The two of them were so shocked that they were shocked.

" is it possible!"

At this time, Smoker had already struggled to stand up, and looked at Will with horror, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

As a result, he couldn't speak properly.

Because in his cognition, a person can only eat one devil fruit. Anyone who eats the second one will die. There will be no exceptions!

This is people's cognition of devil fruits for hundreds of years.

But the guy in front of him is obviously a superhuman temperature fruit ability user. Just now he saw that this guy used the ability of the animal-type tiger fruit again.

One person has two different devil fruit abilities?

How is this possible?

"Tsk tsk..."

At this time, Will also looked at Smoker, seeing his horrified eyes. He couldn't help laughing, especially when he saw Smoker's face swollen to the same height on both sides.

He laughed even more happily: "Right! This is symmetrical! I was wondering why it looked weird just now."


Smoker almost fainted when he heard this. Now he finally knew what Yang Wei meant by "good people don't do it to the end".

However, he also recognized a fact, that is, he is definitely not the opponent of the guy in front of him.

So, he must not face it alone.

He is not afraid of death, but he will never die without a brain, and he will not die without any value.


Smoker turned into smoke directly, and then rushed directly to the breach in the hull. Obviously, he wanted to meet with Dalmesia and then fight together.


But when he came to the deck, he saw Dalmesia, the vice admiral of the headquarters, lying not far away. The whole person was motionless, and even recovered from the beast transformation to normal. There was not even a rise and fall in his chest...

A very bad thought emerged.


He swallowed his saliva and murmured: "Lieutenant General Dalmesia will not die! He is the Lieutenant General of the headquarters!"

"Tsk tsk..."

And at this moment, a strange laugh sounded in his ears, and his hair was almost standing up in shock.

"Damn... Is this the time to be stunned?"

Instinctively, his whole body turned into smoke again, trying to use this trick to avoid the next attack. Unfortunately, under normal circumstances, he is not Will's opponent.

Moreover, he was stunned when he saw Dalmesia. Under such circumstances, it would be strange if he could avoid Will's attack!

Sure enough, the next second.

A dark hand directly grabbed the smoke and then squeezed it fiercely.


Smoker screamed, and then the whole person returned to normal. What greeted him was another dark fist!


Will used all his strength to punch. Under the powerful force, Smoker's head was blasted into the deck. Even the huge warship was shaking.

The navy on the deck was unstable. Those who reacted slowly fell to the ground one by one; those who reacted quickly grabbed the masts and hulls around them and barely stood.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of this punch is. However, no matter how terrifying this punch is, it is not as terrifying as the hope of destruction in their hearts at this time.

You know, once Dalmesia died, their only hope was Smoker, the colonel with the natural system.

But... as they saw.

Smoker has followed in Dalmesia's footsteps and is definitely deader than deader.

"Ding, the host killed the user of the Nature Smoke Fruit and obtained a Nature Smoke Fruit!"

The system sounded, and Will's mouth corners could not help but slightly raised: "Another Nature Fruit is obtained, and the goal of five is not far away!"

"Colonel Smoker..." At this time, a sad cry sounded, and then a quick shadow rushed to Smoker's side.

Then, she stood between Smoker and Will. She protected Smoker behind her, even though she knew that Smoker was dead at this time.

She stood straight, but her body was trembling, and her hand holding the sword was not stable. But in addition to the fear of Will and the grief of Smoker's death, her eyes were full of determination!

This is a belief that transcends life and death.

In the past, Smoker had always protected her, and now it was her turn to protect him. Although,

Very powerless... and useless. But this is the last and only thing she can do for him.

Will frowned slightly. He had to say that Dashiqi's performance now touched him a little.

In his previous life, he had also risked his life for his comrades!

His comrades had also blocked the knife for him!

People who have not experienced that kind of affection will never understand it. And they can't really experience it.

He looked at Dashiqi deeply: "This is just this time. I won't show mercy the next time we meet."

After saying that, he turned and entered the warship. He hasn't forgotten the female swordsman yet!


Seeing Will leave temporarily, Dashiqi couldn't help but let out a deep breath. At the same time, he stared at Will's back tightly, and his eyes didn't leave for a long time.

He said with a firm face: "Next time we meet, I will definitely swing my sword at you. Instead of being a helpless defender like now. I will definitely..."


At this time, a brigadier general picked up Dalmesia and jumped onto Dalmesia's warship.

At the same time, he ordered: "Everyone get on this warship!"

He was Dalmesia's adjutant. It was not that he didn't want to help. But that level of battle was not something he could participate in.

Going up would only become a burden to Dalmesia.


Obedience is the duty of a soldier, and everyone started moving. Dashiqi also immediately picked up Smoker, left their warship, and came to Dalmesia's warship.

Soon the warship started moving!

At this time, the brigadier adjutant, who was the highest rank at the time, jumped back onto the warship where Will was.

In the puzzled eyes of everyone

He gave the order: "You move forward quickly. No matter what happens here, you must not turn back... Your current mission is to bring back the remains of Vice Admiral Dalmesia and Smoker!"

"Commodore Silude..."

All the navy soldiers were in tears, because everyone understood that no matter what he wanted to do, he was determined to die.

Tears were already flowing from Dashiqi's eyes.

She whispered: "Commodore Silude..."

Her face showed an expression of admiration, and at the same time, she was extremely sad. She had never been so eager for strength, because she had no strength.

She could only watch the people around her being killed and was powerless.

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