The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

There was no chance for Elena to resist.

Speak! Charlotte grabbed Elena and walked outside.

"Let me go! Let me go, you despicable pirate! Let me go!"

Elena struggled frantically with her wrist, but Charlotte's hand locked it tightly like a pair of pliers.

No matter how Elena resisted, it was useless.

Arrived in front of the cave.

Charlotte realized that he was actually on the mountainside, and there was a cliff in front of him, and there was no way down at all.

But this was not difficult for Charlotte at all.

He grabbed Elena, who was still struggling desperately, and then hugged her like a princess.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Elena was still struggling in Charlotte's arms, but it was useless.

Charlotte's mouth corners rose!

Then he jumped down under Elena's shocked eyes.

Yes, he jumped down.


Elena was frightened by Charlotte's crazy behavior, hugged Charlotte tightly, buried her head in her chest and closed her eyes tightly.

Charlotte felt the force on her chest, smiled slightly, and tiptoed.

Charlotte stepped on the air and flew up in the air.

Then he slowly fell down.

Elena in his arms shrank in his arms like a quail, closing her eyes tightly.

Charlotte smiled slightly.

"Hey! Wake up! We have reached the ground!"

Looking at the trembling girl in his arms and the faint milky fragrance on the girl, Charlotte was distracted.

After hearing the gentle voice of the boy, Elena opened her eyes and looked up at the handsome face of the boy.

In an instant, Elena felt as if her face was burning, burning hot.

She quickly rolled off Charlotte's body.


The girl fell to the ground because she didn't stand firmly.

But this time, Charlotte didn't help her.

Looking at the girl's innocent look, Charlotte felt funny.

He quickly stretched out his hand and put it in front of Elena.

He would never forget that it was caused by himself.

Thinking of the madness of last night, Charlotte felt weak in his heart, and he didn't know why he felt weak.

Elena blushed as she looked at the hand stretched out in front of her, but then she snorted coldly!


She ignored Charlotte and stood up on her own.

Looking at Elena's expression, Charlotte felt bored and took his hand back.

Elena looked around! After a careful observation, he knew where he was in an instant, and then he walked in a certain direction.

And Charlotte followed Elena.

When Elena realized that Charlotte was following her, tears fell from her eyes for some reason.

Then she ran quickly.

And Charlotte followed closely behind, keeping a distance.

Charlotte could see that Elena was also confused at this time.

What did she do with Charlotte in a daze! This is unacceptable to any girl.

But Charlotte would give her time to calm down.

Following Elena, Charlotte quickly walked out of the rocky area and came to the front of the village.

I didn't expect that I would run out of the village with her.

And now there are four or five people fainted in front of the village. Charlotte still remembers that these people are guards who protect the village.

"Ah Man!"

After seeing the people fainted on the ground, Elena hurriedly trotted over, shaking.

Charlotte walked to Elena's side and looked at the person who fainted at her feet.

She knew what happened instantly.

He was stunned by the domineering aura.

Wasn't that caused by himself?

"Aman! Aman!"

Elena shook.


Aman on the ground quickly opened his eyes and woke up after being shaken violently by Elena.

"High priest?"

Aman held his head and looked at the high priest!

"What's wrong with me?"

Aman shook his head and shook his head, which was very painful.

After seeing Aman wake up, Elena hurriedly got up and came to another person.

He shook in the same way.

Charlotte's mouth twitched when he saw this scene.

Will there really be no trouble if he shook like this?

But obviously Charlotte thought too much. After being shaken by Elena for a while, these people woke up one after another.

They looked around blankly at first, but then they looked at Charlotte vigilantly.

When Elena saw everyone wake up, she stood up and ran to the village.

As a result, she saw the villagers lying on the ground unconscious.

"What's going on?"


Tears in the corners of his eyes! Looking at these.

"Okay! These people are not dead! No need to do this! They will wake up soon!"

Charlotte came to the heartbroken Elena and said.

But Elena turned around and looked at Charlotte fiercely after hearing Charlotte's voice.


Charlotte was stunned when she saw Elena's hateful eyes.

Looking at Charlotte, Elena bit her lip, trying not to let her tears flow, and then walked towards the back mountain of the village.

And when she reached the back mountain.

"Boss! Boss!"

Paul and others shouted after seeing Charlotte.

When they woke up, they found that the boss and the witch were gone from the altar except them.

This made them panic for a while.

But because they were not familiar with this place, Paul discussed with everyone and waited for Charlotte on the spot.

Unexpectedly, they really waited.

They saw the boss following the witch.

Charlotte nodded!

But he ignored them and looked at Elena.

Elena hurried to the sarcophagus and looked at the empty sarcophagus inside.

Elena quickly came to Charlotte.

"Give the Seven Star Sword back!"

Elena looked at Charlotte coldly and said.

Charlotte looked at Elena's cold expression and was a little speechless.

This woman didn't know how many expressions she had changed in front of him.

She is really a fickle woman.

But Charlotte shook his head.

"The Seven Star Sword is already mine, and it is impossible to return it."

Charlotte looked at Elena and said word by word.

Elena bit her lips with her pearly teeth after hearing what Charlotte said, and finally cried silently.

Charlotte looked at Elena crying in front of him, and he was also in a hurry.

Then he thought!

With a flip of his right wrist, a nearly two-meter green sword appeared in Charlotte's hand.

At the moment when the Seven Star Sword came out, everyone present felt a strange breath.

Paul and Isaac's faces changed.

"Demon Sword!"

Isaac exclaimed.

Even if he was calm, he couldn't sit still.

And Charlotte glanced at him without saying anything, but continued to look at Elena.

"This sword has become one with me. I am here, it is here! If the sword is broken, the person will die!"

Charlotte raised the Seven Star Sword in his hand and said.

A strange color flashed between Charlotte's eyebrows.

Everyone looked at Charlotte's strange look and their faces changed.

They felt a confusing feeling on Charlotte.

Elena looked at the Seven Star Sword in Charlotte's hand and what Charlotte had just said.

She looked at Charlotte with a complicated expression.

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