The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

"Asshole! What are you doing?"

Just as a group of people were cursing.

A figure walked out of the passage smashed by Chief Steward Fei.

Charlotte smiled and watched the curses of everyone in front of him.

If someone who knows Charlotte sees Charlotte's expression, they will know that Charlotte is going to kill someone.

"Hahahaha! Hahahahahaha!"

Charlotte came to the center of the auction table and watched the people in the auction hall laughing wildly.

Those present were either princes and nobles, or wealthy merchants from various places. When they saw a young man standing on the stage and laughing wildly, they all looked angry.

"Little brat! You want to die, right? Get out of here!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

The shouting and cursing continued on the field.

Wells, who was sitting in the private room on the second floor, turned pale!

And the colonel also sat down on the ground.

"Charlotte! Charlotte!"

Mayor Hoyle, who was sitting on the second floor, frowned as he watched the scene and waved to the people behind him.

"Kill him for me!"

A bodyguard in a black suit behind him nodded and jumped downstairs.


A black figure jumped down and came in front of Charlotte.

Charlotte stopped laughing and looked at the black figure, who was wearing a black suit and black sunglasses.

"Hey! Here comes someone who looks a little bit good!"

Charlotte instantly felt the murderous intent emanating from the other party.

The man in the suit did not speak, and jumped in front of Charlotte.


Charlotte raised his hand slightly to block the kick.

"Shave? Are you from CP? Which CP?"

As soon as they fought, Charlotte figured out the opponent's moves.

Charlotte's words instantly made the man in the suit frown. Someone actually knew this move.

This made him wary of the young man in front of him.

After the attack failed, he quickly retreated.

"Lan Kick!"

A slash was thrown out from the man in the suit's leg.

Seeing this slash, Charlotte slightly turned his body, and the slash just hit the Red Earl who just came out from the backstage.

The Red Earl directly hardened his armed color and took the slash with his bare hands.


The man in the black suit who saw this scene took a breath of cold air.

One dodged easily, and the other was even more terrifying, taking it directly with his bare hands.

Who are these people?

And the others present also saw the Red Earl's actions and took a breath of cold air instantly.

Is this still a human?

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted by the Red Earl, Charlotte curled his lips.

He rushed to the man in the suit with a leap and grabbed the man's neck.

This made the man in the suit unable to react and was directly caught by Charlotte.

Charlotte's mind-reading skill was activated.

He instantly read the man's mind.

"Haha! It turned out to be the running dog of the World Government, CP9."

Charlotte said lightly.

After reading his mind, Charlotte was speechless. Is this CP9's activity range limited to the Water City?

After hearing Charlotte's words, the man in the suit changed his face.

Pointing gun!

The finger quickly poked Charlotte's body.

But he only felt like poking on steel, and his finger was extremely painful.


Charlotte smiled disdainfully.

He strangled the unlucky guy with a force in his hand.

And Hoyle, who was sitting in the No. 1 box on the second floor, could no longer sit still.

He stood up the moment he saw his bodyguard dead.

He immediately opened the box.

"Hello, friend! I am Hoyle, the mayor of the Seven Waters City, and the owner of this auction house. I am glad to meet you! Can you stop for my sake? I can promise that as long as you like something, just pick it and I will pay for it."

Hoyle looked down at Charlotte from the second floor and said.

His tone was full of gentleness.

After hearing his words, Charlotte smiled disdainfully.

"So this auction house is yours, no wonder you dare to capture me as a slave."

Charlotte's originally smiling face suddenly became grim, and he looked at Hoyle with murderous eyes.

Hoyle's eyes widened instantly after hearing this.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he kept wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

Wells, who was also sitting in the box, understood it instantly.

No wonder he almost turned the Seven Waters City upside down yesterday but couldn't find Charlotte. It turned out that she was captured by the auction house and made a slave.

But who can catch Charlotte?


This puzzled Wells.

"First! Sir! This! This is a misunderstanding!"

Hoyle suppressed his inner fear, constantly gesturing to the person behind him and comforting him.

He had already understood that this matter might not end well.

He could only comfort him first and buy time for his men.

Hoyle's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he continued.

"This is all a misunderstanding. We are willing to compensate. How about 50 million Baileys? You can also take away three things from the auction house, okay?"

After Hoyle's voice fell, Charlotte had no reaction.

But everyone on the field had red eyes.

Not to mention the 50 million Baileys, who on the field didn't have a net worth of 50 million Baileys? What they were jealous of were the three auction items.

"Boy! Get out! It's not your turn to act wild here!"

Charlotte turned around and saw a bearded man roaring.

"Yes! Boy, don't you see what kind of person you are? Take advantage of my good mood and get out of here, or I'll kill you!"

A group of people looked at Charlotte with jealous eyes and mocked him.

This made Charlotte look slightly cold.

The Red Earl leaned aside and watched this scene with interest. He wanted to see how Charlotte would solve it.

"Hahahahaha! I didn't want to kill people, but your behavior made me angry. Next, I will use your blood to calm my anger!"

Charlotte laughed grimly.

The dried blood on his face looked even more hideous on Charlotte's face.

After hearing Charlotte's words, the group of people were stunned at first, but then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Did you hear what he said? He actually wanted to kill me! Hahaha! Boy, do you know who I am! I am the Grand Duke of the Arab Kingdom of Bastan. You actually want to kill me? Hahaha!"

The laughter of this Grand Duke filled the whole place.

After hearing this, the others looked at Charlotte mockingly.

They all chuckled.

They were laughing at Charlotte's ignorance of his own strength. Don't think that you can do whatever you want by killing a few guards.

Charlotte's anger grew when he heard this mockery.

"If you want to die, I'll help you!"

Charlotte's domineering aura emanated from his body and pressed down on the whole venue.

But under Charlotte's control, he didn't use his full strength, but only pressed these people to the ground.

Plop! Plop!

People in the auction hall knelt down or lay on the ground uncontrollably.

They all looked at Charlotte with shocked and angry faces.

They didn't understand what was wrong with them.

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