Sincerity is the basis for building trust.

So Will frankly said the reason why he saved Ryoma.

Ryoma’s keen perception ability could naturally feel Will’s sincerity, and then said: “Even if it is to save me, there is little point in my life. ”

His relatives and friends have died hundreds of years ago, and he has nothing to nostalgic about the world.

Not to mention the current appearance of this body.


Will vetoed Ryoma’s words and said firmly, “Of course it makes sense.

Facing Ryoma’s slightly puzzled expression, Will continued: “Your homeland and country are suffering, they are hungry, they work day and night to produce weapons of war, and because of the factories, the rivers in many parts of the country are full of poison.

“There are even people who can only laugh instead of crying forever.”

“They need your salvation!!”

Will’s eyes locked on Ryoma’s face, not alarmist, not exaggerating in the slightest.

“You said… What the?!! Ryoma instantly resembled an enraged lion, and Will’s words completely touched the soft place in his heart.

“No, I will return to the country of Wano immediately and save them!!”

When the words fell, the person turned around and prepared to leave.

Next second.

Will blocked in front of him and said solemnly: “Your strength is very strong, but you still can’t save the country of Wa, because the enemies who rule the country of Wano are very strong.

“Even more powerful than the navy that used magma capabilities before!!”

Ryoma’s empty eyes shot a sharp gaze.

But Will didn’t care at all, and continued: “That’s the Four Emperors Kaido, he has the form of fish and fish, phantom beast species, and green dragon, and his strength is stronger than the navy just now.

“Not only that, he also has a group of powerful subordinates, many animal line and ancient demon fruit ability, and thousands of elites.”

Saying this, Will said word by word: “What are you fighting with them alone?!”

“Is the whole Wano Country important?”

“Or…” ”

The so-called samurai spirit is important?!”

There was a taste of persecution in the voice, which made the rest of the Demon Pirate Group look sideways and look over.

The sharp momentum on Ryoma’s body suddenly disappeared without a trace, and he fell silent.

In the battle with the navy just now, he felt that he would lose the battle for a long time, and the pirate Kaido who ruled the country of peace in front of him was even stronger than the navy.

Not only that.

There are also many pirates under his hand.

At this time.

Will continued, “I can help you, but I won’t help anyone who has nothing to do with me. The

expression on his face became solemn and serious, “My name is Will, I am a pirate, and I officially invite you to be my partner.” ”

Eyes meet in the air.

Will is a person who is willing to dedicate and help his partner, but who can trek if he has nothing to do with him.

How about traveling to the New World to save the Land of Wa?!

As for Ryoma, he genuinely wanted to invite the other party on his boat.

Although this method does have a hint of coercion in it, Will just has a thought.

Collect Ryoma as his partner.

A simple reason.

Will looked at the pensive Ryoma and smiled slightly, “Maybe one day, after fulfilling our dreams, we will separate and live our own lives.”

“But I want people to have happy smiles on their faces when they look back on our voyage memories.”

He knows.

He does not have the same big nerves and all kinds of funny skills as “Luffy”.

But happiness isn’t just about making people happy.

Will wants to help everyone fulfill their dreams, take everyone on adventures and witness various islands.

“Wano Country samurai, Ryoma!” Ryoma solemnly reported his name, his life was saved by Will, and he wanted to save the country of Wano.

Indeed, he could not do it with his strength alone, and the people of the Demon Pirate Group had just seen that many members had extremely strong strength.

So after thinking about it, he still decided to join the Demon Pirates.

“I join your pirate group!” Ryoma still said the words.


After hearing this, everyone in the Demon Pirate Group also cheered happily.

Will smiled happily, “Tonight, everyone must have a drink!!” ”



“Finally relaxed!!”


Back on the Sparta, the crowd began to hold a banquet.

After the banquet.

Will returned to his room, because after Admiral Red Dog and Yellow Ape left completely, a long-lost system prompt sounded in his head.

“Congratulations to the host for gaining prestige points: 68 million.”

He poured himself a glass of water, and after drinking it, he was very energetic, because of his physical constitution, he was especially able to drink.

Sit on a fluffy mattress.

Will opens the lottery, and this time he chooses a “diamond chest” that costs 1 million reputation points!

Previously, from bronze chests to gold chests, as the level of treasure chests increased, the things opened up were also very different, and the quality must be the treasure chest with more small reputation points.

The better what comes out.

This unprecedented gain of 68 million prestige points, beyond Will’s expectations, his heart is extremely excited.

Don’t know what good things can be prescribed this time?

He gave the command to the system in his mind: “System, open the diamond chest for ten consecutive draws.” ”

[The diamond treasure chest has been successfully opened, congratulations to the host for obtaining: a superb forging body pill. ] Seeing

that the first one had won the Extreme Forging Body Dan, Will was not surprised at all, and he would feel strange when the Forging Body Dan did not appear.

This thing is very useful.

Will was very happy in his heart, after having the Ultimate Forging Body Pill, the strength of the Demon Pirate Group could be improved a lot again.

The improvement of his physical physique is all-round, and it can also make his overlord domineering stronger.

Endurance lasts longer.

Now the gap between him and the admiral-level combat power is physical strength and domineering, and the destructive power and attack power are not worse than even stronger than the general.

However, the general’s physical strength is extremely perverted, and the big move is as easy as drinking water.


With the Ultimate Forging Body Pill, he was also able to go one step closer to the combat power of the general.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Overlord Color Domineering Enhancement Volume! ] 】

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