When Lida and Kuro arrived, they happened to see a pink-haired woman touching the Marine. They saw Marine slamming, and the body shrank immediately and became a The crying little child.

“Oh? Someone is coming, it’s really act recklessly.”

The pink-haired woman turned her head and fiercely took a bite of the meat.

Kuro saw the face of the pink-haired woman and said in surprise: “Joelie Pawnee!”

Captain Pawnee Pirates,’Great Appetite King’ Joelie Pawnee, It’s a bounty over one hundred and forty million felonies!

If you catch her, then Kulo will definitely get promoted!


Kuro glanced at the elderly and children around his eyes, “Ability User…”

This ability can be touched How about people turning people into old people and children?

Then just don’t be touched by her!

Kuro crosses his claws and slightly bends his knees, “shave fast…”

His figure instantly appeared in front of Pony, crossing the cat’s claws left and right. Suddenly stroked it down.

“tiger claw!”

Kuro at first is very serious about treating over 100 million repeat offenders.

At this speed, most people simply can’t hide.

Kuro looked at the woman’s unresponsive face, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.


However, at this moment, Pony’s body was slightly to the side and stretched out his hand towards him.

In an instant, Kuro shuddered from the bottom of his heart, making him feel goose bumps all over his body. He forced himself to stop, twisted his footsteps, disappeared again, and appeared next to Lida in a squat.


Kuro’s face is solemn.

This guy, Kenbunshoku Haki is more accomplished than himself.

He didn’t even notice, but this Pawnee predicted his actions in advance.

“Hey, there is a sense of crisis, and the speed is good, not an ordinary Marine.”

Joelie Pawnee curl one’s lip, and said to the younger brother behind him: “Retreat , If you stay entangled, Admiral will be attracted.”

“Leda Young Lady…”

Kuro said to Leda at this time: “Can’t let her go.”

The Ability User of the touch type is not only her, but there is a stronger one on her side!

“I got it…”

Leda took a bite of the apple and walked over, facing Joelie Bonney, she looked towards the meat in Bonnie’s hand , And looked at the fruit in his hand.

At the same time, Pawnee also noticed Lida, and looked at the fruit in her hand as well as the meat in her hand.

“Hey, give that to me.”

The two people said almost in unison.

The two were stunned, and a blue vein exploded at the forehead at the same time.

“Want to grab my food!” he said in unison.

Pawnee and his wife ate the meat legs in their hands, and barked their teeth and said: “I’m a person called the’Great Appetite King’. I will grab what I want.”


Leda not to be outdone, suddenly turned into a girly gesture, fiercely said: “Coincidentally, I will also be called the’Eater Girl’. As Marine, defeating Pirate and confiscating spoils of war is justified!”

On food, she will not lose to this woman!

Pony said in astonishment: “You can also grow bigger and smaller?”

She has similar abilities to her own?

Leda proudly pushes her chest, “Not only will it become bigger and smaller, but also bigger and bigger than you!”

“I am bigger!” Pony yelled .

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be flashes of light in their eyes.

Pirates swallowed dryly, feeling a strong atmosphere.

Maybe there will be a big battle.

Pony doesn’t know the specific abilities of the hateful woman in front of her, but she has a hunch that if she is touched, it will be very bad.

Similarly, Lida did not dare to move easily.

This woman, Kenbunshoku is very accomplished.

Moreover, this type of contact is the most troublesome. She herself is this type, so she knows the pros and cons.

Even if you can hit her, you will be touched and become that child or old man.

Haki is useful, but Leda cannot cover her whole body, and her own abilities are also cut off if she uses Haki.

I became smaller to avoid being hungry. It does not mean that she is very young. If it is the ability to change body time, if she is recruited, there is no solution.

She didn’t want Kulo to see herself, she couldn’t grow up, or she just became an old lady.

When she gets old, she will droop…

Pony stared at her, his body moved slightly.

Similarly, Lida’s body moved slightly.

“I predicted it!” Pawnee shouted suddenly.

“I predicted your prediction!” Leda said the same.

“I predicted your predictions!”

“I also predicted your predictions, I predicted your predictions!”

“How can it be repaired, I still predict you…”

The two women just quarreled there without doing anything.


Kuro pushed down his glasses, feeling that his head was about to blow up, he pushed down his glasses, looked at the two women arguing with each other, and muttered Writing: “You guys are doing it…”


27GR square.

By the side of a fountain, a group of Pirates looked at Pirate who was running up in front of them, full of panic expressions.

Pirate, with a shaved head and a thick braid on the back of the head, smacked his lips, “What’s the matter with this sudden riot… Captain, we should go too.”

Sitting by the fountain is a blond man with indifferent eyes. He lowered his eyes and said: “Don’t worry, all fate is a foregone conclusion.”

“Hello , The old man wants to inquire about something.”

He tone barely fell, and a voice rang.

The long-braided man with eyes shrank, looked over, and immediately burst into cold sweat with fright, “Yellow, Kizaru?!”

It is Kizaru standing in front of him!

Kulo followed closely, walked to Kizaru, and glanced at the blond man.

The long braided man retreated a few steps, “Captain, leave it to us here, you run first.”

Blonde man lifting head, indifferently said: “It’s okay, I can’t die today .”

He stretched his hand into his arms and slowly took out a deck of cards. A few straws grew from the soles of his feet and rose to him.

He shuffled the cards, took out one, and stuck it on the tip of the straw.

“Battle defeat rate: 100%.”

“Excuse me, the old man is looking for a man named Sentomar…”

“Escape success rate : 12%.”

“Have you seen him?”

“Defensive evasion rate: 76%.”

“Hey, are you there? Do you listen to the old man?” Kizaru pouted and asked.

Blonde man posted a card, lifting the head and said: “I don’t know that man, you can ask other people.”

“Well, if you can’t find it , The old man will be very troubled… but the old man is a bit idle now, I can’t let your bounty commit this time…”

Kizaru looked down at this man and slowly said: “You are right. Well, 249 million Beli, the’magician’, Basil Hawkins.”

Hawkins continued to stick his cards, indifferent.

The card in his hand is a tarot card.

Hawkins looked at the card sticking to the tip of the straw and said: “The Hanged Man represents the need for patience, but the ultimate freedom.”

Magic, Hawkins, good at divination.

This makes Kulo raise an eyebrow.

Is it so accurate?

He remembered that Old Master was a Supernova and never caught it.

But this is the original information.

But now there is a change of my own…Can it be so accurate?

Kulo squinted his eyes, holding the handle of the knife with his right hand. If he was killed here, would his divination change?

Just when Kulo had this idea, Hawkins was taken aback and looked towards another card.

“No, it’s not right, it should be a’tower’, which means that there is change. Don’t be overconfident, otherwise you will die here. What’s going on… Am I going to die? I have never had such a divination. Change.”

Kulo showed a surprised look, and then slowed down the killing intent in his heart.

“No, it’s still a hanged man. The meaning is that you will be injured and you need patience, but you will be free in the end.”

Kulo has the killing intent again.

“No, it’s still a’tower’, this…”

Hawkins is a bit messy, and his divination has never been wrong.

What the hell is going on here.

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