The two of them were stunned, and the two of them were in a mess.

For a long time.

When the domineering aura was about to disappear, Charlotte's eyes suddenly opened.

An invisible momentum burst out again with Charlotte as the center, and this time the domineering aura was even more violent than the previous one.

The waves were shaken up.

The coconut leaves on the beach were also shaken.

Charlotte looked at the sea fish that was stunned by his domineering aura and laughed.

"I'm really a genius."

Charlotte thought and put away the domineering aura in an instant.

The surroundings returned to calm.

Only the sea fish that was washed unconscious on the beach by the waves knew what had just happened.

"Hahahahaha, I finally have the control over the domineering aura, and I am one step closer to the ranks of the strong."

Charlotte swung the long sword in his hand wantonly.

The sword energy slashed continuously on the beach.

It seemed that the length of the sword energy had become larger.

After observing this scene, he couldn't help but feel happy again.

He continued to slash without restraint until he was exhausted.


Time passed slowly during Charlotte's training.

Time came to the 1480th year of the Haiyuan calendar!

In the past year, Charlotte has been training at the seaside every day and no longer went to the mountains.

And because of the rampage of the Rocks Pirates at sea, there are now a lot of pirates in the sea.

Now basically every month, a pirate group will appear at the port to come ashore to rob.

But some people were killed by Charlotte in exchange for bounties.

The bounty was always collected by Charlotte's subordinates, and no one noticed Charlotte.

And because Charlotte cleaned up the pirates.

This island is very safe.

In addition, it became a transit point for shipping to Umis, and it became prosperous.

The number of people on the island gradually increased, from more than a thousand five years ago to more than seven thousand now, which has doubled several times.

And these people all fled from the second half of the New World, and some were rescued by Charlotte.

In short, Charlotte's name is very popular on this island.

And Chamberlain, the subordinate of the shipping king, changed his face in an instant when facing Charlotte after seeing Charlotte's method of killing pirates. He would discuss everything with Charlotte, which made Charlotte very annoyed.

Finally, Ivan was pushed out and asked Ivan to discuss with him.

And because the number of pirates is increasing.

It is impossible to let Charlotte go to all the pirates by himself.

In the second half of last year, Charlotte picked out more than 50 talented subordinates, and used his observation Haki to sense that they were all his loyal followers.

Charlotte decided to spend one day every week to train them.

These people were either Charlotte's brothers or slaves rescued by Charlotte.

They all followed Charlotte to train, and now they are also good at it.

Five or six ordinary pirates can't get in.

Even some people have learned one or two of the six styles of the navy.

These people will help Charlotte when he goes to sea at the age of 18.

There are also some people who were arranged by Charlotte to learn some navigation knowledge.

Among them, Charlotte asked Chamberlain to help solve it.

He is a subordinate of the King of Shipping.

He must know a lot of navigators, doctors and ship workers.

The navigator is the most important. Charlotte asked Ivan to pick out a few confidants to learn from the navigator, and recruited a few doctors for Charlotte's dozen maids to learn.

In a year, Charlotte rescued a lot of slaves who were sold, including many female slaves. Many of them were homeless, so Charlotte arranged them to serve him.

Not to mention the boatmen and cooks.

There are ready-made ones on this island. When the time comes, he can gather more than a dozen boatmen and cooks in an instant with a single order.

Navigator, cook, boatman, these three are essential talents for going to sea.

Charlotte has all of these.

Only the ship is left.

Originally, Charlotte only planned to build a ship of more than 50 meters.

Because the cost was not enough, but with the increase in pirates, Charlotte's Bailey also rose rapidly.

Now Charlotte doesn't care about those protection fees.

Chamberlain also expressed his support after knowing that Charlotte was building a ship.

He knew that Charlotte was not an ordinary person.

He had killed more than a thousand pirates this year alone.

And he reported this matter to the King of Shipping.

The King of Shipping immediately expressed his interest in Charlotte.

After collecting Charlotte's information, I saw that Charlotte was only in her teens.

I sighed in my heart that a monster had appeared.

Then he asked Chamberlain to deal with Charlotte, but he couldn't reveal his identity.

In this way, Chamberlain supported everything Charlotte wanted.

If he wanted a navigator, he would recruit navigators for Charlotte, and if he wanted materials, he would directly get the best materials for Charlotte.

Although it was not the top Adam Treasure Tree, it was the best material besides the Adam Treasure Tree.

When Charlotte saw that he had the funds, materials, and ship workers, he waved his hand directly.

Build a huge ship that is 100 meters long, 20 meters wide, and 30 meters high.

Now the ship is being built at the port, and it is estimated that it will be completed in about a year.

There is no way, there are too few ship workers. There are only more than 7,000 people on the entire island, and there are only more than 70 ship workers.

Among them, there are only more than 20 people who build ships for Charlotte.

However, there are still three years before Charlotte goes to sea, and Charlotte is not in a hurry.

He has mastered the Armament Haki.

Now every day he is either training his younger brothers or practicing Armament Haki.

Life is quite fulfilling.

As for how he practiced the Armament Haki, it all started from a group of pirates a few months ago.

A big pirate with a bounty of 100 million suddenly appeared at the port of Kami Island.

Charlotte instantly sensed the deep malice of the other party.

Charlotte did not waste any words, and he launched a flying slash when he met him.

The 30-meter-long flying slash instantly covered a distance of hundreds of meters and hit the pirate ship that was heading to his port.

I thought that this group of pirates would be killed instantly by me, but I didn't expect that a person suddenly jumped out in front of the pirate ship and blocked his attack with a pair of fists.

Although he was also injured, he still successfully blocked it, which made Charlotte a little interested.

Let the pirates on the opposite side dock at the port.

However, Charlotte also asked the people in the port to retreat in advance, leaving him alone to face this group of pirates.

This group of pirates is worthy of his name as a pirate.

A few dozen meters away from the port, the shells on the ship were fired one after another, firing towards the port.

But Charlotte did not take these shells seriously. He waved his sword casually, and all the shells exploded in the air without leaving a single one.

Under Charlotte's observation, all the shells fell into the sea.

Just as Charlotte was waiting for the opponent's attack, he suddenly felt a little cold, which made Charlotte confused.

It was autumn and there were still two months before winter? How could he feel cold?

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