdang, and said with some seriousness: “The Demon

Pirate Group…”

“It really scares the old man more and more, even more terrifying than the Roger Pirate Group, or even the Rocks Pirate Group.”

“Maybe this arrest operation of the Warring States is correct, the old man originally thought that it was just a pastime mission…”

His whole person exuded an extremely dangerous aura, and a terrifying light flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes under his sunglasses.

Will sensed it, and his heart sank.

It seems that Admiral Yellow Ape is going to be serious this time, and he solemnly said to Kosha beside him: “Protect yourself well!” The

words landed.

The golden light appeared, and it bloomed with brilliant light, and it hit the door of Will with a kick.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the yellow ape’s sinister voice, “Speed is… Strength! ”


Will was directly kicked out by the yellow ape, and the bang stirred up a large cloud of smoke and rubble.

In the smoke.

The flames rose into the sky, and Will flew out, slashing at the yellow ape with a flaming battle blade in hand.

The serious yellow ape instantly transformed into two clusters of golden light, one golden light was split by Will, but the other golden light condensed the appearance of a yellow ape.

Instantly made Will’s back sweat cold.

The wings wrapped in flames behind him blocked in front of the yellow ape, but they still couldn’t block the terrifying power.

The power of speed!

The power of light!

Will was kicked and flew out again, but this time with the blocking of wings, he flew back more than ten meters and stabilized his figure in the office.

Terrible speed, terrible power, terrible domineering.

Although Admiral Yellow Ape has always been in anime to show the appearance of Pluto Reilly and the immortal bird Marko.

This moment.

Will truly felt the “crushing” and “ravaging” from the three strongest combat forces of the Navy!

Between electric flint.

The admiral appeared in front of Will again, and it was impossible to see how he made a leg.

Wait until you find out.

What appears in front of you is a golden foot.


“Ahem…” Will coughed as scarlet blood sprayed from his mouth, forcing himself to calm down.

Use the domineering power of seeing and hearing to perceive the actions of the admiral.

He didn’t have much combat experience, but Will knew that, no matter what the situation.

Be sure to stay calm.

Calm is the first element of battle!!

“Chiyan Yandi !!”

Circles of fire formed around Will to isolate himself from the yellow ape, and at the same time, monstrous flames rose up into the sky, illuminating all nearby areas.

The heat wave rolls and sweeps in all directions.

A huge crimson fireball appeared in Will’s hand, and the terrifying temperature distorted the air.

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