The more you eat, the stronger you will become.

Eating the flesh of sea kings can also make you stronger.

You should know that strong people are very gluttonous.

However, it is not easy to hunt sea kings. With his thirteen-year-old body, he cannot beat sea kings.

The most urgent thing is to train.

After you have the power to protect yourself, you can go to sea to hunt sea kings.

The island where Charlotte is located is very small. The only habitable area is the flat land of the port, where more than a thousand people live.

Behind the port are mountains. It can be said that the mountains occupy 90% of the entire island, and there is no one there.

It is very suitable for Charlotte to practice and hunt.

As an orphan, Charlotte didn't know who his parents were since he was born. He lived on the relief of the mayor's family, but his life was very hard, otherwise the original owner would not have thought of fishing at the seaside.

It was just that he was unlucky this time and was swept into the sea waves.

After walking out of the thatched house, Charlotte took the axe for chopping wood without looking back and entered the vast mountains.

From now on, he set a small goal for himself to become the conqueror of this mountain.

At first, he drank mountain spring water when he was thirsty and ate various fruits when he was hungry. There were several times when he almost ate poisonous fruits.

But at this time, his mind would react in time, which was a bit like the induction of Spider-Man in his previous life.

But coming to this world means predicting the future!

Relying on the sense of danger, Charlotte didn't say that he lived like a fish in water in the mountains, but he was also self-sufficient.

From time to time, he designed some traps to hunt prey for a snack.

He also went down the mountain from time to time to exchange fur for some weapons and the like.

This year's training life did not make Charlotte feel lonely at all.

On the contrary, he was very excited because he could really feel that he was getting stronger.

Every morning when he woke up, he felt stronger than the day before, and his body was no longer as thin as before, and he could be knocked over by a wave.

The most obvious feeling was that he could fight the wild boars on the mountain head-on.

And every time he was injured, he would feel better the next day as long as he had a big meal.

This made Charlotte feel the perversion of the One Piece world.

This year's scientific training could no longer meet Charlotte's training requirements.

He found that simple push-ups and running were no longer effective, and he would not feel tired even if he did push-ups for a day.

He needed to practice more!

He went down the mountain with the precious animal skins collected from hunting this year.

When he came to the port market, he saw a child about 1.5 meters tall holding goods taller than him, and the people around him dispersed.

"Isn't this Charlotte? Didn't he disappear?"

Some people who knew him before began to wonder.

There was no way. Charlotte stayed in the mountains for a year. He rarely came down during this period. He only went back to buy some necessities and rarely showed up.

Even the mayor might not be able to find him.

Seeing Charlotte stop at a conspicuous place in the port, he spread a blanket and put the fur down, sitting quietly on the ground waiting for buyers.

People around gathered around.

Seeing Charlotte pointing and talking, it made Charlotte very annoyed.

"Buy or not, get out! Don't disturb me doing business!"

Charlotte yelled at the crowd.

The people at the scene were quiet in an instant, and everyone looked at Charlotte as if he was a fool.

This made Charlotte even more annoyed.

"Boy, you come to set up a stall without asking whose territory this is."

As early as when Charlotte was carrying the fur, a group of people had set their eyes on Charlotte.

"It's the boss of the Wild Wolf Gang!"

When everyone saw the Wild Wolf Gang, they scattered and made way.

"Get out of the way!"

Four or five ruffians from the Wild Wolf Gang dispersed the people around them and opened a passage. A big man with a big gold chain around his neck and a big gold tooth in his mouth, who looked a bit rough, came out.

Charlotte frowned and looked at all this, still a little surprised.

I didn't expect that there would be gangs in a town with only a thousand people.

But Charlotte was not afraid.

"Boy! What are you looking at? Don't you know that you have to pay a share to set up a stall here?"

The boss of the Wild Wolf Gang walked up to Charlotte and looked down at him, and turned over the fur that Charlotte had placed on the blanket in his hand.

"Wow! This fur is not ordinary, there is no wound!"

The boss of the Wild Wolf Gang randomly pulled out two furs, which looked like fox fur.

"Yes, these two furs will be your share!"

The boss of the Wild Wolf Gang

As he spoke, he was about to withdraw his hand.

Charlotte quickly grabbed the wrist of the Wild Wolf Gang leader and looked at him unkindly.


The Wild Wolf Gang leader looked at the little hand that grabbed his wrist and pulled hard, but couldn't pull it away. He looked at Charlotte with a bad face.

"Give me money, two 20,000 Baileys!"

Charlotte said lightly.

After suddenly hearing the two unfamiliar words "give me money", the Wild Wolf Gang leader laughed, laughed very loudly, and laughed with his head raised.

The younger brother next to him looked at the boss laughing crazily, not knowing why, but also laughed along.

"Hahaha! Ahahahaha!"

"Give me money, I, Beth, have never paid for anything in my life!"

Beth said and shook Charlotte's hand away.

I thought this kid would be thrown away by me, but he didn't move at all.

"It seems you are here to make trouble!"

Charlotte stood up and said, grabbing Beth's wrist.

After seeing this, Beth couldn't help but want to take two steps back, but was held tightly by Charlotte, and couldn't walk away at all. Just when he wanted to pull out the dagger with his right hand.

Charlotte exerted force, and Beth staggered and was pressed to the ground.

The speed was very fast, and Beth was pressed to the ground before he could react.


The younger brothers next to him reacted.

They all drew out their daggers and batons and rushed towards Charlotte.

"Asshole, let me go, you're dead, you're dead."

Beth, who was pressed under Charlotte's feet, twisted wildly, trying to escape Charlotte's control.

But Charlotte's feet stepped on Beth like a clamp, making any resistance of Beth useless.

"It's over, this kid is dead, he has offended the Wild Wolf Gang, there is no place for him in this town!"

Just when everyone felt sorry for the child.

Charlotte stepped on Beth with one foot and looked at the thugs rushing towards him, with the corners of his mouth raised.

He slightly turned his body, and knocked down five people with three punches and two kicks.


"It hurts, it hurts!"

Five people were wailing on the ground.

This scene stunned Beth at Charlotte's feet.

It also stunned the people watching the excitement around him.

"This! This, this!"

Everyone was frightened by Charlotte's actions.

He knocked down everyone with three punches and two kicks, and it seemed that he didn't even use any strength.

Charlotte ignored the astonishment of the crowd and squatted down, pulling off the gold necklace hanging on Beth's neck and the gem ring on his finger.

Then he punched Beth in the mouth again.

Instantly, Beth screamed in pain.

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