The news of the incident was a big one, and the news was a big one.

Navy Headquarters!


"These damn Rocks remnants!"

Cyborg Kong slapped the information on the table.

Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp, Crane, all looked at the information on the table.

The bounty on it!

Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates: Whitebeard Edward Newgate, bounty of 2.289 billion Baileys.

Captain of the Sky Pirates: Golden Lion Shiki, bounty of 2.99 billion Baileys!

Captain of the Big Mom Pirates: Charlotte Linlin, bounty of 1.496 billion Baileys!

Captain of the Rockefeller Pirates: Rockefeller Charlotte's bounty is 1.278 billion berries.

Captain of the Wang Zhi Pirates: Wang Zhi's bounty is 890 million berries.

Captain of the John Pirates: John's bounty is 910 million berries.

Captain of the Silver Axe Pirates: Silver Axe's bounty is 810 million berries.

Seeing the seven pirates set up their own pirate groups, everyone looked at Kong with a serious expression.

"Asshole! How come these remnants of Rocks didn't die in the Valley of the Gods!"

Sengoku looked at the seven pirates. Every pirate here was a headache for the Navy Headquarters.

Every one of them threatened the safety of the world. How could the Navy, which has always been upholding justice, remain calm?

Everyone could understand Sengoku's anger.

At this time, He suddenly took out a few more documents!

"Admiral Kong! This is the news from the four seas and the branches in the first half of the Grand Line! After the newspapers announced Rocks' death, pirates from almost all seas went out to sea. At one time, countless pirates burned, killed and looted, and their direction was without exception towards the New World.

Among them, there are two pirate groups that need to be paid the most attention.

Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, and Bondi Wald, the captain of the Wald Pirates, are very powerful pirates.

Qingjiao, the leader of the Eight Treasures Navy, possesses three colors of domineering power, and his strength is unmatched in the West Sea. Moreover, his identity is not simple. He is the leader of a violent group family. It is said that he once broke through the ice continent that has been frozen for many years.

As the 12th generation pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, he is the navy commander of the Flower Kingdom, and the Flower Kingdom is a member of the World Government. We The navy can only capture, not kill.

The World Pirates, Bondi World, the Momo Fruit ability user, is proficient in two-color domineering, and can also do the Moon Step and Shave in the Navy Six Styles. No one can defeat him in the North Sea.

Can increase the speed and size of objects, up to 100 times. This ability can increase the size and speed of objects it touches, and enhance the destructive power of objects. It can also increase its own movement speed at will, and increase its speed to a higher level, but it cannot make creatures other than itself bigger.

And Bondi World's mantra is "Destroy everything that stands in my way." The navy's warships, powerful pirates, and innocent residents were all destroyed by him, so he got the alias "World Destroyer." "

He put the information of the two people in front of him and said to everyone.

After hearing what He said, everyone frowned.

Focus on the bounty orders for the two people.

The bounty order for Cone Green Pepper is 44 million Baileys.

The bounty for the world destroyer Bondi World is 96 million berries.

The bounties of the two are of course worthless in the new world full of monsters, but they are indeed a tyrant in the four seas.

Especially the introduction of Bondi World, which actually has the action of destroying the world, which is too crazy.

And the Momo Fruit is also very dangerous.

"Garp! You are responsible for this Cone Pepper, Sengoku! The world destroyer Bondi World is handed over to you! When he arrives at the Sabaody Archipelago, you are responsible for dealing with him and throwing him into the Impel Downs."

Sora looked at Garp and Sengoku and said.


Sengoku nodded.

But Garp didn't say anything.

Sora frowned and looked at Garp, and then~!

"Garp! Wake up! This is a meeting!"

Seeing Garp actually sitting in the back with his head down and actually falling asleep, Sora was very angry.

He worked so hard to deal with the documents, but his men actually fell asleep.


Karp, who was hit by Kong's pen, woke up instantly.

"Ah? Is the meeting over?"

Karp stood up immediately and walked out the door.

"Karp! Come back! The meeting is not over yet!"

Karp was furious when he saw that Karp had just left.

"Huh? But I've already heard it!

I must arrest Roger!"

Garp said as he walked out of the conference room and closed the door.


Sora roared in the conference room, but Garp had already disappeared.

"Asshole! Asshole! Garp!"

Sora was so angry that he was shaking!

Warring States, Crane, and Zephyr looked at each other and said nothing.

"This bastard!"


Sora punched the table.

"Ahem! Admiral, don't be angry, Garp has that kind of personality!"

Warring States said worriedly as he looked at the admiral's face.

Then he couldn't help cursing in his heart.

"Admiral! Garp may be because of the admiral's promotion! He told me many times that he would refuse to be promoted to admiral!"

Crane looked at Sora and said.

"Asshole! It's such an honor to be promoted to admiral, why did he refuse! "

Sora sat down, not understanding Garp's intention at all!

"Maybe he doesn't want to... um... you know!"

Zhan Guo wanted to say something, but it was stuck in his throat.


Sora sighed.

"Forget it! Since he doesn't want to, I won't force him! But your application for the admiral has been confirmed! After a few days, our navy will also have a blood transfusion!"

Sora said with a smile.

"Congratulations to the admiral on his upcoming promotion to marshal!"

Zhan Guo! Crane! Zephyr congratulated Steel Bone·Sora.

"Hahaha! Congratulations! "

Cyborg·Sora smiled at everyone.

The establishment of the Seven Great Pirate Groups in the New World not only shocked the Navy Headquarters, but also set off a storm in the New World.

Rocks died, the Rocks Pirate Group was disbanded, and the remnants of the Rocks Pirate Group established their own pirate groups. This is big news!

Morgans looked at the news reported by his subordinates and immediately arranged the layout. This will be the headline of tomorrow!

As Morgans' newspapers flew around the world.

"What? Why is Rocks dead, but why are his cadres still alive!"

After seeing the news on the news, countless civilians raised questions.

This made them, who had just felt safe, nervous again.

Especially the kingdoms and forces in the New World became solemn.

Speaking of it, the reason why Rocks is so terrible is because of his cadres. Rocks rarely does it himself.

Those destroyed kingdoms and islands were basically done by his cadres. They didn't know much about Rocks, but they knew those cadres well.

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