The enemy was in a hurry, and the enemy was in a hurry.

Kurozumi Muchan's words were so sharp that he lowered his head.

"Let's go! We can't rely on Kaido alone, we have to accumulate some strength!"

Kurozumi Muchan stood up and looked at the vast sea and said.


Kaido wanted to find his two younger brothers.

The fastest way is to attack several kingdoms and let the newspapers publish their positions!

Kaido did the same.

Attacked a kingdom, causing a large number of casualties.

The dragon body, which was a kilometer long, razed a kingdom to the ground.

It caused a large number of casualties, and even Kaido chose a kingdom that was a member of the World Government in order to make a big enough noise.

This made a lot of noise.

But he also successfully reunited with Jin and Quinn.

But the price he paid was that the World Government was furious and issued a high bounty.

It rose directly from 70 million Baileys to 370 million Baileys that Charlotte had seen before.

It increased by 300 million Baileys.

You know, attacking the member states of the World Government is a big deal.

Those member states of the New World put pressure on the World Government for the safety of their own countries.

And this time Kaido is not as simple as attacking.

This directly razed the country to the ground and completely destroyed the country.

Let the country disappear in the vast ocean.

In the past, pirates attacked member states of the World Government, but they just robbed a ticket and left. Who would kill the goose to get the eggs?

Even the Golden Lion Shiki would not do such a thing.

Although Shiki went everywhere to plunder the kingdom, he did not kill all of them, but only plundered property. If he took the initiative to hand over the wealth, Shiki would protect him.

After all, he is the man who wants to be the king of the world.

Anyway, the noise Kaido made this time directly alarmed the Five Elders.

The Five Elders were furious, and then put pressure on Cyber ​​​​Sora to go to the New World to capture Kaido and publicly execute him.

This gave Cyber ​​​​Sora a headache.

He hurriedly gave Zephyr a new name, to chase Kaido and bring him back.

So Zephyr had a new mission.

For Zephyr, not being able to catch Charlotte made him feel uncomfortable.

Since the last time he tied with Charlotte, he has been very dissatisfied and always wanted to fight again, but there has been no chance.

He can only vent his anger on Kaido.

Now the whole New World is in turmoil.

Roger Pirates roamed all over the world, and he wandered around, but every time he would cause a lot of trouble, which made the Navy, the World Government and the various kings a headache.

In the end, Garp could only follow Roger Pirates all the time. Now Garp is almost the nanny of Roger Pirates.

Every time Roger's pirate group got into trouble, it was Garp who had to clean up the mess.

"Damn it! Roger! You're still waiting, I must catch you and push you into the city!"

Looking at the mess in the port, Garp stood on the port and roared at Roger who had already run out to sea.

And a red-haired child was lying on Roger's head and laughing.

"Garp! You're still more than ten years too early to catch me!"

Roger also laughed unceremoniously on the ship.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Garp was so angry that he jumped up and down at the port.

"Quick! Where's the ship? Get the ship out!"

Garp said to the adjutant.

"Vice Admiral Garp! The ship! The ship is on the island!"

The adjutant looked at Vice Admiral Garp with a black line on his face.

"Huh? Are you kidding me? How can the ship be on the island!"

Garp turned his head and said with a confused look on his face.

"Vice Admiral Garp, have you forgotten that you were the one who drove the ship to the island?"

Although the adjutant had a headache, he still said seriously.

"Ah? Really?"

Garp was confused after hearing this and scratched his head with one hand.

"It seems that I really did it?"

Garp recalled.

The people around him staggered when they heard it.

"Navy hero!"

"Navy hero!"

"Navy hero!"

The shouts around Garp shouted.

The people shouted excitedly.

Because Garp's arrival drove away the Roger Pirates, Garp was the hero of their entire island.

Hearing the cheers of the people around him, Garp scratched his head and smiled again.

"Hahaha! Don't be like this, I will be proud if you do this!"

Garp's cheeks were flushed and he was actually a little shy.

"Let's go! I will definitely catch Roger!"

Garp, who couldn't stand the cheers, ran out as if he was escaping.

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

The adjutant saw this and hurriedly

Follow up.

With the cheers of the townspeople, Garp carried the ship down and continued to chase Roger's pirate group.

Just as Garp was chasing Roger all over the world like a mad dog.

A big ship that looked like a white whale was sailing on the sea.

"Dad! Look over there! There's a ship on fire at sea!"

A man with a pineapple head was lying on the side of the ship and pointing in a direction.

"Kulala! Marco, be careful not to fall into the sea! Dad can't save you then!"

Edward Newgate, Whitebeard, said to Marco after hearing it.

Then he walked to the side of the ship!

"Huh? Was it attacked by pirates?"

Whitebeard looked at the merchant ship in front of him that was burning.

"Damn it! Dad, I can fly, how could I fall into the sea?"

Marco said with an unhappy face after hearing what his father said.

"Kulala! There seems to be a child in that ship!"

Whitebeard smiled after hearing Marco's words, and then seemed to sense something, frowning and looking at the burning ship.

"Is there anyone on the ship? Then I'll go and see!"

When Marco heard that there was someone on the ship, he immediately spread his wings, and a pair of wings with flames appeared. Marco flapped his wings and flew towards the burning ship.


Seeing Marco fly over so recklessly, others shouted.

Even Whitebeard's face sank.

"Pull the ship over!"

Whitebeard shouted.

"Yes! Dad!"

After hearing this, the other crew members on the ship immediately controlled the sails and moved over.

After Marco flew over, the fire could not hurt him at all, and all the flames were extinguished after approaching Marco.

"Huh? It's actually a child!"

Marco muttered as he looked at a child with a tall hat who fainted on the deck.

Then, without hesitation, he picked up the child and walked towards the deck.

It was not so easy for him to pick up another child.

He walked hard in the corridor full of flames.

When he saw the deck again, Marco smiled.

"Almost! We will be safe on the deck!"

Marco held a child of eight or nine years old in his arms and walked out hard.


There was a sound in the corridor where Marco was, as if something broke.

Marco looked up subconsciously.

He saw that a horizontal beam on the ceiling of the corridor had broken.

"Not good!"

Marco understood what happened in an instant.

If the horizontal beam broke, he and this person would be buried in the ship, and they would definitely die.

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