The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Sir! We are from the Kingdom of Kakna. We were conquered by the Barbarian Bear Pirates and became slaves. Please save us!"

A crisp female voice sounded in the corner.


Charlotte said lightly.

Then he walked to the little girl.

Although the girl's face was covered with dust, it was still difficult to hide her beautiful face.

"No wonder she was caught as a slave!"

Charlotte murmured as he looked at the girl in front of him.

And the girl's face was slightly reddened when she was stared at by Charlotte.

After all, Charlotte had long golden hair, a strong physique, and because of the battle, her clothes were slightly torn, revealing the muscles that had been trained for many years.

Charlotte looked at the lock, then pulled it, and the lock broke.

Charlotte opened the door and let the little girl out.

As a result, there was more than one girl inside.

Four more girls came out one after another!

"I killed all the pirates up there, and you are free."

Charlotte looked at the five young and beautiful girls and said.

The five girls' originally gloomy eyes immediately brightened up.

Charlotte no longer cared about them, but walked to all the cells one by one, breaking the locks on them one by one.

The prisoners inside came out one after another.

After doing all this, Charlotte walked out with his hands in his pockets.

Since he encountered these poor people, it doesn't matter to save them.

Anyway, he hates slaves.

After leaving the dim cabin, Charlotte took a deep breath.

He just felt a burst of despair in the cabin, and Charlotte believed that he was not wrong. He had a special sense of observation and could feel their despair.

This feeling was not good.

No wonder that Patrick Redfield likes someone so much. Having the ability to read minds makes people feel the same way!


Took a breath.

Walked out of the bottom of the cabin and returned to the deck

Charlotte grabbed the box full of Bailey and walked down the pirate ship.

"My Lord!"

When Charlotte was about to go down, the familiar female voice sounded again.

Charlotte turned around and looked at them with a frown.

"What's wrong? You are already free, why do you want me to do anything?"

Charlotte was a little impatient.

He just wanted to leave here.

After the girls looked at each other.

They immediately knelt in front of Charlotte.

"Please take us in, my Lord. We are willing to work like cows and horses to repay you!"

It was still the same girl before.

Charlotte looked at the strong emotions expressed by the five girls, which gave Charlotte a headache.

He could feel that they were sincere.


Charlotte asked.

After hearing his words, everyone was silent, and a sad emotion was revealed.

This made Charlotte irritable again.

He found that it was not a good thing to have too strong observation Haki.

"Sir, we are homeless. Our kingdom was often attacked by pirates because we could not pay the Tianshangjin. Now the whole kingdom has been destroyed, and the island has become a dead island. Only we are left. Those pirates left us because they liked our looks and wanted to sell us to slave traders. Please take us in!"

The girl knelt humbly in front of Charlotte and cried bitterly.

Charlotte was also infected by her strong emotions.

"You get up first!"

Charlotte walked forward and helped them up.

"What are your names! How old are you?"

Charlotte asked.

The girl in the lead said immediately.

"Sir, my name is Bruce Martha, nineteen years old."

Golden hair, blue eyes looked at Charlotte and gave him a slight noble salute.

The girl next to Martha also introduced herself.

"Sir, my name is Kenneth Jenny and I am eighteen years old."

"Sir! My name is Louise Alice and I am eighteen years old."

"Sir! My name is Hebrew Nell and I am nineteen years old."

"Sir! My name is Janice Gillian and I am eighteen years old."

The five girls introduced themselves.

"Martha! Jenny! Alice! Nell! Gillian! Right?"

Charlotte looked at the five girls and confirmed?

"Yes Sir!"

The five girls said in unison.

"Okay, you will follow me from now on! Be my maid, my name is Rockefeller Charlotte, you will call me Young Master from now on!"

Charlotte said lightly.

"Yes Young Master!"

The five people said in unison.

Charlotte nodded with satisfaction.

Let these five beautiful little girls be her maids, and she will also

It's not a loss.

Those who can be sold as slaves must be good.

"Come with me!"

Charlotte said to them and turned to walk towards the port.

As for the others, Charlotte didn't care! She was not their parents, and she had to rely on herself to survive!

"Hey! Wake up, wake up!"

Charlotte walked to Ivan and kicked him.

Ivan has not woken up since he was knocked unconscious by his Conqueror's Haki.

Not to mention Ivan, even the others were lying on the dock and unconscious.

I didn't expect that the power of the Conqueror's Haki would be so great when I awakened for the first time!

Charlotte was secretly shocked in her heart.

After kicking Ivan's waist.

Ivan finally woke up in a daze.

"Old! Boss!"

Ivan was startled when he saw Charlotte, and then observed the surroundings.

"Hai! Where are the pirates?"

Ivan looked around in panic and didn't see any pirates, only corpses and the town name lying on the ground.

Charlotte pointed at the head of the wild bear.

Ivan looked in the direction of Charlotte's finger.

His eyes bulged out instantly.

The pirate who was just killing people had his head cut off and hung on the flagpole.

"This! This! Boss, did you do this?"

Ivan pointed at the head tremblingly and said in disbelief.

Charlotte nodded.

Why is his little brother so useless!

"Hurry up, these five people are handed over to you. They will become my maids. You train them well!"

Charlotte said, and no longer paid attention to Ivan, the waste.

He trained with me for three years, but he couldn't even support the domineering color domineering aura. How could I raise such a waste.

Charlotte became more and more angry as he thought about it, and went straight back to his mansion.

After Charlotte got home, Ivan also came over with five little maids.

"Ivan, you came just in time. Go prepare food for me. I need to replenish my energy."

Charlotte looked at Ivan with her indifferent eyes and said.

And Ivan also led the five little maids to the kitchen very respectfully.

Although this Ivan has no strength, he really handles things to his liking.

This is also the reason why he can stay with Charlotte for four years.

Charlotte sat on the sofa and began to recall the battle just now.

He awakened the domineering color domineering in a very refreshing way.

This feeling made his thoughts very clear, and he felt extremely comfortable and happy.

That feeling was the feeling he had after he was crazy killing.

"Is it because I feel comfortable because of killing? That would make me an executioner. When did I become so perverted!"

Charlotte said, touching his chin.

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