The two sides of the border have been in chaos.

Charlotte proposed that they design the drawings themselves. As long as they look at them and think they are feasible, they can fully support his experiment.

After the announcement of this news, these scientists immediately caused a sensation.

As a scientist, what they want most is research funding. Why did they join the World Government?

It is true that there may be threatening factors here, but more of them are getting some research funding from the World Government.

I didn't expect that the pirates would be treated like this.

This made all the scientists feel refreshed. Many of them burst out to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep, studying things that they wanted to study before, but they had always suffered from lack of funding.

A lot of drawings were designed by them, and it can be said that they can be made as long as they follow the drawings.

But some of them only exist in theory. After reading the hundreds of drawings and theories submitted, Charlotte had a headache.

Many of them are what Charlotte wants.

Among these more than 40 scientists, there are biology, mechanics, electronics, chemistry, etc.

Almost all the mainstream sciences are what they are good at.

Charlotte thought about it and it was right.

If they can help Vegapunk, then even if their knowledge is not as good as Vegapunk, they will be better than ordinary ones.

How can ordinary scientists keep up with the brain that has surpassed the world for 500 years.

So Charlotte may have really picked up a treasure this time.

His decision to go to Punk Hazard is really smart.

Looking at the design drawings,

Charlotte is in pain and joy!

The pain is that so many things need to be invented, and the funds will definitely not be less.

I don’t know how long I can last from the Valley of the Gods and my previous savings.

It seems that the trip to Sky Island has to be accelerated.

Thinking of this, Charlotte walked towards the ship.

Charlotte's Poseidon was also lying in the ship.

A large number of ship workers were already dismantling the hull.

Vinsmoke Judge, wearing a helmet, stood beside the ship and looked at the drawings in his hand.

Charlotte now handed over the transformation of the ship to Vinsmoke Judge.

Vinsmoke Judge was very reluctant at first.

Even though Charlotte put a sword on his neck, he agreed, but he was just dawdling.

This made Charlotte very dissatisfied.

Knowing that threats might not work.

So he put forward a condition.

The content of the condition was that Vinsmoke Judge had to build a ship for the Rockefeller Pirates that did not require sail power, and this ship had to be faster than all the ships on the sea, at least faster than the ships currently in service in the navy.

As long as Vinsmoke Judge built such a ship, Charlotte would let him go free.

Just when Charlotte thought Vinsmoke Judge would refuse.

After all, this request was impossible in the eyes of many people.

But Vinsmoke Judge agreed to it.

He said that as long as he was given three to five years, he could build Charlotte the fastest ship in the world.

This made Charlotte put all his hopes on him.

As long as he needed something, Charlotte would support him at the first time.

Now it has come to the stage of dismantling the ship.

"Judge! Have you designed the blueprints for the ship?"

Charlotte came to Judge and asked.

"Mr. Charlotte! The general idea has been formed. Use electricity to replace wind power. The only limitation now is that there is not enough electricity, but I have thought of another way, which is to convert solar energy into electricity and store it to maintain the consumption of the ship's operation."

Vinsmoke Judge looked at Charlotte and said.

Judge's words made Charlotte's eyes light up. Charlotte was not worried about electricity at all. With the Thunder Fruit, he would lack electricity.

But he didn't expect that Judge had already considered it for him.

That's great! Knowing how to consider the boss is the most basic requirement for an employee!

Charlotte smiled.

"Okay! As long as you can build it! I can agree to all your requests and set you free!"

Charlotte laughed.

"Thank you, Mr. Charlotte!"

Vinsmoke Judge, wearing a helmet, also bowed his head slightly and performed a noble salute.

But at the moment he bowed his head, a flash of humiliation flashed in his eyes.

Even Charlotte didn't see it.

Watching the ship being dismantled bit by bit, Charlotte felt a little distressed.

Damn! Five years in vain!

You know, this big ship took Charlotte five years to build.

It was just built.

I didn't expect that the ship would be dismantled just two months after it was built, and five years of construction were wasted.

No way! It hurts more to watch it any further!

Charlotte turned around and left this sad place.

A lot of things need to be studied! All of these require money!

I don't know if Charlotte's tens of billions of funds can last until he builds the ship.

Otherwise, he can only go out to sea and continue his old business.

But what kind of oil and water can be made in the New World now! I guess there are not many people in the whole New World who want to make a big profit.


Charlotte suddenly thought of someone.

That is John. John's treasure caused quite a stir in later generations.

After the Four Emperors Buggy got the John treasure map from Luffy, he immediately established a Buggy Express. You can imagine how much bigger this is than the treasure.

Can I intercept him?

Charlotte thought in his heart.

John is now entrenched in Rocks's lair, which is Honeycomb Island.

Wang Zhi and Silver Axe are also there, and the three of them are obviously teaming up.

Otherwise, they would not stay together.

It is not easy to attack them.

"Ah! So annoying!"

Charlotte sighed.

Don't think that Charlotte is the only one who thinks of John and the others.

Charlotte dares to guarantee that as long as he takes action against John, Silver Axe and Wang Zhi, even if he kills them in the end.

He can't take the treasure alone.

Do you think Golden Lion Shiki and Whitebeard Edward Newgate are fools? They will let you take the treasure alone.

And although John's team is not as large as Shiki's, it also has about 10,000 people.

But whether John often robs, how does he feed these pirates, he must have got Rocks' treasure.

There must be countless people staring at this treasure, but no one jumps out.

What if it accidentally becomes someone else's wedding dress?

So this is why no one took action.

"It seems that I can only do business honestly. First, I will bring out some things that I can realize in my mind but don't have now."

Charlotte planned.

In fact, if Charlotte does business, he definitely has innate advantages.

Kamei Island is his biggest advantage.

The prosperous port is full of merchant ships from all over the world.

These merchant ships go to the whole world, and it is very easy to dump goods.

"What should I sell?"

Charlotte thought.

Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in his mind.

"What business can make more money than war profiteers?"

Charlotte's heart suddenly jumped.

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