So far.

The Demon Pirates added six more powerful phantom beast species and demon fruit abilities.

Will also smiled and closed his mouth, took out the Primary Forging Body Pill to the Ultimate Forging Body Pill and handed it to everyone, and naturally did not leave Duke Inu Arashi and Duke Cat Viper.

These two are also one of the important combat forces in the crusade against the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

The whole room was filled with laughter and the sound of each surprise and happiness.

Duke Inuarashi also finally understood why Will was so confident that he could defeat the Hundred Beast Pirates, and looked at Wei excitedly and said, “Since we have come to the Furry Kingdom, then we naturally want to welcome it.” ”

How about a banquet for Will next?!”

Others chimed in.


Will refused loudly: “Everyone, the plan is urgent, it is not convenient to stay on the island longer, our partner is going to the country of Wano at the moment.”

“Another purpose of coming to the fur tribe this time is to be able to watch the history of the island.”

He also stated another purpose of the trip.

Speaking of history, Robin also suddenly looked at Duke Inuarashi with interest.

“History article?”

Of course, Duke Inuarashi knew this thing, and Roger and the others were also looking for this thing, “Do any of you also have people who can understand the words in this historical article?”

“Of course.” Will responded with a smile, “We’re wearing the world’s best archaeologist, Nicole Robin.” ”

Only after reaching the final island can Ralph Dru be recognized as One Piece.

So this piece of history, Will is determined to get.

Duke Inuarashi readily agreed to Will’s request, “Okay, then I’ll take you to see the history article.” ”

The other party can even take out such a precious phantom beast species demon fruit and the magical forging body pill, and he naturally doesn’t care about letting the other party see the history article.

With the help of Forging Dan, Duke Inuarashi felt that his strength had more than doubled.

If it changes into the “Moon Lion” form.

Then his combat effectiveness will be stronger!

“Without further ado, Duke Inuarashi took us to the place where the historical text was stored, and after recording the historical text, we will immediately set sail for the country of Wano.” Will said.

He was also a little worried about the current situation of his partners, and naturally the sooner he arrived in Wano Country, the better.

Banquets can be held whenever they want after they have conquered Kaido.

At Will’s request, Duke Inuarashi also took Will and the others to the location of the historical article.

Seeing the “Red History Article”, Robin immediately walked up impatiently, browsing the information on the history article with wide eyes.

Although headless and tailless.

But Robin, who finished reading the above text, was still shocked, “I really didn’t expect such a unique route

…” “It’s a pity that there is no opening part…”

There is a slight regret, although Nami is the navigator on the Demon Pirates.

But it doesn’t mean that Robin doesn’t understand, she also has knowledge of navigation, naturally she feels incredible.

After recording all the above information in a notebook.

The crowd rode on a rab and began to travel to the Land of Wa.

and foreign seas.

On the deck of the Demon, Nami said, “Wano Country is surrounded by various bunkers, watchtowers, and so on for surveillance.

“We can only enter the country of Wano from heaven.”

Fortunately, Will has already let the “Demon” have the form of phantom beast species and ghost car, otherwise he wants not to be discovered by the people of the White Head Pirates.

It’s not easy to do.

Chloe arranged: “Let’s enter the country of Wano from heaven, and Nami, you cover the Demon with your fruit ability!”

“It’s better to find a forest or a place where no one is landing, and we can’t let the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates discover us.”

As for how to assemble the samurai of the country of Wano, it is natural to find the people in the Red Sheath Nine Heroes first and let them gather secretly.

However, since there is no portrait, he only knows the name and general appearance.

Ryoma looked in the direction of Wano Country and whispered, “As long as I Ryoma is there, no one can covet Wano Country.” ”

Kaido… I’ll definitely cut you in half!!

“Let the world know that my dragon swordsman Ryoma is back!!”

After making a decision, the Demon also flew in the air, and Nami also summoned white clouds to cover the Demon.

The height keeps rising.

In order to make the white cloud wrapped around the Demon less conspicuous and weird.

The ascent height of the ship is not low.

Finally, he came to a deserted forest in Wano Country.


Chloe said to everyone, “Everyone will change their clothes in the cabin.” ”

In the country of Wa.

Of course, everyone wears kimonos, which were also chosen by Nami and Ryoma when they were in the Chambord Islands.

For the customs and styles of Wano Country.

As a samurai of Wano Country, Ryoma is naturally very familiar.

Everyone went back to their rooms and began to change into kimonos.

The most obvious ones are the tall apes and orangutans, even if they wear kimonos, they seem out of place.

Chloe naturally didn’t care, and said to the two: “Apes, orangutans, your task is to watch the Demon Ship, and not let people approach and discover the Demon Ship.”

After thinking about it, he said to Kulikai: “Kulikai, you can stay with them too.” ”

The two guys of the ape and the orangutan really made him a little uneasy, and only a Kulikai was slightly relieved.

Kulikai nodded, “We will look after the ship and wait for the captain to return.” ”

There are things like life cards that can guide them, and it won’t be difficult for Will to find them.


Chloe looked at Yamaji and Nami again, “It is not difficult for you two to find a town, it is not difficult to use Yamaji cooking skills to mix, it is best to use cooking skills to contact the upper echelons of Wano Country.”

“Get more intelligence from their mouths.”

Nami and Yamaji nodded.

“Kousha’s words, you can use your sword skills to find a dojo at random and join the dojo to collect information.” Chloe said.

As for Lachi and Ryoma and Cornis, they are not very suitable for appearing in the public eye, and Lachi and Konix have special wings.

One is even more of a zombie.

Chloe also looked at Ryoma: “Ryoma, the terrain here is more familiar to you, just go to the original cemetery to take a look, after hundreds of years there should be no problem with people who will be sacrificed.”

Finally, he explained, “Bring Lachi and drink Cornis, their wings are easy to reveal their identity.” ”

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