The body of Bondi World suddenly expanded, and his body became very tall.

The extremely rich Armament Haki covered his wrist and blade.


Charlotte's slash hit Bondi World's blade.

There was a crisp cracking sound.

The sickle that Bondi World used to resist Charlotte broke under Charlotte's sword wrapped with the Domineering Haki.


The sword energy slashed Bondi World's chest.

Blood was scattered everywhere!

Bondi World screamed.

All the people in the surrounding World Pirates turned their heads to look.



Gayram, Bin Jack and others exclaimed after seeing this.

They are now being entangled by the cadres under Charlotte.

Gayram was entangled by Carter.

But it is obvious that Carter was suppressed by Gayram.

If Gayram's attention had not been distracted, Carter might have lost.

The ability of the Cube Fruit made Carter unable to defend himself! He almost got hit several times.

And Sebastian's opponent was Barrett.

Barrett, who was possessed by the Fusion Fruit, was simply a giant on the battlefield.

With amazing Armament Haki covering his body, he punched Sebastian one by one.

At the age of twelve, he was nearly four meters tall.

Combined with the Fusion Fruit, a giant more than ten meters tall appeared in front of everyone.

Sebastian was beaten without any resistance.

Blood hung from the corner of his mouth.

But Barrett became more and more excited as he fought.

The ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth seemed to be venting something.

Although Barrett didn't have to go to the battlefield every day in the past few years, his life was not as thrilling as before.

But in order not to let Barrett's talent be wasted by himself.

He practiced with Barrett every few days.

In this way, he made rapid progress in the past four years almost while being beaten.

At the beginning, he could still practice with the cadres, but later the cadres could no longer make him feel satisfied.

And fighting with Charlotte was not called fighting, it was pure abuse.

This also made Barrett very vague about his own strength.

He knew that he had become stronger, but he had no idea how strong he had become.

But now, seeing this fighter of the Wald Pirates, a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million, being abused by himself, he had a full understanding of his own strength.


Sebastian was knocked away by Barrett's punch and lay on the ground trembling.

Barrett also withdrew from the fusion state.

Barrett, wearing a black military uniform and white gloves, walked up to Sebastian.

"Let me make you a stepping stone to my fame?"

Barrett grabbed Sebastian's head with a very ferocious expression.


Barrett exerted a little force on his palm, and the head in his hand made a crisp sound with a crack.

Sebastian lay on the ground motionless with lifeless eyes.

Barrett was the first to solve his own battle.

The gloves in his hands were stained red with blood.

He set his sights on other people.

The Wald Pirates have recruited quite a few pirates in recent years.

The more than 200 crew members brought by Charlotte still had a hard time fighting.

Barrett quickly set his sights on those pirates.


Barrett clenched his fists with both hands, and his hands creaked!

"Let you please me!"

Barrett's figure flashed quickly.

The speed was totally incompatible with its size.

He dodged and rushed into the crowd of pirates.

His tall body grabbed two pirates and lifted them up to smash each other.

The pirates in his hands died instantly.

Barrett rushed into the crowd without stopping and smashed left and right! For a moment, countless pirates were frightened by Barrett's terrifying appearance, and they threw down their weapons and turned to run.

But how could they escape from Barrett's eyes.

Barrett killed them one by one, and his efficiency was a bit slow!

He covered the ground with his hands, and the purple crystal-colored fluid instantly covered the surrounding ground.

"Combination mode!"

A huge earth giant rose out of thin air.

The huge giant opened his palms and slapped the pirates fleeing on the ground like slapping insects.



Countless pirates were scared to death when they saw this scene.

Standing still, he was slapped to death by Barrett.

"Oh my god! This is Rockefeller Hai

Is he the newest member of the bandit group? "

Wherever there is a big event, there is the news king Morganus!

Morganus was so shocked to see the more than ten-meter-tall mud giant in the picture transmitted by the news bird that he was speechless.

"This is simply the heir of the devil!"

Morganus asked someone to take out Barrett's information and found that Barrett had followed Charlotte four years ago. He didn't expect that four years later, the twelve-year-old would be so fierce.

"Ahahahahaha! Ahahahahaha! Barrett! Douglas Barrett! The heir of the devil, Douglas Barrett! "

Morgans has already thought of the headlines for tomorrow's news.

The super rookie of the Rockefeller Pirates, who single-handedly destroyed all the pirates of the World Pirates except Bondi World.

Barrett slapped a pirate with one slap.

But it also made Barrett find something wrong.

Some pirates seem to be very strong.

But how could such a strong pirate be dressed as a minion.

Barrett stared at a pirate quickly slipping away from his palm.

As Barrett has been carefully trained by Charlotte for so many years, he still has some insight.

"Shave! The Navy's six-style shave! Are they undercovers planted by the Navy?"

Barrett muttered as he looked at the pirates who survived from his hands.

Barrett is right! They are indeed undercovers, but not undercovers of the Navy Headquarters, but undercover cp organizations of the World Government.

"No matter what you say, you are not an undercover! You all have to die! "

Barrett yelled as he controlled the Earth Giant.

He quickly covered his hands with a layer of Armament Haki and rushed towards the group of pirates with complicated identities.

"Assholes! "

The CPs dressed in pirate costumes looked at the giant in front of them with an ugly face, their bodies kept turning in the air.

They were exposed.

Because of Barrett, they were exposed.

This made them look ugly instantly.

They were all undercovers sent by CP0, lurking in the World Pirates.

The purpose was to cooperate with the navy to eliminate Bondi World in one fell swoop at a critical moment.

Bondi World was too dangerous, he was a madman, and he could destroy an island for no reason.

The ability of the Momo Fruit made the World Government extremely afraid.

The name of the world destroyer is not a joke.

Bondi World destroyed countless kingdoms after going to sea.

How many islands were sunk, which made the member countries of the World Government terrified.

Especially in the new world in recent years, it was even crazier than the Golden Lion.

This made the World Government begin to consciously place undercovers, just in time for the World Pirates to recruit new members.

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