Hawkins looked around and said, “The terrifying Admiral has finally gone. We can take this opportunity to escape, but…”

looked towards Bartholomew Bear, who had stood up and walked this way, slowly said: “We must deal with this guy first.”

“Hey, get up, do you have that strength, Mad Monk.” “Drake said to Urouge, who was still half-lying on the ground.

“Then let you see and see, Ahhhh!”

Urouge stood up and shouted, suddenly his body shape began to soar, easily crushing the upper body of the clothes, revealing Strong muscles.

Hawkins was shocked when he saw Urouge’s change.

Drake squinted his eyes a little.

On the top of the building not far away, Apu clenched his fists excitedly: “haha, see if it is not, it is getting more and more interesting, this is exciting!”

Pirate behind him still looks terrified: “Captain, you should run now, Admiral Kizaru is gone, now is the opportunity.”

“What are you talking about.”

Apu’s voice gradually became lower and lower: “Now, it is the time when the atmosphere is high!”

Kulo bit the cigar, spit out smoke, looked at the sturdy Urouge, and said with emotion: “Also Quite big…”

The height of Bartholomew Bear is nearly seven meters. This’Peace Pacifista’ was created by the original owner as a model, and the height is naturally exactly the same.

But after Urouge became bigger, he was still a head taller than him.

And the muscles are very strong, stronger than the peace Pacifista.

“It’s very embarrassing to be beaten, but is there any hope of winning?”

Urouge grinned at Heping Pacifista and raised his fist: “Let me confirm it. Let’s take a look at the counterattack with one punch!”

Heping Pacifista walked to Urouge and saw Urouge punched Zhong Heping Pacifista with a muffled noise.

Peace Pacifista punched with a backhand and hit Urouge in the abdomen.

“It really hurts!”

Urouge kept grinning, “Then keep coming!”


peng~ peng~!

After the two punched each other a few times, Urouge’s face in Heping Pacifista punched, his head curled, his face immediately swelled .

“It’s…it’s cruel to me, but you can try it too.”

Urouge expression congeals, the fist is obviously stronger, “Karmic Retribution! “


Heping Pacifista was beaten by this fist, and his body moved back a few steps.


Kulo, who was watching the battle, was surprised, “The power of this punch is beyond the standard, ability? Or is it a unique physical skill?”

After Urouge punched back to Heping Pacifista, he once again punched Heping Pacifista on the face, only one punch made its blood soak out.

Although this thing does not know what its internal structure is, it is obviously a robot, but it will bleed.

Urouge made several punches in succession, and the Pacifista he hit back again and again, and the last punch knocked the Pacifista back out and hit the building behind.

Urouge said with a smile: “At last it has some effect.”

Hawkins was surprised: “Unbelievable, the half-dead man who was beaten just now, it was so after being huge. What’s the matter with powerful power?”

The fallen wall stirred up a cloud of smoke, and a laser beam suddenly appeared in the smoke, which instantly penetrated Urouge’s shoulder blades and exploded in the back.

“It’s hot!”

Urouge let out a painful cry, clutching his shoulders and fell to the ground.

“This is Kizaru’s’laser’?!”

Drake opened his eyes wide and was startled in his heart: “Not only has the body of Bartholomew bear, but also Kizaru laser Attack power, Vegapunk…Since the ability of the’Peace Pacifista’ has been increased to such an extent.”

Peace Pacifista stepped forward, no longer paying attention to the fallen Urouge, but looked instead. Towards the nearest Drake, he smashed it with a punch.

Drake took off his gloves, the pupils of his eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils, the skin appeared azure, and the whole person swelled.


A paw belonging to a dinosaur grabbed the wrist of Heping Pacifista.

A dinosaur appeared before it!

Zoan Dragon Dragon Fruit is real, far ancient seed, allosaurus form!

The dinosaur bit Heping Pacifista’s head, and its bite force obviously caused Heping Pacifista’s head to ooze blood.

Heping Pacifista’s palm, a beam of light penetrated the abdomen of the dinosaur. The dinosaur let go of Heping Pacifista’s head with a miserable cry, and his body receded back, gradually becoming smaller and smaller. Human form.

Drake clutched his abdomen, half-kneeled on the ground, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “You will bleed too…”

“He can deal with it without you alone That’s right.”

Hawkins stepped forward, with straws covering his whole body, “Let’s go together, we can beat him before we can go.”

A huge one The scarecrow appeared in front of everyone.

“Oh! It is true!”

Urouge stood up and moved his shoulders.

Drake looked at the two people, his eyes flickered, and finally turned into a dinosaur, three behemoths, surrounded by peaceful Pacifista.

“Oh, it’s so interesting, let me take part in it too!”

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

At the top of a building, a long-handed clan jumped out.

Urouge glanced over there, “Haiming?”

‘Haiming’, Skulachman Apple.

It is another Pirate with over 100 million.

Apu hit his chest with both hands, making rhythmic drum beats, louder and louder.

“Hey, Go!”

Ap made a rhythmic cry, and unified his hands with a hammer on his chest.

Boom! ! !

Heping Pacifista’s body was immediately exploded. This explosion made its huge body stagger.

“Sonic attack…”

Hawkins was stunned and seized the opportunity. The huge scarecrow pierced Pacifista with a nail in his hand. past.

Urouge punched his head.

Drake bit Heping Pacifista’s shoulder.

With a series of hitting sounds, Heping Pacifista’s body fell down, his upper body was tattered, twitching there.

From time to time, there is still a burst of electric light.

Part of its flesh is ripped apart, exposing the mechanical structure inside.

Hawkins turned into a human form, frowned: “It’s not Bartholomew Bear.”

Urouge opened his eyes wide, “A few of us that have been fighting for a long time, are they robots? Really. Surprised.”

“I saw something funny!”

Ap jumped down, showing his teeth like a piano key, “Hey, give me this thing. , Very interesting look.”

“I’m not interested.” Hawkins indifferently said.

Drake glanced sideways at Apu, “Unfortunately, I want it. I can’t give you this thing.”

“X·Drake, you want to fight with me?” Apu Putting his posture, said solemnly: “Sorry, I won’t let it.”

“Let’s try!” Drake’s eyes showed killing intent.

Peace Pacifista, can’t be taken away by them!


Urouge embraced his arms, still maintaining that huge posture, “After playing Marine, will Pirate continue to fight again? Hahaha, as expected. Pirate!”

Drake drew out the axe and long sword, and then said, “Hey, are you still not running away? Major a trifling, what else do you want to do here.”

The person he was talking to was Kulo who was smoking a cigar over there.

This person, pick his nose there.

Kulo put down his finger and flicked it lightly, and the filth bounced on Urouge’s body.

“you guy!”

Urouge grinned and walked towards Kulo, “Marine brat, do you know what you did?!”

“You can’t take this thing away, otherwise the Old Master will blame me.”

Kulo looked around, “Well, there are no other people, just a few of you…”

He looked up towards Urouge, said with a smile: “Speaking of which, have you ever been cut by a knife?”


A cold glow Suddenly appeared in front of Urouge.

chi!! !

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