Kizaru took Kulo to the port and boarded a Battleship.

“Kizaru, you are here, puff hahahaha.”

As soon as I walked onto the deck, there was a cheerful laugh on the other side.

Garp held the senbei in his hand and greeted Kizaru while eating, and then saw Kulo standing behind Kizaru.

“Oh…this little brother, he looks familiar.”

Looking at Garp’s newly recognized expression, Kulo twitched the corner of his mouth.

I believe you?

Didn’t you old idiot know me a long time ago?

Kulo pursed his lips and said hello to Garp, “Vice Admiral Garp, the first time I met, please give me some advice.”

“Hahaha, is a polite junior !” Garp raised his head and laughed.

“Yo, long time no see.”

At this moment, a tall and thin figure walked behind him and raised his hand toward this side.

precognition, Kuzan.

“Speaking of which, did Kizaru you guy also bring Lieutenant Commander to the meeting?”

An old lady came over and spoke slowly to Kizaru, and then I glanced at Kulo, “Lucifer · Kulo, I have heard your name a long time ago. The first time I saw it, it looks like a good youngster.”



Kulo raised his head and saw that on the 2-Layer deck, a man wrapped his arms around his cloak and let the wind blow his cloak. The man was wearing a Marine hat and was looking at him. .

Akainu, Sakazuki.

When Kulo looked towards him, the two of them looked at each other, Akinu smiled slightly towards him, showing a hint of approval.

Akainu smiles at me?

I have an illusion, it seems that I have nothing to do with him.

Besides, I can’t urinate a pot with him, and they are not the same kind of people.

Kulo smiled politely at everyone, and then stood obediently behind Kizaru. It’s better to talk less in such a gathering of bigwigs.

Battleship leaves the port and heads for the destination.

From the headquarters to the shampoo site is very close, and the Battleship sails in less than a few hours.

This Battleship is the highest-level Battleship in the headquarters. A thousand people are dissatisfied with the deck. There are many facilities inside.

Kulo is now eating with these big guys in a big room.

In addition to three Admiral, Garp and Crane, there are also several Rear Admiral Vice Admiral also together;

“Sengoku is already in Mariejois, right? Really, every time If you want to find him, can’t he come to the headquarters by himself? Speaking of him, he goes from the headquarters to Mariejois, and then from Mariejois to the headquarters, sending the gull, puff hahahaha!”

Garp will have three or two together. His two heads as big as bones were wiped out, and he laughed wildly at the table.

He put his hands on the desktop, fingers crossed, glanced at Garp lightly, and said nothing.

Precognition used a fork to fork a piece of meat, chewed it and swallowed it, saying: “Ah la la, it’s really troublesome. I want Smoker to come, but he hates Mariejois, so he won’t come.”

“pu hahaha, I hate Mariejois, he really dare to say it.” Garp continued to smile.

Kizaru pouted in surprise: “The youngster is really straightforward now, so terrifying.”

Akainu was sitting there with his arms around him, slightly lowered by the hat. Keeping his eyes, he couldn’t see the specific expression.

A Vice Admiral cautiously said: “Well, is it really good to discuss Mariejois like this?”

“Huh? Can’t Mariejois talk about it?” Garp asked in confusion.

“But that is the residence of Celestial Dragon after all…”

“That kind of rubbish…ah, no, puff hahahaha, don’t hear it.” Garp laughed, skipping the topic.

These words made the few Rear Admiral Vice Admiral on one side cold sweat, but these bigwigs did not react at all.

Kulo swept his eyes to the left and right, and then immersed himself in eating.

Don’t mix up this kind of topic.

At this time, Crane slowly said: “This time I went to Mariejois to determine the direction and plan of this war. Don’t slack off easily. After all, the opponent is Whitebeard.”

“As long as it is Pirate, damn it, we will definitely win. You are right, Lucifer · Kulo.” Akainu stared at Kulo and said this sentence.

What are you looking at me for?

I’m here for dinner.

Kulo stopped eating, neither eating nor not eating.

Crane also looked towards him, said with a smile: “I thought you would stay dormant for a while. It seems that you can’t help but want to be on this stage. I feel like seeing you I’m old, the youngster should be on the stage too.”

What do you mean?

Kulo finally couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Mrs. Crane, I was just pulled in for a meeting, nothing else.”

“It is indeed very similar to you, Kizaru.” Crane said.

“After all, he is the proud man of the old man.” Kizaru smiled kindly.

Akainu said at this time: “The old man heard that you have never been merciless when dealing with evil. This is very good, and I hope you will keep it up. You will do very well for Morgati. ”


Kulo subconsciously looked towards Kizaru.

Kizaru shrugged, “It’s not what the old man said.”

All of you here are high-level people. Of course they will know what happened to the World Government.

Of course, Kulo’s affairs in Morgati had a full set of incidents disclosed, except that the details were not revealed, they all knew about it.

Akainu looked at Kulo with appreciative eyes, “killed Prince, who controlled the national mind and had a deal with Underground World, as well as a conspiracy Pirate who was dormant in East Blue, originally from New World. You have done a good job.”

“A Prince of a country is a Prince of a country after all. It will be troublesome if you don’t handle it properly, but the old man appreciates your style of daring to fight against evil and recklessly. You are a very good Marine.”

“Moreover, I heard that you killed a lot of Pirate in one breath in Loguetown. This old man agrees that Pirate should be killed. This crime should not be left. In the world.”

Speaking, he glanced at Kulo with a pity, and said to Kizaru: “It’s a pity, Borsalino, this is your subordinate. If you transfer to the old man, he is more than a Major.”

“I’ll also insert a sentence.”

Precognition suddenly said: “Kizaru can come to me if you are tired of staying there. We should have a lot of topics in common.”

Different from Akainu’s view, in Kuzan’s eyes, Kulo embraces benevolence and righteousness.

Catch what should be caught, and what should not be caught will not be caught.

Without that kind of particularly radical means, civilians will be taken into consideration when doing things.

In the case of Morgati, Akainu saw that Kulo took the risk of being punished in order to eradicate evil and killed a nation of Prince, while Kuzan saw that there was no civilian casualty in Morgati.

On the contrary, those who were controlled by the pill were awakened.

He also appreciates this style of behavior.

But Kuzan himself is too lazy, otherwise, Kulo would have a high probability of entering under his hands.

Kizaru scratched his head and said in surprise: “My subordinate is being scrambled by the other two Admirals. The youngster is really terrifying. But it’s not that the old man didn’t want to promote him, but he didn’t. Your job.”

“Huh? No promotion?”

Garp looked towards Kulo, “pu hahaha, it’s okay not to be promoted. How tired to be Admiral, brat you It’s interesting.”

“Safety and justice…”

Crane nodded, said: “However, sometimes you have to have confidence in yourself and don’t think too much. You are Marine, not fighting alone.”

“Not yet when the time comes, not yet when the time comes.”

Kulo haha ​​said a few words, and then took out a cigar Click on, and cover his embarrassed expression with smoke.

If he can blast Yonko with one punch and smash the three of you Admiral with one kick, he is very confident!

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