The first half of the Grand Line!

Kraikana Island!

In a castle!

A boy of eight or nine years old, with a big backcombed hair and sharp eyes, sat at the table and read the newspaper in his hand. There was also a wooden sword on the table.

The content of the newspaper was that Rockefeller Charlotte had just killed Bondi Wald.

The boy's eagle-like eyes stared at Charlotte's photo.

In the boy's room, the walls around were densely covered with all the photos of Rockefeller Charlotte.

These were collected from newspapers.

And a brand new bounty hanging in the middle.

《The World's No. 1 Swordsman Rockefeller Charlotte! 》

"I will surpass you sooner or later!"

The boy said silently while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

Then he carefully put away the newspaper, picked up the wooden sword on the table and walked out of the castle.

After a while, the sound of breaking wind was heard.


Navy Headquarters!


At this time, all the high-ranking officers of the navy stood together, watching the two coffins buried in the soil.

Zeff stood in front of the coffin with red eyes.

Because of his dry eyes, Zephyr's eyes looked particularly scary.

"Lower the coffin!"

As a voice sounded!

The surrounding navy soldiers shoveled the soil one by one!

Zeff looked at the coffin covered with soil and knelt down again helplessly.

Marshal Kong came over!

"The pirates have been killed! The revenge has been avenged, and they will rest in peace in the ground."

Kong stood behind Zephyr who was kneeling on the ground, stretched out his hand and patted Zephyr on the shoulder.

Seeing Zefa indifferent!

Kong sighed.

He knew that this incident had hit Zefa hard, so he should give him some time to recover!

The next day!

Marshal Kong held a meeting in the Marshal's office!

All the senior generals were there, except Zefa.

Seeing that Zefa's seat was empty, Kong sighed.

Just when he wanted to have a meeting!

The door opened.

Zefa sat in his seat expressionlessly in the uniform of a navy admiral.

Watch this scene!

Kong smiled! He was afraid that Zefa would be deeply involved.

"Okay! Everyone is here! Let's start today's meeting!"

The slide opened!

A bounty appeared on the big screen.

It was the bounty of Rockefeller Charlotte, the world's number one swordsman.

"The theme of this meeting is the Great Pirate of the New World, the world's greatest swordsman, the captain of the Rockefeller Pirates, the Great Swordsman of Blood, Rockefeller Charlotte!"

Sora spoke out the theme of the meeting.

Then he looked at everyone's expressions.

Except for that bastard Garp, all the generals had very serious expressions.

"This is the latest news! World Destroyer Bondi Wald died at the hands of Rockefeller Charlotte, and the Wald Pirates were also destroyed! You can put forward any ideas you have about how to deal with Rockefeller Charlotte and the Rockefeller Pirates under his command."

Sora looked at everyone and asked.

As soon as this was said, some radical naval generals spoke out.

"Give the order, Marshal! Enter the New World to arrest Rockefeller Charlotte!"

"That's right! Instead of watching him become a behemoth, it is better to solve it early, no matter how much it costs."

A group of radical naval generals expressed their opinions one after another.

"Nonsense! Have you ever thought about the situation of the navy after entering the New World? Will those big pirates let us in so recklessly?"

The mature and prudent admirals retorted after hearing the words of those radical admirals.

"That's right! Once we suffer too much loss in the New World, our basic four seas and the first half of the Grand Line will be unstable, and there will definitely be more pirates going out to sea! We must have a steady plan."

Other admirals said after hearing this.

"Then let Rockefeller Charlotte do whatever he wants in the New World! When will the justice of the navy fall on Charlotte!"

A debate began.

The admirals in the navy were clearly divided into two factions.

This gave the admiral sitting in the main seat a headache.

Sengoku sat in the admiral's position with his head down and kept silent.

Tsuru watched the debate of the admirals below.

Garp took out a bag of senbei from the drawer and handed it to Sengoku and Zephyr.

Sengoku glared at Garp, then took it as if nothing had happened and started eating.

Zefa also took it silently, but did not eat it.


But Garp didn't care about the two of them and just started eating.

Kong, who was already annoyed by the endless arguments of these navy generals, heard the crunching sound of eating.

"Garp! Bastard!"

"Steel Bone·Steel Fist!"

A punch covered with Armament Color hit Garp's head.

A big bump appeared on Garp's head in an instant.

The meeting also quieted down under Kong's punch.

All the generals calmed down and looked at Marshal Kong!

Kong took a deep breath and looked at dozens of pairs of eyes staring at him.

"It is not appropriate for the navy to enter the New World on a large scale now!"

This sentence determined the content of the next meeting.

After hearing this, those mature and prudent generals took a bite, but those radical generals lowered their heads silently.

Seeing this scene, Kong felt that he had to cheer these people up.

"But! Don't lose heart! Today's precipitation is for a better tomorrow! The World Government has agreed to increase the navy's military expenditure. We must make the navy strong, strong enough to crush the pirates of the New World. Then it will be the time for our navy's justice to come to the New World. Do you have confidence?"

Sora stood up, put his hands on the table, and said loudly and fiercely.

Combined with his action of slapping the table, he successfully made the group of lost radical generals excited.

"Justice will prevail!"

All the navy generals stood up and roared.

The sound was so loud that the whole of Marinford could be clearly seen.

Except for Garp and Zephyr who did not stand up, all the navy generals stood up.

After seeing this scene, Kong waved his hand with satisfaction.

Then he glanced at Garp and Zephyr who were indifferent.

Garp looked like he hadn't woken up yet, and he didn't let out a word.

But there was no way, he was just an old fox.

But Zephyr's actions gave Kong a bad feeling!

"Okay! Let's go back! During this time, guard the entrance to the New World, the first half of the Grand Line, and the four seas, and eliminate all pirates on the sea!"

Kong looked at everyone and said.


All the naval commanders said in unison.

Then they all walked out of the Marshal's office.

Only Sengoku Kapu and Zephyr were left.

Zeffer suddenly looked a little struggling, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't make up his mind.

Marshal Kong frowned after seeing this scene.

"Zeffer! If you have anything to say, you can say it directly. We are all our own people here!"

Kong looked at Zephyr's struggling face and said softly.

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