After a long time, the two sides of the river were in chaos.

Charlotte stayed in Shuigu Town for one night.

Originally, they wanted to leave overnight, but they didn't expect that group of idiots to collapse the stone chamber.

Most people were cleaning up the ruins all night, looking for treasures buried under the ruins.

Carter originally wanted to ask Barrett to help, but was directly rejected by Charlotte.

It was obviously the trouble they caused, so let them solve it themselves.

One night, hundreds of people were digging for treasures in the ruins of the castle.

The next day.

After digging for treasures all night, Carter and others set sail with dark circles under their eyes.

Go in the direction given by Charlotte.

Target, Punk Hazard!

Charlotte is going to rob a scientist.

Charlotte is really fed up with this sailing warship.

Punk Hazard is still a little far away.

It's already quite close to the Red Earth Continent.

This is a little dangerous.

But Charlotte feels that he is quite strong and has no hesitation.


A huge fleet is sailing on the sea.

"Leader! There is a very huge ship ahead!"

A minion in winter combat uniform ran up.

I saw a huge figure sitting on a huge throne, squinting his eyes and looking at the ship in the distance that only had an outline.

Even if you just look at it from a distance, you can know that this is a huge ship.


The huge figure stood up, with a height of nearly five meters, wearing a green cloak, looking at the ship in the distance.

Through the telescope, looking at the huge black skull flag above the ship.

"This! This is the Rockefeller Pirates!"

The five-meter-tall figure looked at the flag on the ship and instantly recognized its identity.

And his voice also reached the ears of others.

"Rockefeller Pirates? Could it be the former captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates with a bounty of 1.57 billion Baileys!"

Many people exclaimed. They were impressed by the Rocks Pirates. That was a pirate group that ruled an era!

"Shut up! It's just a remnant of the Rocks Pirates! Pull the boat over, I'm going to use Charlotte's head to become famous in the world today!"

The huge figure roared at the crowd, and the domineering aura on his body unconsciously emanated, immediately stabilizing the panicked crowd.

"Yes! Leader!"

After hearing the leader's words, the huge fleet immediately turned around and advanced towards Charlotte's Poseidon.

"Captain! There is a fleet attacking them in front. It is the Eight Treasures Navy. Its captain is named Qingjiao, nicknamed Cone Green Pepper, and the bounty is 350 million Baileys!"

Carter walked up quickly and said to Charlotte.

"Oh? Green Pepper! Is that the one who has been very active in the New World recently?"

Charlotte asked when she heard this familiar name.

In the past few months, he was very familiar with this name.

Not to mention other things, it was not easy for him to break out and come to the New World under the nose of Admiral Sengoku.

But Charlotte noticed him, and if Charlotte guessed correctly, he seemed to have seen this Green Pepper when he was watching anime, but it was a long time ago and he couldn't remember it.

"Let's go! Let's see! What does he want to do!"

Charlotte was a little interested, threw down the towel and walked towards the deck.

The alarm had been sounded on the deck, and all the crew members came to their combat positions and walked up with weapons.

Even Esdeath came out with the Holy Land Sanction, a birthday gift that Charlotte gave her when she was five years old, and her little face was full of excitement.

Barrett was also standing at the bow, rubbing his hands.

After Charlotte came out, he smiled slightly at these excited men.

In the past few days, almost everyone who saw Charlotte's flag chose to walk away from him. No one dared to approach him, which made Charlotte and everyone feel empty.

I didn't expect that there would be a fearless person who dared to approach him today.

After knowing that he was not a pirate from the New World, everyone suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he dared to rush up.

It turned out that the newcomer didn't know whether to live or die!

For these people who were once slaves and now pirates, fighting is already a commonplace.

Charlotte walked to the bow, and everyone stepped aside and stood on both sides.

Charlotte walked up the steps and looked at the people on the other ship who could be roughly seen.

"Hahahaha! Rockefeller Charlotte, use your head to fulfill my reputation!"

A domineering aura suddenly rose from Qingjiao and attacked the Poseidon.

Charlotte felt the power of this domineering aura instantly and just smiled slightly.

Except for the cadres, all the crew members around him were shaky.

But what Charlotte didn't expect the most was Barrett and Esdeath.

Seeing that the two of them actually withstood Qingjiao's domineering aura.

Barrett was able to block it, which was within Charlotte's expectations, but Esdeath was able to block it, she was only five years old.

Barrett felt the impact of the opponent's domineering aura, his expression was slightly distorted, and he felt as if something in his body wanted to rush out.


Barrett suddenly widened his eyes, and a violent will broke through the barrier and emanated from his body.

The blue-purple domineering aura resisted the domineering aura released by Qingjiao with difficulty.

Charlotte smiled at this scene, and Barrett's domineering aura awakened.

Qingjiao, who was across the sea, seemed to sense something, and his face darkened instantly.

The domineering aura increased again, and the invisible white aura spread throughout the field, and even the crew on his own ship could not hold on.

Charlotte did not make a move, but looked at Esdeath.

He felt that Esdeath also had this qualification.

Looking at the suddenly increased domineering aura, Charlotte did not take it to heart.

Under the impact of this more violent domineering aura, Esdeath stood on the deck with a painful look on his face, and the Holy Realm Sanction in his hand was inserted into the deck to support it.

But under the impact of this powerful domineering aura.


Esdeath tried his best to raise his little head and look into the distance.

An ice-blue aura emanated from Esdeath.

"Again! Conqueror's Haki!"

Carter was shocked again as he looked at Esdeath's figure that looked like a lone boat in a storm.

When did Conqueror's Haki become so cheap, awakening two of them at once.

"Hahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!"

Charlotte looked at Esdeath's stubborn figure and laughed, laughing very loudly. With the laughter, an unrivaled aura quickly rose from Charlotte.

The red and green Conqueror's Haki enveloped the two ships and quickly defeated Green Pepper's Haki.

Charlotte's Haki did not hurt anyone on his side.

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