The old man was very happy.

On a dilapidated pirate ship, seven or eight pirates were sitting on the deck, and one of them, a thin and sickly man, said.

The pirate in the horn hat was silent for a moment after hearing this.

They are the Wald Pirates.

After they entered the New World, they thought that the sky was high and the birds could fly freely, and the sea was wide and the fish could jump freely.

As a result, reality gave them a hard slap in the face.

When plundering a kingdom.

It is normal for pirates to plunder a kingdom.

But what is abnormal is that this kingdom is protected by the Golden Lion Shiki.

In the first half of the New World today, each kingdom has the flag of the Flying Pirates.

This means that it is the territory of the Sky Pirates. If you plunder the territory of the Sky Pirates, you will have to bear the wrath of the legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion.

Bondi World, who had just entered the New World, did not take the pirate admiral Shiki the Golden Lion seriously.

None of the pirates who entered the New World from the four seas were willing to follow others. They were all unruly and unruly. If you want them to surrender, you have to fight.

After experiencing the encirclement and suppression of the Warring States, and escaping from the hands of the Warring States, the angry Bondi World set his sights on a nearby island and launched an attack on the island.

With the blessing of the Momo Fruit, the island was destroyed into ruins!

The people of the Sky Pirates stationed on the island died one after another at the hands of Bondi World.

This completely angered Shiki the Golden Lion.

But because Shiki was too busy to get away, he always asked his cadres to chase Bondi World!

But the cadres under his command were no match for Bondi Wald, and they suffered heavy casualties after several battles.

After returning to the Sky Pirates, he was scolded by Shiki the Golden Lion.

But this also successfully made Shiki interested in Bondi Wald, and he sent him an invitation letter to join the Sky Pirates.

Become a member of the Sky Pirates.

But how many of these pirates who can break into the new world can easily surrender to others.

Bondi Wald shot and killed the pirate who came to invite without hesitation.

This move completely angered Shiki the Golden Lion.

No pirate has ever dared to humiliate him like this.

His title of pirate admiral was not given by others, but he won it with his own hands.

The angry Golden Lion Shiki is not easy to deal with.

Every time the Wald Pirates were discovered by the Sky Pirates in the following long period of time.

Shiki would lead his large fleet towards the Bondi Pirates.

This made the World Pirates passive.

If it weren't for the acceleration of Captain Bondi World's Momo Fruit, they probably wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

When he thought of the swordsmanship of Golden Lion Shiki, Bondi World's left eye ached.

At this time, there was a straight wound on Bondi World's left eye, which was cut by Golden Lion Shiki.

At the same time, one of the horns on his horn hat was also cut off.

This made Bondi World see the strength of Golden Lion Shiki thoroughly, and he didn't dare to be blatant every time he went out to rob.

But this doesn't mean that he is afraid of Shiki.

Even if he can't beat him, he can still run.

The 100-fold speed increase of the Momo Fruit, even Golden Lion Shiki can't catch up with it lightly.

This is the capital that allowed him to sail in the territory of the Sky Pirates for a year in the first half of the New World.

But as Golden Lion Shiki paid more and more attention to the World Pirates who had been wandering in his territory,

The living space of the Wald Pirates is getting smaller and smaller.

Now they are forced to the central part of the New World.

"The central part of the New World! That is the territory of the Rockefeller Pirates, a guy as famous as Golden Lion Shiki. Can we do it?"

After hearing Bin Jack's plan, Bondi Wald, who was sitting silently, spoke up.

"The central part of the New World is not what you think. Although the Rockefeller Pirates are in the central part, they don't want to fight for territory like Golden Lion Shiki. The Rockefeller Pirates are now only guarding an island, and other places have not been occupied. We can recover there!"

Bin Jack spoke up at this time!


Bin Jack hesitated after hearing this.

As the think tank and intelligence officer of the Wald Pirates, Bin Jack is still very credible.

"Okay! Let's go to the central part of the New World and get rid of the mad dog Golden Lion Shiki!"

Bin Jack said with determination.

The Wald Pirates suffered heavy losses at this time.

There were only two or three cats, big and small, on this dilapidated pirate ship.

One is Captain Bondi Wald, the user of the Momo Fruit, a two-color domineering warrior.

The other is Vice Captain Bin Jack, Bondi Wald's brother, who is very thin and often sits on Wald's shoulders during battles. He is the think tank and intelligence officer of the Wald Pirates.

Combatant Gayram, the user of the Cube Fruit, is very powerful.

Combatant Sebastian, the fish giant of the squid, is a hybrid of fishman and giant, and is very powerful.

Naqin! The only remaining woman in the Wald Pirates, and also the ship doctor of the Wald Pirates.

These five people are the only five remaining members of the Wald Pirates now, which also shows how much the Golden Lion Shiki has done to them.

"Wait until we reach the middle of the New World! I must recruit more men, and sooner or later I will avenge today!"

Bondi Wald said with blazing anger in his eyes.

The other crew members also looked at Bondi Wald with a firm gaze, they believed that their captain would definitely be able to do it.

The ship slowly moved towards the center of the New World.

They didn't know what they would encounter next.


After sailing on the sea for more than half a month.

Charlotte finally returned to Kamei Island.

A large group of people welcomed Charlotte's arrival at the port of Kamei Island.

"Oh my! What are you doing here! Don't let the baby get frozen in such a cold day!"

It is now January 1486 in the Haiyuan calendar.

It is the coldest time of the year.

Charlotte's six wives are waiting for Charlotte on the snow.

Three of the women have high bulges in their stomachs.

It is obvious that they are about to give birth.

And this time there will be three new lives born.

And the Rockefeller family will also add three new members.

"You! You are in a hurry to go out to sea again this time! If I hadn't seen you in the newspaper! I wouldn't have known you were going to such a dangerous place!"

Elena looked at Charlotte and blamed.

He was alone with a dozen men and hurried to the navy to ask for face. He is really not afraid of death!

Listening to Elena's blame, Charlotte smiled!

"What's that! Your husband is very capable!"

Charlotte smiled! With a big hand, she led everyone to the island.

After Charlotte led a large group of people into the island.

An inconspicuous place.

Be la be la!

"Moshi Moshi! This is CP5, Rockefeller Charlotte has returned to the island!"

A boatman wearing winter clothes hid in the dark and reported to the World Government.

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