The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

He shook his head. She shouldn't have had any hope for Garp.

He left, and Sengoku was there, madly attacking Garp.

Zeffer sat on the bed in the room, thinking back to his wife and children and what Garp had just said.

For a moment, he was in great pain.

"Why do you treat me like this! Woohoo!"

Zeffer lay on the bed and cried.

The next day!

Marshal's office!

"Marshal! I've made up my mind! I'll continue to hold the position of admiral, but I don't want to go to sea anymore. I'll go train new soldiers in the future!"

Zeffer said as he stood in front of Sora.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Sora stared into Zephyr's eyes and said.

"Yeah! I've made up my mind!"

Zeffer nodded!

"Okay! From now on, you will be the chief instructor of the new recruits of the Navy Headquarters, responsible for training new recruits and providing talents for the Navy Headquarters."

Sora stamped an appointment and handed it to Zefa.

Zefa's appointment soon spread.

Many people knew about Zefa's latest appointment.

And this matter was also spread through newspapers.

But it was not the original version, but the version modified by the Navy.

"Changes in the Navy Admiral! Black-armed Zefa felt the lack of combat power of the Navy Headquarters and volunteered to serve as the chief instructor of the new recruits of the Navy Headquarters, and retained the position of Admiral!"

A piece of news spread all over the world!

It shocked people all over the world.

The Navy was excited after seeing this news.

And with it came another large-scale recruitment of the Navy!

Countless people with justice in their hearts joined the Navy.

North Sea!

"Why do you want to join the Navy!"

An interviewer looked at the determined man in front of him and asked.

"Destroy all evil!"

The resolute man said without hesitation.

Molten lava gushed out of his body!

All the people around him stared at the resolute man in the hat in front of them with dull eyes.

And in another place!

The same question continued.

"Why do you want to join the navy!"

The interviewer asked!

"I heard that the navy has a good salary! I want to work in the navy!"

A wretched man said carelessly while picking his nails.


The interviewer's face was full of black lines after hearing this, and finally stamped the pass seal.

Just because it was written in detail in the introduction above.

Natural system·Pink Fruit ability user.

Navy headquarters!

"Hahahahahaha! Zephyr! My son is in your hands. Treat him like your son! Beat him if he doesn't listen! Don't worry about me!"

Garp took his son out and kept patting Dragon's shoulder and said.


Dragon's face turned red as Garp patted him continuously.

"Well! Leave it to me!"

Zeffer is very familiar with Garp's son. After all, he has been brought to the Navy Headquarters by Garp for two years.

Almost everyone knows Dragon, Garp's son.

As Garp's son, he is not as unreliable as Garp. Instead, he treats everyone with great care and gentleness, which makes many people unconsciously want to get close to Dragon.

It is definitely not because Dragon's father is a naval hero.


"Don't call me uncle!"

Garp slapped Dragon on the back of his head.

Dragon staggered and almost lost his balance.

Looking at Garp's actions, Zephyr couldn't help but twitch his lips.


Drager bowed slightly to Zephyr.

Zephyr smiled after seeing it.

This is the first time he has smiled in this month.


Zeffer nodded!

Zephyr was very satisfied with Garp's son. In the past two years of bringing him to the Navy Headquarters, Zephyr got to know him. He didn't have the habits of a second-generation official.

Instead, he treated his comrades very kindly, fought bravely, and was not afraid of life and death.

This made him see his own shadow.

It also made countless high-ranking officials in the Navy look favorably on Drago.

They believed that Drago perfectly inherited his father's excellent talents, not only in combat, but also in dealing with people.

He was completely the leader of the younger generation.

Steel Bone·Sora even wanted to train him to the position of Navy Admiral!

He will be the best candidate for the next Admiral after the Warring States.

His father is a Navy hero, which naturally gives Drago an advantage over others.

He was rarely asked to fight, but to follow Crane to handle various documents, and after understanding some general things.

He will personally take him by his side and train him well

, we must not let Garp waste such a beautiful jade.

Even in private, he complained to Garp why he didn't bring Dragon to the Navy Headquarters earlier.

Garp just laughed it off.

He told everyone that he would train Dragon to be the strongest marine.

No one objected to this.

This time, Zephyr was the chief instructor of the recruits, and Garp pulled Dragon over to let him practice well and not be led astray by the group of people in the General Staff.

With the Four Seas! Grand Line!

After the naval bases of various branches gathered a group of young geniuses from all over the world and sent them to the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy also burst out his true talent, and countless geniuses appeared in front of everyone.

"Natural System·Magma Fruit! Natural System·Glitter Fruit! Great! Great! They are all rare talents! They must be trained well!"

Kong looked at the news from the North Sea in his hand and smiled from ear to ear!

They are all top devil fruit ability users! This will once again enhance the combat power of the Navy Headquarters.

They will be an important combat power of the Navy Headquarters in the future!

Zephyr also smiled!

He was full of confidence looking at the information in his hand!

"I'll leave these geniuses to you! One year later! I hope to see the results!"

Kong handed the information to Zephyr and said seriously.

"Don't worry, Marshal! I will devote all my energy to train them, and it would be best if I could produce a few admiral seedlings!"

Zephyr promised.

Zephyr withdrew and prepared to meet these geniuses from all over the world.

Time passed slowly.

Zephyr was wearing a purple navy admiral uniform!

"Hello everyone! I will accompany you for the next year! Of course, some of you may have heard of my name! Zefa, this is my name, but I like another name, instructor! All of you must call me instructor! I will teach you how to fight and how to deal with pirates. Of course, if you come here and cannot meet my requirements, please withdraw voluntarily. I don't need trash here!"

Zefal stood in front of a group of young people, wearing glasses and speaking resolutely.

The aura emanating from his body made all the young people feel suffocated.

"Yes! Instructor!"

All the navy soldiers shouted.

"Good! It's impressive! Then let's have a unique meeting gift! Those who can stand up under my next attack will be directly evaluated as excellent this month! Are you ready?"

Zefal clasped his fists, smiled at the hundreds of students in front of him with a raised corner of his mouth.

Zefal's words made the group of people look at each other, but Zefa would not give them time to answer.

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