It’s still the patrol ship, it’s still the group of people, it’s still the bearded Cass leading the Marine soldier training on the deck.

Kulo in the office can’t do much.

Why, why did it become like this?

“Don’t be frustrated there, at worst, I will divide my snacks for you.”

Leda moved towards Kulo and handed the potato chips in her hand.

At this time, Kulo was wearing a black leather coat with a velvet neckline, with the word’justice’ engraved on the back, and a slim black pants on his lower body. A delicate and pretty face, but a godless face.

Promoted to Warrant Officer, although cloak cannot be approved, there is no need to wear Marine uniforms.

“It was bought with my money!”

Kulo glared at Lida, “I want you to provide me with some safety advice, not just for you Eat!”

“Do you have the heart to watch me starve, Big Brother.” Leda blinked with her big flickering eyes.

“Will you bear to watch my wallet deflate?”

When I heard this Kulo, I became angry: “You said that you have only been here for a few days, and the money I saved is almost all You ate it.”

“You said that you let me eat all the time. Also, you said you asked me to join Marine, but I didn’t go in either.” Lida sulked.

Kulo has nothing to say now.

He wanted to find someone to expose Lida as an Ability User, and then successfully joined Marine and became his own subordinate, but it was not too late, because unexpected events made him forget about it.

Lida used her own money to eat. This woman was too good to eat. Almost all of the money he saved up was almost completely consumed by her.

“When I arrive at the headquarters, I recommend you. If I am not safe, you will be famous for me.” Kulo fiercely said: “Let you fight with those perverts.”

“I’ll follow you, Big Brother~, will you bear to leave me?”

Leda is not threatened at all, she is still very pitiful.

Kulo heave a long sigh: “Anyway, you can give me a little bit of food while you are at sea, and you will be full when you arrive at Bharati.”

The base of this branch naturally has no power. A ship capable of sailing the Grand Line, they are going to Loguetown, and then go to the headquarters with the special ship and permanent pointer of Loguetown.

Cass and they are only responsible for sending themselves to Loguetown.

This can be considered a good thing, no longer work with this kind of passionate idiot.


Cannons sounded outside.

Soon, Cass broke in.

“Report that I encountered [Black Cat Pirates] and ordered shelling!”

Black Cat Pirates?

Kulo frowned, he remembered that it seemed to be Kuro’s boat.

Since Kuro was arrested by Morgan a few years ago, the black cat Pirates has been very low-key.

But it is not without high-end battle strength.

The’hypnotist’ praises high, nine million bounty.

Cat brothers, seven million each.

Plus the still alive Kuro, 16 million.

The overall bounty is as high as 39 million Beli, which can be said to be the big Pirates of East Blue.

Did Luffy have not met Usopp yet, so he met Pirates, a black cat?

Kulo took a saber and went out. A Marine next to him handed a Telescope to him. Kulo saw that there were no wanted bounty criminals on board, only two or three cats.

Facing the Battleship shelling, the personnel of Pirates, the black cat, turned pale with fright, were pulling their sails and preparing to escape.

bang!! !

The ship on the opposite side was too old. After being hit by a few shells from the Battleship, the mast broke, and the ship’s surface was cracked a lot, and it couldn’t sail anymore.

“Captain, Captain!”

In Pirates, the black cat, Pirate rushed into the captain’s cabin and said in horror: “Marine is here!”


Leaning back on the chair, is a gentle man with a captain’s coat, his hair meticulously combed, and round-frame glasses, “I see. Go out.”


Pirate wanted to say something, but he glared at him and ran out of the captain’s room in fright.


Kuro pushed his glasses and sat there blankly, as if the shelling outside had nothing to do with him.

“Then let Marine catch it, I’m tired of it.”

The three-year strategy was defeated by a man with a Straw Hat. He was really tired of it. , I don’t want to be Pirate anymore, and I don’t want to fight and kill.

If it were captured by Marine in this way, it would be peaceful.

Although he has been’caught’.


A shell hit the cabin, and the bombed Kuro flew out of the deck.

The tranquil state of mind just now disappeared immediately.


Kuro had a sullen face, opened the suitcase that was always beside him, and took the ten-bladed cat’s claw, “You asked for it!”



Kulo’s Telescope just saw this scene.

It was another shell hitting it. Kuro waved his arm and five long claw blades cut the shell straight away. He had already stepped on the railing and was waiting for the Battleship to approach. Ready to go up and kill.


Kulo glared at Cass. He noticed that the beard was floating and he was not following his previous rules. When he encountered Pirates, he would fire.

Kuro is really going to come up, I’m afraid there will be a wave of casualties on this ship.

In order to put an end to this kind of accident…

“Only I can pass first!”

Battleship is getting closer and closer to Pirate Ship, and Kuro is about to As I passed, I saw a silhouette jumping far away from the opposite side and falling to my side.

That is just a small Marine patrol ship.

Now Marine, is the head so iron?

“Then let you die first!”

Kuro’s arm drooped down, and the moment the iron Marine approached, the arm waved and five sharp claws slashed. Past.

“Don’t be so atmospheric, Kuro.”

I didn’t see the expected body torn to pieces, but a voice rang.

Kuro turned his head and saw the Marine remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs standing next to him.

Know me?

No, I was already’dead’ a few years ago.


“Go to death!”

Kuro launched a silent step, quickly disappeared from the spot, appeared behind Kulo, and the claw blades gathered and slammed past.

“There are too many people to talk about, let’s find a quiet place to talk.”

Kulo quickly turned around and drew his knife out of its sheath.

“Ittoryu · collapsed.”


There was a gust of wind on the deck, and the Pirates who were blown by the wind immediately lost their lustre.


A Pirate fell down.

It seemed like a chain reaction, Pirate fell continuously.

Kuro maintained a stab position, looking at the blade close at hand, with cold sweat on his forehead, subconsciously swallowing saliva.

How does that feel?

He felt that his body was shaking!

When the knife came over, it was like a big wave on the sea, and he almost felt that he was suffocating.

This man…

He is not an opponent!

If you really want to fight, you will die.

“Can you tell me now?”

Kulo puts down the knife, said with a smile: “I’ll be straightforward, Kuro, I hope to join Marine to help me, I need Your wisdom.”

This is Kuro!

Super resourcefulness and unique endurance, for the sake of a small rich man in the town, he dared to endure it for three years.

The most important thing is that he is tired of Pirate life and just wants a peaceful life.

That is also Kulo’s dream!

Lida’s foodie is unreliable. He needs someone who can really advise him.

When he saw Kuro, he had this idea in his mind.

This man, he wants it!



I want to get this recommendation ticket, collection and chapter!

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