The truth is, you can't be too harsh.

"Not stingy, dare to swing the sword against the strong, fair!"

Shi Ji listened to these three comments, one more noble than the other.

This made Shi Ji's mouth twitch.

Not stingy! Damn, I have known Charlotte for seven years, and this kid has never invited him to drink a glass of wine, he always invited him.

Dare to swing the sword against the strong! You probably haven't seen how he looked when he was with Rocks.

Golden Lion Shi Ji still can't forget the scene when Rocks threatened Charlotte and Charlotte agreed in seconds.

Fair! Is there still fairness in this world?

Listening to these people's praise, Shi Ji curled his lips while smoking a cigar.

He finally understood why so many swordsmen would go to him.

This man was so good at packaging that everyone in the world thought that Charlotte was a good person.


Shiki felt aggrieved, then soared into the sky and disappeared.

Only a few swordsmen were left standing there in a daze.

"Let's go! Why are you still standing there in a daze!"

The swordsman next to him reacted quickly and pulled his companions and shouted.

Then they left here quickly.

Flying in the air, Shiki felt more and more wrong!

His reputation was obviously much greater than Charlotte's, but what kind of trash were those who came to him.

Either they were ambitious people, or they wanted to use his name.

Shiki, who was full of anger, returned to his floating island and roared.

The sword energy flew across the air, frightening all the pirates to lie on the ground with their heads in their hands and dared not move.

"It's over! It's over! Boss Shiki has gone crazy again!"

The cadres on the side whispered after seeing it.

Shiki's question reached Charlotte's ears half a month later.

Looking at the three people who survived Shiki's hands, Charlotte smiled.

"Welcome to join the Rockefeller Pirates."

Charlotte no longer rejected these swordsmen who wanted to join. After sensing that they were not spies sent by the World Government or other forces.

Charlotte accepted them.

Now, there are more than 200 swordsmen who have joined Charlotte in the past six months.

One of them is at the level of swordsman.

That is, a swordsman who can send flying fighters.

He is a rare talent! Although this person is almost two generations older than Charlotte, he is almost sixty years old.

After feeling that he had no hope of breaking through the great swordsman, he still wanted to feel the power of the great swordsman.

After arriving at Kamei Island, as expected, he successfully persisted until the end of the month and fought with Charlotte.

Without any surprise, he was easily defeated by Charlotte.

After feeling the might of the great swordsman, he was satisfied and offered to stay.

At the age of nearly sixty, Charlotte did not dare to let him go out to sea like the young people.

So he gave him a teaching position, responsible for teaching those swordsmen and making them become swordsmen as soon as possible.

Charlotte arranged the swordsman without any hesitation.

"Thank you, Captain, for your understanding. I am very grateful and will use all my energy to train a swordsman.

The old man, Stan Acheson, bowed slightly to Charlotte and said respectfully.

Charlotte hurriedly helped Mr. Stan up.

This is the only swordsman under Charlotte! He is also the best fighter under him.

Although he is a little old, he still has the strength he should have.

Speaking of swordsmen! Charlotte had a headache, not for anything else, but for the two swordsmen under his command, Paul and Isaac!

These two people have been with him for four or five years.

From the beginning of the swordsman realm to the present, they are still swordsmen realm.

It makes Charlotte doubt his teaching level.

How can it be so difficult for a great swordsman to train two swordsmen?

Is it because I can't teach well, or... Their talent is too poor!

With the joining of a swordsman, the swordsmen under Charlotte became more excited.

Especially when Charlotte told them to ask questions about swordsmanship or questions they didn't understand.

These swordsmen were completely excited.

Although they wanted Charlotte to guide them.

But it was impossible to think about it.

As the captain of such a large pirate group, Charlotte must have a lot of things to do. How could he have time to guide them?

They knew this.

The addition of more than 200 swordsmen instantly expanded the Rockefeller Pirates.

It also changed the cadres under Charlotte.

Rodney Carter, captain of the Rockefeller First Division! Animal-type Mama Fruit Zebra form, proficient in two-color domineering, iron block in the Navy Six Styles, razor,

Moon Step, Storm Kick, Finger Gun, with the strength of a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Bounty of 230 million Baileys, commanding about 100 people, with two pirate groups, responsible for plundering at sea.

Buniel Ralph, captain of Rockefeller's Second Division, Animal System·Elephant-Elephant Fruit·White Elephant Form, proficient in two-color domineering, iron block among the six styles of the Navy, shaving, finger gun, with the strength of a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Bounty of 190 million Baileys, commanding more than 100 people, no ship, the main task is to garrison on Kami Island, protect the safety of Kami Island, and guard the prisoners on Kami Island.

Paul Bunyan, captain of Rockefeller's Third Division, proficient in Armament Haki, entry-level Observation Haki, proficient in swordsmanship, and strength is not weaker than that of a major admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

The bounty is 120 million Baileys, and his subordinates are all newly joined swordsmen, forming a swordsman team with 100 members, and two ships often go out to sea.

Isaac Marlowe, the captain of Rockefeller's fourth squad, is proficient in armed Haki, has a basic knowledge of observation Haki, is proficient in swordsmanship, and is as strong as the rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

The bounty is 110 million Baileys, and his subordinates are all swordsmen like Paul, forming a swordsman team, and often go out to sea to plunder.

These are the main squad captains of Charlotte now.

Charlotte treats these people in a free-range state, allowing them to gallop on the sea, and they will sail on the sea with Charlotte's name.

However, there are not many people in Charlotte's headquarters team.

The captain of the scientific team is Caesar Courant, and Charlotte is very satisfied with Caesar Courant's performance this year.

He handed over all his scientists to Caesar Courant, and Vinsmoke Judge built ships specifically for him.

The maid team leader Monica Harrington, Animal-type, Bug-Bug Fruit, Dragonfly Form, has just so-so combat power. She can handle ordinary people, but it is a bit difficult to deal with some masters. The main reason is that this group of people are serving Charlotte, and they don’t have much world to train.

Charlotte doesn’t force them, they do whatever they want.

There are nearly 300 maids under the command of the maid leader Monica, which is the largest team in the Rockefeller Pirates.

Each of them is a beautiful woman, and these 300 people are all serving Charlotte.

However, with so many people, Monica must not be able to handle it alone, so she also has three helpers.

They are Amy Powell, Karina Jiali, and Wendy Mom.

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