The two sides of the border are still in chaos.

Although Charlotte didn't like this rule, he didn't say it out loud. He never felt a sense of belonging to this pirate group from the beginning.

Now that he was forced to join them, he took this opportunity to practice well. Strengthening himself is the only goal.

"Now that you have become the captain of the 8th Division, we should also tell you about our rules. You can take care of your crew and the same goes for the ship, but you have to hand in 30% of the looted financial report. This is the rule, do you understand?"

Rocks' voice came out faintly.

But Charlotte still felt an order that could not be disobeyed from this sentence.

"Yes! Captain!"

Charlotte nodded.


Rocks nodded with satisfaction, and then stood up.

"We will stay in this port for a day, you should prepare."

Locks instructed.


Charlotte responded.

Edward Newgate and Golden Lion Shiki did not fight in the end.

The two just looked at each other for a moment, and Golden Lion Shiki left first.

Edward Newgate looked at the deck and found that he was the only one.

The loneliness in his heart came again.

"When will I have my own family?"

Edward Newgate fell into confusion, not knowing how to go in the future.


The next day!

Charlotte came to the port with a group of more than 100 people.

The ten fleets of the Rocks Pirates have been replenished with supplies and are waiting for Charlotte.

The 100 people Charlotte brought were all members of the Wild Wolf Gang.

After hearing that Charlotte was going to sea as a pirate, they all wanted to follow Charlotte.

Charlotte took them all away.

Among these people, there are doctors, nurses, navigators, cooks, boatmen, sailors, fighters, and maids who serve them.

There are more than a hundred people in total.

The ship that Charlotte and his friends took was the one that Charlotte had been building for more than a year.

Now it is almost ready to go out to sea.

"Hahaha! This kid brought so many people, do you think he is playing house?"

Seeing Charlotte bring so many old and weak people, the golden lion curled his lips.

"Hahaha! Don't children have to bring more things when they go out for the first time?"

Rocks said indifferently.

After Charlotte hoisted Rocks' pirate flag.

With Rocks' roar, they set off.

Charlotte sighed as he looked at the port that was about to disappear. He didn't know how long it would take to come back.

However, Charlotte shook his head at this emotion.

"I am infected by the emotions around me again!"

Since he awakened his observation Haki, his emotions are easily infected by the people around him.

This gave Charlotte a headache.

Because it is very annoying because it is out of his control.

Why did Charlotte save so many slaves in the past two years? It was because he was infected by the emotions of these slaves and did it in a daze.

Of course, Charlotte did not regret it. What kind of man is hesitant after doing it?


As if she noticed that Charlotte was in a bad mood, Jenny walked forward and gently rubbed Charlotte's forehead with her hand.

Charlotte touched Jenny's hand and thought about things aimlessly.

In the past year, Charlotte knew what these five little maids were thinking. Since the accident after drinking last time, Charlotte no longer simply regarded these five little maids as his maids, but as family members.

"I'll sleep for a while! Call me if there is anything!"

Charlotte closed her eyes and began to snore slowly.

At this time, the 100-meter ship was slowly sailing in this sea area.

And there were ten ships larger than this one in front of this big ship.

It was sailing fast.

And Charlotte's ship could only fall behind.

A few days later!

Pirate Island.


"Hahaha! I'm finally back! This trip was long enough!"

Golden Lion Shiki was the first to rush to the island and landed on the ground and said.

After sailing on the sea for more than ten days in a row, even if you want to go out to sea, you will get tired.

In order to come back earlier, the Rocks Pirates did not stop at the islands along the way.

After Golden Lion Shiki got off the ship, several other cadres also got off the ship.

The second is the pirates.

"Is this the pirates' island?"

Charlotte looked at everything around curiously.

After hearing Charlotte's words, Golden Lion Shiki floated next to Charlotte.

"Yes, this is our pirates' island, it belongs to us

"The island!" said Shiki the Golden Lion happily.

"How is it magnificent?"

Charlotte nodded.

It was indeed a little different from what he thought.

I thought it was just a chaotic and dirty island.

I didn't expect it to be quite prosperous.

It was much more prosperous than his own island, Kamei Island.

Although there were countless knife-wielding pirates and those half-dressed slaves on the island.

Overall, it was very good.

"Captain, you are back!"

Three people appeared in front of Rocks and the others.

"Hahaha! John, Silver Axe, Wang Zhi, have you completed your mission?"

Rocks asked with a happy smile after seeing the three people.

"Don't worry, Captain, those kingdoms have been destroyed by us, and the kings of their kingdoms have been beheaded by us!"

John said with a grin, with greed in his eyes.

People who know him will know that he may have made a fortune from that kingdom.

"Hahaha! The old rules, 30% will be handed over to the seventh floor and you can divide it among yourselves!"

Locks said with a big wave of his hand.

John nodded.

But if you look closely at his eyes, you can see that he is a little dissatisfied.

Silver Axe and Wang Zhi said nothing.

The bodies of the two were hidden in the armor, and Charlotte couldn't see what they looked like.

"Captain, I heard that we have a new crew member. Where is it? Let me see it!"

John looked at the group of cadres to find Charlotte's figure.

This made Charlotte's face sink slightly.

A living person like me is standing here. Are you pretending to be blind?

Thinking of this, I thought that I had just arrived on this island. I really need to kill the chicken to scare the monkey, starting from here.

After hearing John's words, the other cadres looked at each other, and then showed an expression of watching a show.

"If your eyes are not good, donate them to others."

Charlotte took a step forward and looked at John coldly and said.

"Hey! This is our new cadre! I heard that he is a swordsman, but I don't know how strong he is. I doubt whether he can become the captain of the 8th Division. "

John looked at Charlotte, who was the same height as him but exuded a cold aura, and said indifferently.

"Then you come and try it yourself, whether I can be qualified for the position of captain."

Charlotte's eyes revealed a killing attack.

"Oh! As expected of the owner of the Conqueror's Haki, you speak in a domineering way! I wonder if your mother didn't teach you how to talk to your seniors?"

"Oh! Look at my memory, you don't seem to have a mother!"

John patted his head and said to Charlotte with a smile.

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