The sword flashed.

Blood flowed.

"Brothers! Go and get all their treasures."

Charlotte put away his sword and stood, pointing at the many crew members behind him.

Everyone cheered instantly.

"Go! Get all their treasures back!"

Carter took the lead and instantly transformed into a half-zebra man.

Wolfe also instantly transformed into a half-elephant man and rushed towards the Babao Navy.

The two major cadres went straight to those cadres who were still awake and fought.

And Qingjiao had been seriously injured by Charlotte's sword and fainted on the deck of the Babao Navy.



The countless minions around shouted in fear.

Unfortunately, they couldn't wake him up no matter how hard they called.

Qingjiao was seriously injured by Charlotte's sword, and a three-meter-long sword mark cut from the tip of Qingjiao's awl to his abdomen.

Charlotte estimated that the scar caused by this sword would remain on Qingjiao's body for life.

Charlotte didn't mean to kill Qingjiao.

He wanted to see whether Qingjiao, who was spared by him, would sink like in the original book, or would rise up.

Charlotte was looking forward to it.

Charlotte lay on the bow and watched his crew members happily grabbing the treasures they had looted.

The smile on everyone's face never disappeared.

Qingjiao brought not one ship, but a whole fleet of eight pirate ships.

It is conceivable how much treasure they plundered.

But all this will be his.

"Captain! We found this in the captain's room of Qingjiao!"

After dealing with those cadres, Carter walked towards the captain's room and found some useful things to show Charlotte.

Charlotte looked at the five words on it.

The secret of the Eight Punch Fist!

Charlotte glanced at a book of cultivation methods and threw it to Carter.

"Pass it on. Whoever wants to practice can practice it. It's pretty good."

Charlotte didn't look down on it, but he knew all the content on it. Now he can basically apply what he has learned and can learn it at a glance.

"Yes!" Carter nodded.

Then Carter took out a map.

"Captain, this is also found on the Qingjiao ship. It seems to be a treasure map!"

Carter handed the map to Charlotte and guessed.

Charlotte showed a hint of interest after hearing this. He also knew that the Eight Treasures Navy had a treasure place.

Took the map and looked at it. The distribution on it did not look like the sea area in the New World, but a map of the Flower Kingdom leading to an iceberg.

Charlotte took a look and knew without guessing that it was the treasure place of the Eight Treasures Navy.

Charlotte put the map away and went to the West Sea to dig the treasure place in the future.

"Okay! Let the crew bring all the treasures up, and let's go!"

Charlotte put away the treasure map and walked towards the cabin.


Carter bowed slightly and said respectfully.

Back to the cabin.

"Young Master! What happened to Esdeath? Why did she faint?"

After returning to the cabin, Jenny, as Esdeath's mother, asked immediately.

Worry was revealed on her face.

"It's okay! Esdeath just woke up to the domineering aura, but because she was too young to control it, the consumption was too great, and she just needed to sleep!"

Charlotte stroked Jenny's hair and said.

Jenny, who was pregnant with a child, did not relax her brows after hearing Charlotte's words, and still frowned as she looked at Esdeath lying on the bed.

Seeing this, Charlotte accompanied Jenny to look after Esdeath.

The ship continued to sail on the sea, heading towards Punk Hazard, and would disembark or purchase supplies on some islands.

But the news that Charlotte defeated Green Pepper somehow spread out.

"Shock! Pirate Supernova Cone Green Pepper was defeated by the sword of the Blood Great Swordsman Rockefeller Charlotte"

A pattern with a picture appeared in the hands of the people holding newspapers.

This news can be said to be the biggest news in recent times.

Cone Green Pepper, who slipped away from the hands of Admiral Sengoku, was defeated by Charlotte, which shocked many people.

As a pirate who created a name for himself this year, many people left their thoughts on Green Pepper to see if they would deal with him in the future.

Unexpectedly, he was defeated by Charlotte in just five months.

An entire fleet was looted, all the treasures were taken away by the enemy, and the sword marks on Green Pepper from head to abdomen made everyone's hair stand on end.

An uninhabited island.

Qingjiao, who was wrapped in bandages, looked at the newspaper in his hand with a gloomy face.

He had been in a coma for five days, and when he woke up, he found himself brought here by the crew.

Qingjiao was a little bit unconvinced that he was not dead.

After all, the elegance of that sword was still deeply imprinted in Qingjiao's mind.

Qingjiao only felt that the feeling he had at that time was, am I going to die too?


The cadre of the Babao Navy trembled and looked at Qingjiao and shouted.

This newspaper was handed to Qingjiao by him.

If he had seen it, he would never have given it to the leader Qingjiao.

At this time, he kept cursing the minion who handed him the newspaper in his heart.

"Hahahaha, I actually lost! I actually lost!"

Qingjiao suddenly raised his head and cried while holding the newspaper.

The cadres around him were scared and didn't understand why the leader was like this.

Could it be that Charlotte's sword made the leader stupid!

The cadre couldn't help but think.

"No! I lost, but Cone Pepper didn't lose, and my Iron Head Skill didn't lose!"

Green Pepper suddenly yelled, raised his hand and touched his cone head and said.

Although the smooth cone head was covered with swords, it still stood there with unyielding perseverance.

"Go to sea! I want to take back everything I lost. I, Cone Pepper, will never be defeated so easily. If there is no treasure, we will rob it. If there is no ship, we will rob it. I want to make my name as Cone Pepper known all over the world. Charlotte, wait. When I become stronger, I will continue to challenge you."

Green Pepper stood up and the bandage on his body was torn off by him, revealing the cone head covered with sword marks and the three-meter-long sword marks.

Combined with Green Pepper's hideous and twisted face, it looked so terrifying.

Seeing that the leader seemed to be cheered up, the Babao navy under his command shouted excitedly.

"Follow the leader!"

"Long live the leader!"

All the Babao navy shouted.

Except for some damaged ships, the Babao navy did not suffer any other major losses.

As for money, those were all external things, and the Babao navy was not short of money.

"Go to sea!"

Put on his green cloak and walked towards the ship leaning against the shore.

Suddenly! Qingjiao's pupils shrank when he saw the slight cracks on the ship.

He remembered that this was caused by Charlotte's domineering aura.

"Charlotte! Wait! I will never let it go!"

Qingjiao boarded the ship and waved his hand and headed towards the sea.

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