The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Locks looked at the crowd with his tiger eyes, and he was very satisfied with the performance of the captains under the captains of the squads.

But after seeing the six squad captains, Locks frowned.

Each of these people frowned with their own thoughts.

Even Wang Zhi, John and Silver Axe, the three old men who had been following him to conquer the world, began to have their own thoughts.

This made Locks angry.

But he still suppressed it by force.

Wait! Wait! When I control the king and become the world hegemon, none of you will have a good life!

Locks couldn't help but think in his heart.

The six people each had their own thoughts, among which Edward Newgate, Whitebeard, and Shiki, the Golden Lion, had the most serious thoughts.

The gloom on his face almost turned black.

Edward Newgate, Whitebeard, frowned and worried.

In the past few months, Whitebeard has found his pursuit in his heart and adopted several children.

Seeing those children calling him "Dad, Dad" every day, he felt the pursuit of his life. He didn't want to come to Rocks's call this time, and wanted to take care of the children he adopted.

But after considering the consequences of not coming, he came again. Looking at the crazy voices around him, he would never allow his children to be on this pirate ship in the future.

Alas! Help Rocks one last time! After this time, leave the Rocks Pirates and fulfill your dream!

Whitebeard couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The moral pressure on his heart made him entangled.

Unlike Whitebeard's entanglement, Shiki, the Golden Lion, looked at all this with a completely gloomy face.

He wanted to start his own business, which was almost written on his face, but he didn't get angry. He was just waiting for the first person to jump out, and this person was Edward Newgate, the white-bearded man.

But Whitebeard didn't show it, but Golden Lion knew that Whitebeard would show it one day, and that day was not far away.

When Whitebeard showed it, he, Golden Lion, would immediately stand up and unite with Whitebeard.

In addition, Charlotte owed him a favor.

Three people fighting against one Rocks, they would definitely win.

This is why Golden Lion dared to provoke Rocks all the time.

As for the others, Golden Lion looked at them with disdain.

A woman who only knew how to give birth to children, three old wastes.

Golden Lion never took them seriously.

"Okay! You all go back! This meeting is over!"

Rocks waved his hand and said after seeing the reactions of the crowd.

He began to drive people away.

After hearing this, the crowd waited for the cadres in front to stand up before they dared to move.

But this action was a naked provocation in Rocks' eyes.

When did the orders of his captain become less useful than those of the cadres?

He was about to get angry, but was held back by reason.

Little did he know that it was his patience that made them more unscrupulous.

After the six cadres walked out of the door, the captains of the teams behind them followed them.

Captain Charlotte of the Eighth Division did not come, so there was only Carter.

Carter did not have the courage to walk with those cadres, so he followed behind everyone.

After walking out of the hall.

Carter looked at the three-meter-tall figure in front of him and swallowed his saliva.

"What's the matter, Lord Golden Lion?"

Carter asked cautiously, looking at the contemptuous eyes of the Golden Lion.


Golden Lion Shiki exhaled a puff of smoke.

"When will your captain Charlotte come back? Do you know the news?"

Shiki looked at Carter and asked.

He remembered this person, a small captain beside Charlotte.

If he wasn't someone close to Charlotte, Golden Lion Shiki wouldn't have remembered a small minion.

Carter breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Shiki's words. It turned out that he was asking for news about the captain, which almost scared him to death.

"Master Shiki, our captain is estimated to be back in this month! You also saw that the captain just withdrew from the admiral yesterday and should have arrived at Fishman Island. It's only been this month!"

Carter said cautiously.

After hearing Carter's words, Shiki frowned slightly.

I don't know what this Charlotte did in the first half of the Grand Line. It's been four or five months. What if he can't catch up!

This is the only thing Shiki is worried about now.

I'm afraid that the plan can't keep up with the changes!

"Go back and tell your captain

, don't forget the favor you owe me!"

After saying that, Shiki turned and walked away, without any intention of staying.

After seeing Shiki walking away, Carter took a deep breath.

Standing in front of him was like a giant looking at him, which put too much pressure on him.

After seeing that everyone around him had left, Carter hurried back to his camp.

He needed to inform the boss of what had just happened.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that his boss was now unconscious.

As soon as Charlotte retreated with the help of the energy wave generated by the Conqueror's Haki and returned to the ship, he issued an order to dive.

After confirming that it was safe, he could no longer hold on to his body and fainted on the deck.

This scared many people.

Among them was Elena.

"Charlotte! "

Irina hurried over, picked up Charlotte and shouted.

The ship's doctor also quickly stepped forward to check Charlotte's injuries.

Although there were only more than 20 people on Charlotte's ship, these 20 people included navigators, cooks, boatmen, and ship doctors.

Small but complete, two doctors immediately ran forward after Charlotte fainted.

After taking Charlotte from Irina's arms, they began to check.

After rolling Charlotte's eyes and listening to Charlotte's heartbeat with a stethoscope.

The two doctors looked at each other.

They shook their heads.

Their actions directly scared Irina, who was sitting next to them, and Paul and Isaac, who were standing by.

What does this mean?

Irina shed tears silently.

She hated herself for taking the initiative and hurting Charlotte.

"What do you mean! What's wrong with the boss? "

Paul was so excited that he grabbed the collars of the two doctors and shouted loudly.

The two doctors were stunned when Paul lifted them up.

How could it become like this before he said anything.

"Captain! Captain! Boss! The boss is fine! He is just exhausted and has some skin injuries! It's nothing serious, just need to rest for a few days!"

The doctor was lifted in the air, flapping his legs and shouting.

"What! You mean the boss is fine?"

Paul was also stunned after hearing the doctor,

"Yes! Yes! Ahem!"

The doctor was almost out of breath.

Paul quickly let go of the doctor.

"What do you mean by shaking your head just now?"

Paul looked at the two doctors and said.

"We mean that we didn't find anything wrong with the boss!"

The doctor looked at Paul's vicious eyes and cried.

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