
Rozwald glanced at them uncomfortably, and stab the tip of the scepter forcefully on the slave below, “Not happy Click to go, you beast!”

Half of the scepter is not in the back of the slave.

The slave didn’t react at all, so he moved forward and crawled forward.

Kulo followed the large group, while walking, looking at the slave mount under Celestial Dragon.

The huge slave passed by with them. At that moment, he turned his head slightly and his lips moaned.

Kulo paused slightly and looked back.

For a long time, he was faintly sighed.

The pupils suddenly shrank.

“Eye sword.”

With a soft whisper, the huge slave body trembled, the entire body fell to the side, and also threw Rozvard on his back. Fall to the ground.

“Saint Rosward!”

The bodyguards turned pale with fright one after another, surrounding Rosward not knowing what to do.

Celestial Dragon fell down! This is a major event.

“Call the doctor, call the doctor, Saint Rosward is injured!”

The guard who talked before lost one’s head out of fear, and there was a person dancing and dancing.

“It’s so noisy!”


Rozwald took out a golden pistol, pulled the trigger at the guard, and shot him in the chest, splashing a cloud of blood.

The guard held his chest, extended the hand in disbelief, and said tremblingly: “Rhodes… Varde… Saint, I, loyal…”

His body also fell down.

Rozvard was helped to his feet. He didn’t even look at the guard who fell just now. Instead, he fired several shots at the slave.

“Damn lower-class people, they died before taking me to the destination. Hey, I am Celestial Dragon, get up and carry me up!

The slave’s body shook a few times under these shots, which seemed to give him some strength. He twisted his head laboriously, looked towards Kulo, who was looking at him over there, and his lips moaned again.

Finally, the eyes lost their brilliance, and the breath was completely gone.

When he died, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Kulo spit out the smoke, no longer staying, Let the rear yell out there.

The huge man screamed twice.

The first time was: “Help me.” “

The second time is: “Thank you. “

“Celestial Dragon is terrifying. “

Kizaru was surprised and fell beside Kulo from the front, quietly said: “Kulo, what did you just do? “

“What did I do, Old Master, don’t talk nonsense, I just see that Celestial Dragon’s slave seems to be out of order, just pay more attention to it. “

Kulo’s head is shaking like a rattle.

“Oh~ that slave, I remember, it used to be a Pirate. “Kizaru thought for a while and said.


Kulo narrowed his eyes, and suddenly Issho said, “Pirate should be killed by Marine. At least, it has to be Dead at sea. “

But anyway, that person is in the hands of my Marine.

Do you think it was Celestial Dragon who killed Pirate?

No, It’s my Kulo!!!

Akainu heard Kulo’s words, but eyes shined, nodded and said: “Yes, facing Pirate, I should be ruthless while waiting for Marine! “

He looked towards Kulo and said: “Are you really not considering coming to the old man?” “

What did I say?

What do you mean?

Want me to go to New World with you to play Pirate?!

With your mouth open, I can see Liu Guanzhang.

“Oh hehe, Sakazuki, don’t always dig the old man’s corner. It is not easy to have a suitable subordinate. “Kizaru said with a smile to Akainu.

“It’s all Marine, it’s the same everywhere. “

He also said at this time, she pointed at Kulo nodded: “However, you did good this time.” But note that this is Mariejois, not Marine Headquarters. “

They are all human beings. Everyone can see Kulo’s thoughts of vomiting smoke just now, but they are willing to play with Kulo because they are not happy.

“Grandma Crane ,I know. “Kulo nodded and said.

Everyone has no opinion on this kind of thing, but feels very comfortable.

Occasionally, a Celestial Dragon is helpful for physical and mental health.


A group of people entered the golden palace. Under the leadership of the armor soldier, they went to a Conference Hall.

Crane, Garp and The three Admiral were seated together, and the others were very conscious and stood behind these big guys.

Kulo was also very conscious, ran to Kizaru obediently and stood behind him, biting his cigar, and vomiting. Fog.

Sengoku is not here, but the others did not make a sound, and waited silently.

About half an hour later, the gate of the Conference Hall was pushed open, wearing a full suit Sengoku, who was in the white Marine suit with the medal, walked in with one hand in his pocket, and went straight to the top position.

“Let’s start, this meeting is about the direction of the world. “Sengoku’s face is dignified.

Following his words, a group of people began to look straight.

“Portgas ·D·Ace…”

Sengoku said , Took a look at Garp, and continued: “We were arrested by Blackbeard. Because of this, we were forced to a corner and had to do something. Marine impossible handed a Pirate to another Pirate, it was a shame to our Marine, we had to go. “

“But this is also an opportunity, an opportunity for us to wipe out a sea emperor in one fell swoop. With the name Portgas·D·Ace, Whitebeard can walk right into a trap, so I decided to execute him publicly! “

As soon as these words came out, Garp’s fist suddenly squeezed.

At this time, Akainu also clenched his fist, with a hot red light in his fist, “this time, I’ll wait.” You can end the so-called Great Age of Pirates! “

“Oh~ good terrifying, but you can really try it once. Kizaru opened his eyes wide and said.

“Ah la la, although I had expected it, there is a real war with Whitebeard, which still feels a bit magical. “Precognition scratches his head.

“Tsuru, come on. “Sengoku said.

Crane nodded, said: “There is more than one Sovereign in Newgate on the sea. Since the war is decided, then we have to prevent more than that, lest we be taken advantage of by others. Into. “

She paused and said: “Kaido, this is our second goal. ”

New World’s Four Great Sovereigns, Big·Mom cowered in his own Totto Land, rarely came out for activities, usually inviting others to have a Tea Party.

Akagami is erratic , But generally within their own sphere of influence.

Only the madman Kaido is unpredictable.

The three Admiral have all faced Kaido and know how crazy this person is.


If Whitebeard participates in the war, it is very likely that Kaido will come to join in.

Whitebeard is terrifying enough, and if you come to Kaido, then the war will really be undecided.

“Although the above said that finding a way would prevent Kaido, we must prepare with both hands. “

Sengoku looked towards Three Admiral and said: “We Marine Headquarters, this time we will prepare to face the situation of two Yonkos to meet this war!” “

Marine is naturally emboldened.

Three Admiral, Sengoku, Garp, the biggest battle strength are all here.

To deal with two Yonko , It can be matched up.

After making up two more changes, there are still two more missing.

I will be able to make up tomorrow

Some people always say that I am short and short. Short, look at the APP, what is mine is five thousand per day.

Day, more, five, thousand.

Which is shorter.

Which It’s getting smaller.

I really don’t have a single drop!

In addition, No. 1 is on the shelves, and the shelves will be more explosive.

Don’t raise them. Data is very important to me. It’s related to my passion.

Also, thank you for your rewards. Recently, the rewards seem to be more than before. I am very happy.

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