The pirates were shocked by John's news.

After entering the island, they kept fighting.

First, they fought with the World Government's garrison, and then a large number of navy joined in.

When they finally defeated them, the monsters of Roger's pirate group joined the battlefield, and killing them was as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

So much so that even now, they felt a little unreal after hearing John's news.

But John saved the lives of these pirates after all, and they didn't believe that John dared to joke about these things.

In an instant, the pirates on the shore instantly split into two groups.

Some of them were pirates directly under Rocks' headquarters, and the original subordinates of King John and Silver Axe. These pirates accounted for a large part. There were less than 10,000 pirates originally, and there were 4,000 pirates following John and his three companions. These people chose to join John and his three companions.

The remaining pirates were basically subordinates of Golden Lion.

After all, Golden Lion has trained quite a few subordinates over the years, and some of them are under the command of Whitebeard and Charlotte Linlin.

And those peripheral pirates summoned by Rocks.

The huge Rocks Pirates Group fell apart in an instant, and only one in ten of the pirates under its command survived.

The forces under the command of the World Government on the shore also suffered heavy casualties.

Now they have evacuated to the interior of the Valley of the Gods, waiting for the next order.

John boarded Rocks's main ship, the Sword of Gibeck, and stood on the bow looking at the many pirates, feeling proud for a while.

"Hahahaha! I declare! The John Pirates are established, and you can call me Captain John from now on!"

John looked at everyone and raised the bottle in his hand and announced to everyone.

The pirates below reacted differently, and they obviously couldn't accept it so quickly.

After all, Rocks had only brought them to the Valley of Gods for less than two days, and the overlord of the New World actually died in this nameless place.

That's right, it's the nameless place. Many people don't know where it is. Only some captains and cadres who know the inside story know it.

This is the nameless place for them.

John didn't react to the pirates below and didn't feel dissatisfied.

John looked at a record pointer in his hand, his face full of greed.

This was what he found in the cabin of Rocks, the Sword of Jibek.

This is actually Rocks' treasure.

As the overlord of the sea, how amazing would Rocks, who ruled the New World for several years, have wealth?

John didn't know, but John was sure that it was definitely not less than what those people got in the Valley of Gods.

Thinking of this, John was full of frustration towards Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Charlotte Linling, Charlotte and others.

"Wait! I will trample you under my feet one day!"

John said with a ferocious face when no one could see him.

John took the pirates who followed him, sat on the Sword of Jibek, and there were seven or eight pirate ships following him.

Wang Zhi and Silver Axe also followed John's fleet.

A total of more than a dozen pirate ships slowly sailed away from the Valley of God.

"Captain, what should we do?"

Port! There were still many people from the vassal pirate groups watching the fleet disappearing in front of everyone in the distance.

"Wait! I don't believe Captain Rocks will die here."

This pirate captain is obviously a diehard Rocks fan, and he doesn't believe that Rocks will die!

But this is a minority after all! After hearing John's words, more vassals of the Rocks Pirates also ran to their own ships and began to return.

In this operation, almost all pirates suffered a devastating blow.

Some captains of vassal pirate groups were killed, and some pirate ships only had the captain left.

Even if they return to the New World, they will never make a breakthrough.

And inside the Valley of the Gods!

Charlotte, Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Charlotte Linlin, Kaido, Long Bread, and other pirate captains all stood in the distance and watched the battle in the field, watching the battle without blinking.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

"Galaxy Impact!"

"God Avoid!"

The domineering aura of the three people in the field soared into the sky, and the whole body exuded flashes.

Every blow would make the sky dark and the earth torn.

"Not good! The Valley of the Gods is going to crack!"

Feeling the vibration from the ground! , Almost all cadres raised their eyebrows and hurriedly withdrew from the periphery of the battle.

Charlotte stepped on the ground quickly, and withdrew as if walking in the air.

Whitebeard also jumped out with his feet on the ground.

Both Golden Lion and Charlotte Linlin could fly, but they were not as embarrassed as Charlotte and Whitebeard.

"Boss Shiki!"

Seeing Shiki was leaving, some pirates under Golden Lion shouted immediately.

Shiki stopped and looked at them.


Although he cursed, he still came to them and activated his fruit ability.

Even a large piece of land was floated up by Shiki.

The pirates standing on it also flew up.

Charlotte Linlin was not as comfortable as Shiki.

"Mah mah mah! Zeus!"

Charlotte Linlin shouted!

"Okay! Mom!"

Thundercloud Zeus immediately grew larger and flew to Charlotte Linlin's feet, and Charlotte Linlin stepped over.

Kaido and Long Bread also jumped up.

They fled from here quickly.

Charlotte's moon steps were in the air, and the speed was very fast, not slower than Shiki's floating fruit.

He could be faster, but carrying thirteen and a half treasure chests was obviously a bit slower.

As for how Charlotte took it.

Of course, he found a carpet, tied it up, put it on his back, and ran quickly towards the port.

As for carpets, there were plenty of them in the Celestial Dragon Hall.

Even Whitebeard was wrapped in a large piece of red cloth and ran towards the port with a treasure chest on his back.

Shiki was the most relaxed, and he lightly tapped the treasure chest with his finger, and all the treasure chests flew up with him.

Charlotte Linlin was almost the same.

Arrived at the port!

Charlotte frowned instantly when he looked at the mess at the port.

If there was anything Charlotte was most dissatisfied with in the Valley of the Gods this time, it was that he didn't bring any subordinates.

There was no one available at the end, which was Charlotte's biggest mistake.

Observation Haki was activated, and the Observation Haki, like a big net, instantly covered the entire port?

There were too many ships. The ships brought by Rocks, plus the ships of the World Government, there were about 150 ships parked at the port.

There was no end in sight.


Charlotte's Observation Haki suddenly sensed something different.

His eyes fixed, and then he turned around and ran towards a place full of Celestial Dragon ships.

There seemed to be some different people there, which made Charlotte a little interested.

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