The old man was very happy.

Looking at the rubbing in his hand!

"Rayleigh! I've decided! I'm going to find the truth of this world!"

Roger suddenly said while looking at the rubbing in his hand.


Rayleigh was confused by Roger's words, but nodded subconsciously.

"Sure! I'll accompany you! Roger's Pirates will act according to your will!"

After hearing Rayleigh's words, other members of Roger's Pirates also said.

"Hahahaha, that's right! Captain! We will always follow you!"

Jabbar looked at Roger with a laugh, his double axes on his waist.

"Wahahahaha! Little ones like that! We will have a goal, which is to understand the truth of this world! Even if we have to sacrifice our lives for it!"

Roger's hearty laughter continued in the cave for a long time.

"Long live Roger Pirates!"

The crew members of Roger Pirates cheered.

"Tsk! What truth are we looking for! There is no treasure!"

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the red-nosed boy crossed his arms and said disdainfully.

"Baki! Don't think like that. What if we find the treasure hidden by some people while we are looking for the truth of history? Wouldn't that be a fortune?"

Shanks put one hand on Buggy's shoulder and smiled at Buggy.

"Treasure! Treasure! Yes! In the process, we will definitely find the treasure left by some people. Wouldn't that be a fortune?"

Baki reacted instantly after hearing Shanks' words.

"Captain Roger, I want to find the treasure!"

Baki hurriedly ran to Roger and said to Roger Pirates.

"Okay, okay! The treasure will definitely be yours, Buggy!"

Roger would not argue with a child.

"Oh! I want to find the great secret treasure buried in history!"

After hearing Roger's words, Buggy jumped up in the cave with joy.

Everyone who saw this scene smiled.

"Red-nosed kid! You are such a money-grubber!"

Many crew members laughed.

"Asshole! Who do you say is the red nose!"

Buggy was instantly furious when he heard someone say that he was the red nose.

But what came back was a burst of laughter.

In the midst of this laughter, all the members of Roger's pirate group returned to the ship.

"Let's go! Find the great secret treasure buried in history!"

Roger shouted loudly at the bow.

The ship slowly sailed away from the island.


New World!

Kami Island!

At the port, a large group of people gathered in front of a giant ship.

"Mr. Charlotte! Most of the ship you want to build has been completed! This is the Poseidon you need! A ship that can sail without wind power. I swear, this is definitely the most advanced sea ship in the world."

Vinsmoke Judge, who has been building ships for Charlotte, stood half a step behind Charlotte and introduced it to Charlotte.

Charlotte looked up at this huge ship, which was like a ship. Both sides of the hull were densely packed with cannons and weapons.

The bow was the action of Poseidon holding up the trident.

The whole ship has seven floors.

There are four floors under the deck and three floors on the deck.

This ship, which is 27 meters high, 26 meters wide and about 170 meters long, is docked at the port.

Looking at the steel wrapped around it, it is hard to imagine its greatness.

"Let's go! Go up and take a look!"

Charlotte said hurriedly, looking at the ship that looked like something in a science fiction movie, and then walked forward quickly.

The metallic touch fascinated Charlotte.

"Mr. Charlotte, look here! The decks here are all solar powered, which can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity to drive the ship to move, and can also store electricity, and can maintain electricity for seven days without sunlight."

Judge said this with a proud look on his face.

He didn't know how many brain cells he had lost in order to build this solar deck and the device for storing electricity, and he came up with these ideas.

Charlotte stepped on it and found it was quite hard, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad! Not bad! This is a very good idea!"

Charlotte was very satisfied.

"Mr. Charlotte, please follow me!"

Judge became even more proud after hearing Charlotte's praise and took Charlotte to the cabin.

Charlotte followed closely, and others such as Caesar Courant and those scientists followed behind.


Caesar Courant looked at the surrounding weapons and the solar deck below with interest in his eyes.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see

Recognize the unusualness of those weapons.

However, he did not say anything, but followed Charlotte to visit the layout inside.

Judge took Charlotte to the last floor.

Looking at the various pipes and lines in the last floor, as well as the neatly arranged things like bicycles.

"Mr. Charlotte! This can be powered by power. As long as people keep stepping on the pedals, it will be continuously converted into electricity. In this way, even if there is no light, it can be supplemented here. Only one hundred people are needed to maintain the energy of the entire ship."

Judge looked at the things he designed and smiled.

This inspiration was proposed by a scientist, and he thought of this instantly.

Charlotte looked at the rows of bicycles and the one hundred pedals that can be stepped on.

Very satisfied, and his last concern was gone.

"Not bad! Not bad! I will satisfy you as promised before."

Charlotte was in a very good mood!

And this sentence instantly made Vinsmoke Judge's spirit surge.

"Introduce me to any good equipment!"

Charlotte looked at Judge and said.

"Okay! Please follow me!"

We came to the second floor, which was full of densely packed rooms with a two-meter passage in the middle.

Charlotte had gone directly to the last floor after getting off the elevator.

"This floor is full of rooms! They are used for crew members to rest. Each room is ten square meters, and two people sleep in each room. This can accommodate nearly a thousand people!"

Judge opened the door for Charlotte and introduced it.

At the first glance at the room, Charlotte felt like he had returned to his previous life. Isn't this just a student dormitory?

It's just that his previous dormitory could sleep five or six people, but this one only sleeps two, and there is still a lot of space inside.

"Well! Not bad!"

Charlotte nodded! It's already very good to be able to accommodate a thousand people. At that time, we just need to bring the maids in.

Seeing Charlotte was very satisfied! Judge took Charlotte to the third floor again!

The third and fourth floors are connected. There is a hall as big as a football field, and there are small rooms around the hall.

"This is a place for eating and gathering. The rooms around are training rooms, which have all kinds of equipment, and even a gravity room!"

Jage continued, these are all made according to Charlotte's comfort and all kinds of miscellaneous requirements.

He directly hollowed out the middle with reference to those cruise ships.

Charlotte was very satisfied looking at this 100-meter-long hall.

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