The two of them were still fighting.

At this time, Will and Enyin's shock wave hit, and everyone's attention was attracted.

Kung Fu Manatee couldn't help but turn his head to look.

In an instant, Kung Fu Manatee saw that Will was showing his power, and his eyes were no longer full of admiration, but flashing with stars.

At this moment, he found the goal of life!

The scene turned and returned to Will and Enyin. At this time, the two of them were still wrestling with one finger and one fist.

But one only used the White Tiger Fruit and Six Styles, while the other was doing his best, with both ability and armed color.

So, the difference is actually obvious.

"Armed hardening!"

Will also used the armed color, and at the same time, the temperature fruit ability was also activated. This was his first time, and it was also a true all-out effort.

The two people who were originally evenly matched had a huge gap in an instant.

There was only one person.


Enyin's Armament Haki was directly broken by the tiger finger, and her fist was directly pierced, causing Enyin to scream.

She couldn't help but cover her hand and retreat wildly.

At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at the ground. There was a finger there... because Will pierced... the fist, and the first thing to be hit was that finger, which was directly broken.

But Will didn't mean to let him go.

With a shave, he disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Not good..."

Enyin was fully alert, and his Observation Haki was also used to the extreme.


The Observation Haki captured Will's position, and without thinking, he directly kicked out.

"Observation Haki is not bad..." Will couldn't help but praise when he saw that his figure was exposed, and at the same time, he directly grabbed the opponent's kicking leg with one hand.

After that, ice was continuously released from his hands.


The place where Enyin's leg was caught began to freeze rapidly, and spread to the whole leg at a high speed.


However, although he was shocked, his reaction was very quick. He twisted his body and used the leg caught by Yang Wei as a fulcrum to turn the whole person sideways.

At the same time, the other leg stabbed at Will like a spear.

"Six Styles - Iron Spear!"

A derivative move of the Six Styles, the whole leg is as hard as iron, and it is also hardened with armed. With the release of armed color...

It is definitely a powerful blow.

But it's not over yet, the distortion ability is activated again, and his legs are twisted.

Let the whole leg turn into the shape of a spear.

Armed color, armed color skills, six-style derivative moves, and fruit ability are all displayed in this move. It is also a move that combines all his own power!

It is also his most powerful move.

In the past, when this move was used, the opponent would either die or be disabled; or be severely injured and lose combat effectiveness, and it has never failed.

It can be seen how powerful this move is.

Will also clearly felt the power of this move. His eyes narrowed, and his right hand formed a claw shape. At the same time, the Armament Haki and the Temperature Fruit were brought to the extreme!

"Six Styles - Tiger Claw Fist!"

He directly took the opponent's attack with his claws and successfully clawed the opponent's feet.

This move was developed with reference to Sabo's Dragon Claw Fist in the original work. It relies on strong finger strength and grip strength to easily crush swords, helmets and other steel.

And with the blessing of the White Tiger Fruit, Armament Haki, and Temperature Fruit. The power is enough to crush anything....


The twisted space on Enyin's leg was directly shattered by the claws. For a moment, space fragments flew, and at the same time, the space cracks were tearing everything nearby.

But Will did not stop.


With a loud shout, he used all his strength to directly break the twisted space on his legs. He grabbed Enyin's legs, with powerful finger strength and the indestructible white tiger claws.

He pierced his calves directly.

At the same time, the terrifying high temperature burned in his calves, and a smell of barbecue wafted up.


Enyin screamed heartbreakingly. People who have not experienced this kind of pain simply cannot understand it.

"Asshole, I'll fight you..."

At this time, Enyin, whose legs were held in Will's hands, was equivalent to being in mid-air. He bent down and straightened his upper body.

Then, he punched Will's head!

"Ice and Fire!"

Seeing this, Will used the temperature fruit with all his strength. Left fire right ice...

.Instantly, Enyin was split in two. One side was completely frozen, while the other side was burning with flames.

Enyin froze there, swinging his fist less than an inch away from Will.


Will raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. Then he loosened his hands, raised his legs and kicked Enyin in the abdomen.


Enyin was kicked out directly, and finally hit a huge rock on the coast. The powerful force directly smashed the boulder into pieces.

But Enyin still did not stop, and continued to fly far away until he was two hundred meters away. He landed on the ground, and dragged a trace of 20 meters long and half a meter deep on the ground.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, but part of the blood was steaming hot, and part was ice foam.

Looking at Will who was walking towards him step by step, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Hehe... I never thought that one day I would die in the hands of a pirate."

As soon as he finished speaking, his head drooped down.

"Ding, the host killed the superhuman-distortion fruit ability user and obtained a superhuman-distortion fruit."

"Tsk tsk..."

Will stopped. Since the other party was dead, there was no need to go over.

Having obtained a powerful fruit, he was in a good mood and turned to look at the battle between Burns and Di Sen.

"How is it possible?"

Di Sen, who was fighting with Burns at this time, naturally saw this scene, and his eyes were full of horror. You know, in terms of strength, En Yin is stronger than him.

Otherwise, the two of them would not be led by En Yin.

"Fighting with me, you dare to be distracted? Who are you looking down on?" Burns looked unhappy.


Di Sen's face changed drastically, because he found that the sand under his feet had turned into quicksand without knowing when.

His foot has already sunk in!

Not good...

Without a second thought, Di Sen used his leg to pull himself out of the quicksand. This also caused his other leg to sink deeper.

But this was enough for him.

"Moon Step..."

He took a step in the air with his outstretched foot, and used the Moon Step to gain leverage in the air to pull out his other leg.

But the sand seemed to come alive.

The moment he pulled out his other leg, it immediately surged up and went up like a vine, wrapping around his leg and not letting go.

Burns grinned: "This is on the beach, but it's my home turf. Want to run? Have you asked me?"

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