Although he was only seventeen years old, his real age in both lives was not much younger than Shen Kun.

"Haha! It's surprising, isn't it? You didn't expect a murderous pirate to take the initiative to chat with someone, right?"

Charlotte smiled and looked at Shen Kun, who was two heads taller than him.

Shen Kun also laughed after hearing Charlotte's laughter.

"Hahaha! I really didn't expect you to come to me to chat!"

Shen Kun did not hide his true feelings.

"Hahaha! Come and drink!"

Charlotte raised a bowl of wine on the table and said.

Shen Kun also drank the wine bowl in one gulp.

The two drank until dawn.

Some people nearby have woken up one after another, and they saw Charlotte sitting alone at the table.

"Boss! Should we leave today?"

Paul walked up to Charlotte and asked carefully.

He could feel that his boss was in a bad mood.

Charlotte nodded after hearing what Paul said.

"Let's go today, and go back to the ship after everyone wakes up!"

After Charlotte finished speaking, Paul looked a little disappointed. He wanted to spend another two days on Fishman Island?

Everything here is different from the outside. There are so many beautiful mermaids, and he is reluctant to leave.

Seeing Paul's expression, Charlotte raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you want to stay? That's fine! You can stay!"

After hearing what Charlotte said, Paul waved his hand quickly.

"No, no! My goal is not here. What I pursue is the realm of swordsman, not a comfortable life!"

Paul looked at Charlotte and said with a smile.

Charlotte didn't care what Paul said.

"Hey? Oh, by the way! Where's the blue fishman general?"

After Paul got up, he didn't see the fishman named Shen Kun and asked in confusion.

"Him? He went back! Why do you care about him?"

Charlotte looked at Paul and said.

Recalling the conversation between the two in the morning, he had a very good impression of this fishman named Shen Kun.

All his drinks were paid by Shen Kun. He hadn't seen such an interesting person for a long time.

"Got back?"

Paul didn't expect him to go back. He was still watching us carefully yesterday, but why didn't he care after one night.

But seeing that the boss didn't say anything, he didn't ask any more.

He looked at the crew members who were staggering around.

"Get up quickly, we're leaving today, and everyone, cheer up!"

Paul said as he looked at the more than 20 people who were dizzy.

After hearing the words of the captain, the more than 20 crew members stood up and looked at Charlotte.

After seeing that everyone had sobered up, Charlotte drank the last bit of wine in the bottle.

"Let's go! Get on the ship!"

Charlotte said as he strode towards the entrance of Fishman Island.

With the coral bubbles that are a specialty of Fishman Island, their ship was coated with a film and began to cross the tunnel of Fishman Island in the Red Earth Continent and enter the first half of the Grand Line.

Twenty years later, it was also called a paradise by the people of the New World.

There is no such name now.

The ship sailed over Fishman Island and passed through the underground passage of the Red Earth Continent.

"Float up!"

With the order of the navigator, the crew members manipulated the ship to float up.

The speed of floating up is twice the speed of sinking, which is very fast.

Charlotte can already vaguely see the light on the sea.



The ship rushed out of the sea, and the coating on the ship was also broken.

Charlotte stood at the bow and looked at the surrounding sea.

Saw the Sabaody Archipelago composed of Alchiman mangroves.

However, Charlotte did not plan to go to the Sabaody Archipelago.

He just wanted to find the Seven Star Sword as soon as possible.

And the Sabaody Archipelago was also very dangerous, very close to the Navy Headquarters Marinford, and Celestial Dragons often came down.

If he met him, it would be difficult for Charlotte to guarantee that he would not kill him with one sword.

Take out the record pointer of Askah Island given to him by Xia Qi and throw it to the navigator.

"Go to Askah Island!"

Charlotte's voice sounded faintly.

Directly interrupted everyone's gaze towards the Sabaody Archipelago.

Although they could not go to the Sabaody Archipelago, everyone was not disappointed, after all, the boss had said it before.

Although they were very yearning for the Sabaody Archipelago in their hearts, they still held back.

The ship turned around and headed in the opposite direction of the Sabaody Archipelago.

When Charlotte's ship disappeared in front of the Sabaody Archipelago.

A navy warship in the dark also quietly

followed quietly.

As early as when Charlotte came out of Beehive Island, he had been closely watched by the Navy Headquarters.

Until he was discovered on Chica Island, they had been keeping an eye on Charlotte's movements.

After learning that he went to Fishman Island, many high-ranking naval officers were still secretly worried in their hearts, fearing that Charlotte went to Fishman Island on the orders of Rocks to attack Fishman Island?

After all, the strategic location of Fishman Island is no less than that of Upside Down Mountain. It is the only way for criminals to reach the New World, and its strategic location is very important.

Even the World Government does not allow the Rocks Pirates to occupy Fishman Island.

When Charlotte entered Fishman Island, the Navy Headquarters held a high-level meeting of the Navy Headquarters and planned to send Zefa to Fishman Island to stop Charlotte's actions.

But what was unexpected was that the intelligence reported by the Fishman Island spies was that Charlotte left Fishman Island the next day after drinking with General Shinkun of Fishman Island for a night.

Navy Headquarters!

"Tell me, is there any conspiracy behind Charlotte's arrival in the first half of the Grand Line?"

Cyborg·Sora took out the latest intelligence and asked everyone.

After reading the intelligence for a while, Sengoku and Crane didn't see anything.

"General Kong! Didn't you get some useful information from the Rocks Pirates?"

Sengoku looked at Cyborg·Sora and asked.

Cyborg·Sora shook his head!

"I didn't get any useful information from the Rocks Pirates. I only know that Charlotte's arrival in the Grand Line seems to be related to that intelligence agent Xia Qi. Our navy agents and the world government agents haven't found out anything else. We even lost a lot of agents to find out these news."

Cyborg·Sora frowned, a little anxious.

He was exhausted with so many things to deal with every day and to speculate on Charlotte's actions.

If it weren't for Sengoku and Crane's help, he would have wanted to give up.

Crane looked at the useless information.

"Let's send a surveillance ship to follow behind and find out what Charlotte is doing!"

Crane suggested.

After hearing Crane's words, Steel Bone·Sora frowned! But he also nodded.

"Okay, send a surveillance ship to follow from a distance and monitor all of Charlotte's actions!"

Steel Bone·Sora made the arrangements.

Then the order was passed to the Sabaody Archipelago.

A major general personally led the team to monitor Charlotte's ship from a distance.

Set off from the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Major General, we have found the trace of the pirate Charlotte!"

A lookout reported at the observation tower.

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