The boats were ready, and the boats were ready.

"Are the boats ready?"

Charlotte ignored the envious looks of the crowd and asked if the boats were ready.

"It's ready! We can go out to sea at any time!"

Isaac said to Charlotte.

"Well! Let's go back! I guess Rocks has been waiting for a long time!"

Charlotte walked towards the port holding the devil fruit.

Everyone followed.

Tang En looked at the backs of everyone leaving, and then sighed.

He turned around and went back to the palace.

Charlotte returned to the ship with a lot of treasures.

With a financial report of more than 3 billion, plus eight devil fruits, Charlotte made a lot of money this time.

"So much money!"

Elena covered her mouth in surprise as she watched the treasures being carried onto the boat one by one.

Charlotte came to Elena and hugged Elena's waist.

"What's this! I've seen more treasures than this! This can only be said to be a piece of cake!"

Charlotte looked at Elena and said proudly.

But Elena's body stiffened instantly when Charlotte hugged her like this.

Although she had accepted the fact that Charlotte was her husband, she was not used to such intimate actions.

But Charlotte didn't care at all and just hugged her.

"Release! Let go! Everyone! Everyone is watching!"

Elena looked at Charlotte with a flushed face and whispered.

And Charlotte smiled at each other.

"Who! Who dares to watch! Whoever watches me will dig out his eyes!"

Charlotte looked around loudly.

The people who were watched by Charlotte turned around and turned their backs to everyone.

Even Panis and Barrett turned around and didn't look at Charlotte and Elena.


Charlotte kissed Elena's delicate face.

Elena didn't react, but when she did, she quickly broke free from Charlotte's arms and ran into the cabin.

Charlotte smiled at Elena's back.

"Little ones! Let's go! The target is Honeycomb Island!"

Charlotte said to everyone.

Then he went into the cabin with five boxes of devil fruits, leaving everyone alone on the deck looking at each other.

"Boss, this is too shameless! If I had the boss's face, I guess my children would be soy sauce!"

Paul looked at Charlotte's back as he went into the cabin with envy.


A shock wave rushed out of the cabin and hit Paul instantly.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again! I'll cut off your tongue!"

After that, he whistled and disappeared!

Paul was blown into the sea by the shock wave.

Isaac hurriedly walked to the side of the boat and looked at Paul who was soaked.

"Haha! Paul told you to talk nonsense!"

Isaac couldn't help laughing when he saw Paul's appearance.

"Asshole! Pull me up!"

Paul was so angry that he cursed in the sea.

Isaac threw the rope beside him.

Paul climbed up along the rope.

When Charlotte returned to the captain's room, he didn't see Elena, but he was not surprised.

Carefully put the five boxes in a secret compartment, and there were three devil fruits in it.

Charlotte could roughly see that at least five of the eight devil fruits were animal-type.

After all, the five devil fruits were all banana-shaped.

It is estimated that they are all animal-type.

Lying on the bed! Looking at the ceiling!

Close your eyes slightly and think about what happened during this period.

Charlotte still likes to think when he is alone.

Lying on the bed, he could clearly feel the movement of the ship.

Just disappeared in the port of this island.

The name of the Endless War Country probably no longer exists.

But this incident did spread out, and it had a great impact.

A few days after Charlotte left the Endless War Country.

What happened in the Endless War Country was gradually spread out.


Navy Headquarters!


"What did you say! Charlotte destroyed five kingdoms after entering the New World! How dare he!"

Admiral Steel Bone·Sora, with a bandage on his arm, slammed the table and shouted.

Steel Bone·Sora did not have Charlotte's abnormal physique, and he also needed to recover after suffering some sword wounds.

He did not think that Charlotte could recover just by eating.

"General! This is the news from the G-6 branch of the New World, and this news has also been confirmed by CP0 of the World Government!"

The messenger was new, and after seeing the general so furious, he still said calmly.

After Steel Bone·Sora smashed this table

, also sat down helplessly.

"Reward! The reward must be increased! Set at 1.11 billion Baileys! An explanation must be given to the people!"

Steelbone·Sora said to the messenger.

As for the explanation, it is impossible to really go to the new world to capture Charlotte, so he can only make an attitude in the form of a reward.


After receiving it, the messenger immediately left the office.

And Steelbone·Sora looked at the messy office.

"Come back! Ask someone to change a table and clean it up!"

Steelbone·Sora said to the messenger.


Another response, the messenger went down.

Steelbone·Sora looked at this assistant, a little uncomfortable! His previous assistant was transferred from his post, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

The newcomer is obviously a novice, who knows nothing and needs to be told by himself.

Thinking of this, he wanted to ask He to change an assistant for him.

And the trouble caused by Charlotte will obviously not end so soon.

New world!

On a remote island somewhere!

"What did you say! Our people in the Endless War Country were killed by Charlotte! How is this possible! Why would Charlotte kill them!"

Du Feld, the king of loan sharks in the dark world, was furious after hearing the news.

You know, he lent billions of Baileys to those countries!

These billions of Baileys were all wasted by Charlotte's fuss.

How could he not be angry.

But after getting angry, Du Feld sat down again in distress.

Because he knew that being angry was useless!

He couldn't possibly beat Charlotte.

Charlotte's strength was top-notch in the entire New World, not to mention that there was the overlord of the New World, Rocks, behind Charlotte.

You know, he was in the New World, and who in the New World dared to anger the overlord of the New World, Rocks.

And for Charlotte to anger the king of the New World, he, Feld, would not do such a loss-making business.

As a businessman, he would not do anything without profit.

Thinking of this, Feld picked up the Den Den Mushi.

Beile Beile!

After the Den Den Mushi rang twice, someone immediately answered it.

"Hahaha! Xia Qi, long time no see! Do you still remember me?"

Feld said very politely after dialing.

"Hahaha! How could I forget the famous loan shark king? Tell me what you want from me!"

Xia Qi's voice sounded from the other end of the Den Den Mushi.

"Hahaha! I want to get the contact information of your Rocks 8th Division Captain Xia Luo from you! Is that okay?"

Feld said very politely.

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