After waiting for all the Whitebeard Pirates to finish their worship, Charlotte brought a bunch of flowers to the tombstones and placed them in front of their tombstones.

Charlotte has always been more traditional about the dead.

Respecting the dead and letting them rest in peace is a tacit practice among everyone.

No one wants someone to desecrate him after he dies. When you desecrate the corpse of others, then your own corpse may not be easy after you die.

Charlotte led everyone to pay a simple tribute.

Then they left the cemetery.

The Whitebeard Pirates did not stay for too long.

After a simple tribute, Whitebeard walked out with the remaining children.

"Charlotte boy! How about coming over for a drink!"

Whitebeard looked at Charlotte and invited him with a smile!

"No problem! Anytime!"

Charlotte looked at Whitebeard with a slight smile.

He could feel the sadness in Whitebeard's heart at this moment, and he wanted to drink to dispel the sadness in his heart.

Charlotte was willing to be a listener.


The bonfire was burning!

Whitebeard and Charlotte sat on the coast, watching the sea and drinking!

"Remember the first time I went out to sea! I went out to sea so recklessly in a simple boat! And this time I went out to sea for decades! This island is where I was born. Except for my sons, you are the first one I invited to come here!"

Whitebeard held a big bowl and looked at Charlotte with squinting eyes.

"Hahahahaha! Then I am still very honored! The first outsider to come to this island!"

Charlotte drank the wine, and his face had turned red.

"No! You are not an outsider! You are my son's benefactor! You are also my Whitebeard's friend! You saved Marco's life, and I will remember this for the rest of my life!

Whitebeard held out his wine bowl and clinked glasses with Charlotte!

"Hahahaha! It's not easy to be remembered by you, Whitebeard, for the rest of your life! But I just happened to see Marco saving me! You don't need to remember it!"

Charlotte smiled and waved his hand to refuse.

He understood that Whitebeard meant to exchange Charlotte's favor.

"Kulala Lala! You are the first person to refuse my favor!"

Whitebeard looked at Charlotte and smiled.

Then he turned his head slightly to look at Marco, who was drinking with other brothers in the distance, and a trace of warmth appeared in his eyes!

"Marco is my first adopted son! He means a lot to me! He is the first one who made me find what I want most, family! "

Whitebeard said quietly while looking at Marco in the distance.

Charlotte sat aside and listened quietly.

"Remember that year, we were still on a ship, and I was ordered to encircle and suppress the Roger Pirates, but I met Marco on an island! Marco at that time was not as energetic as he is now!"

Whitebeard recalled the scene when he first met Marco.

The clothes were tattered, holding an iron rod in his hand, looking fiercely at all those who came to bully him. When Whitebeard saw that scene, it was so similar, just like when he was a child.

This made Whitebeard feel a little interested in this little boy.

He followed him quietly, and saw that the food that the little boy desperately guarded was not for himself but shared with other companions. At that time, Whitebeard was stunned.

These companions were all beggars, who were hated by the world and could only huddle together for warmth. !

Whitebeard fell deeply in love with this child after just one look.

Then Whitebeard took the initiative to adopt these children.

From then on, Whitebeard understood his pursuit and goal in life.

Charlotte listened to Whitebeard's story quietly.

Time passed slowly.

The next day!

Charlotte was awakened by the sound of birds in the early morning!

He held his forehead that was painful from drunkenness and looked around.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Rockefeller Pirates were all sleeping on the lawn.

But Charlotte did not see Whitebeard.

"Huh? Where's Newgate? "

Charlotte held his forehead and looked around but didn't see Whitebeard.

Yesterday, he seemed to fall asleep while Whitebeard was telling him a story.

This shouldn't happen!

Charlotte shook his head and shook off the discomfort in his body.

Then he walked in one direction.

He saw Whitebeard with his Observation Haki.

Whitebeard was sitting in front of the tombstone, drinking wine one mouthful at a time, with a very silent expression.

"You are here! Newgate

! "

Charlotte came to Whitebeard and said hello!

Whitebeard glanced at Charlotte.

"You are still the same! You can't drink! You fall down as soon as you drink!"

Whitebeard looked at Charlotte and said lightly.

Charlotte's face flushed in an instant!

"Asshole! I was drinking all the time yesterday, and you kept talking! How could I not fall asleep?"

Charlotte retorted!

Drinking is not okay! How is this possible! I can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk! No one in the Rockefeller Pirates can drink more than me.

Looking at Charlotte's flushed face, Whitebeard laughed.

"Kulala Lala! You should go home and drink your milk! Don't drink! You don't deserve it!"

Whitebeard laughed.

"Asshole! Do you want to fight! "

The Seven-Star Sword appeared in Charlotte's hand and pointed at Whitebeard.

And Whitebeard also unceremoniously drew out the Congyunqie beside him.


The Congyunqie and the Seven-Star Sword collided, making a dull loud noise!

Charlotte and Whitebeard stood facing each other with their weapons in hand.

"Kulala Lala!"


The two smiled at each other.

Each of them took back their weapons.

The Seven-Star Sword in Charlotte's hand disappeared.

Whitebeard looked at Charlotte with interest when he saw this scene.

"Your sword is the one you got in the first half of the Grand Line before!"

Whitebeard asked.

"Well! This is a demon sword, called the Seven-Star Sword, a very good sword! Not worse than the Supreme Big Knife!"

Charlotte said that the Seven-Star Sword in his hand appeared in his hand again.

Whitebeard looked at the green light on the sword that exuded a demonic aura and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It is indeed a good sword! "

Whitebeard praised.

Charlotte was very satisfied after hearing Whitebeard's praise.

Put the sword back again.

Then his face trembled.

"I came here to say goodbye this time. I have been out for long enough. If I don't go back, the women at home will start to make trouble again!"

Charlotte looked at Whitebeard and said.

"Kulala! I didn't expect you, Charlotte, to be a henpecked husband! Kulala!"

Whitebeard laughed.

Charlotte's face turned black in an instant!


"Tsk! Unlike someone who has been single all his life!"

Charlotte crossed his arms and looked at Whitebeard with disdain.

"Boy! Get out of here! Don't let me see you!"

Whitebeard was instantly furious, his eyes widened, and he knocked the ground hard with the Congyunqi in his hand.

The ground shook three points.

"Tsk! See you at sea if we are destined! "

Charlotte turned around, waved, and walked towards Carter's crew.

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