
In front of Urouge’s huge body, a blade of light appeared again.

This blade light is still slashed from the abdomen up to the chest, with Urouge’s original wound, forming a’V’.

This blade made Urouge unable to hold it anymore. He fell on his back, and his huge body gradually shrank and turned into a normal body shape.


Immediately afterwards, Drake felt a chill.

The’X’black tattoo on his chest aroused two lumps of blood, and the tattoo completely turned into a deep cut.


Drake howled in pain, fell involuntarily and turned into a human form.


tone barely fell, a blade glow appeared on Hawkins’ body, which was cut diagonally down from the shoulder.

In an instant, the blade glow opened in a mess, exploding several times around Hawkins.

Turned into seven slashes, slashed towards Hawkins from all directions.


A deep stab wound also appeared on Hawkins’ body, and he fell to the ground.

At this time, seven beheaded scarecrows emerged from his body.

Kulo’s body flashed in front of Hawkins, gathered the blades, and made a light sound.

This trick is called a flash of eight swords, probably.

Kulo walked to a boulder, sat down, re-ignited a cigar, took a deep breath, the fragrant mist was in his mouth for a while, and then he was spit out.

“Huh, terrifying, Supernova.”

In front of his eyes, four Supernovas were lying on their backs or lying down motionless.

Death is definitely not dead. If he really wants to die, he will make merit.

A week later, there will be the highest war. Now that you are doing meritorious service, you are not doing it to death.

These goods are not dead for the time being. After a while, it is estimated that they got up and ran away. When the time comes, he went to report, and it happened that everyone didn’t catch any of them. Old Master topped it. Now, what happened to one of his subordinates who didn’t arrest anyone.

Only the Old Master is allowed to release the water, but are you not allowed to release the water yourself?

Everyone is old sailor.

Furthermore, he is not releasing water.

He knows the knife he swung out, but he has enough strength.

Slightly lighter, two knives will definitely cut down.

These monsters running through the first half of the Grand Line are indeed terrifying.

I didn’t see my cigars were knocked out!

That expensive thing…


At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Kulo turned his head, and saw two familiar people stepping on Geppo in the sky and quickly falling towards this side.

Leda and Kuro.

The two fell from the sky and came to Kulo.

“Why did you two come here?” Kulo asked in surprise.

Then, he noticed that Lida was a girl at this time, and both of them were covered in dirt, especially Kuro, with blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and his body was bruised and swollen.

“Who did you fight with?” Kulo looked at Lida, who was obviously less injured, and said, “I’m at a loss, who beat me?”

Hey, do you care? Care about me!

Obviously my injury is more serious!

Leda just got a bruise on her arm!

Kuro in the heart roared.

“It’s all to blame for that stinky woman Joelie Pawnee!” Leda exclaimed angrily.

Kuro added: “It’s Eustass·Kid, and, we also met…”

“We also met me.”

His voice Before it fell, a voice was delivered.

Not far away, footsteps sounded, and a group of people came.

A man holding an extremely long knife, wearing a speckled fur cap on his head, eyes with thick dark circles, a small beard on the chin, with a confident smile, Come slowly.

He was followed by a white bear, a huge human like a wild beast, dressed in prison uniforms, and a group of Pirates in medical services.

The one who mingled with them next to him was a man with a big red cloak, red soaring hair, and goggles on his forehead, who looked very vicious at first sight.

Next to him was a man with a helmet and a blind face, two scimitars at his waist, and a man with a shallow blue long head that looked like a zombie.

There is another group with pink hair and only a little lipstick on the lips.

Great Appetite King, Joe Ali Pawnee.

“Yes, I also met Trafalgar · Luo, he is with Eustass · Kid.”

Kuro looked at the past solemnly, and said: “This time the three main criminals Second, when we met them, we had no choice but to escape.”

Originally, Lida and Pony were mating dolls with each other, and the people who did it were about to explode, but they were slow to do anything.

At this time, the two Pirates appeared, and Leda didn’t suffer much damage, but was wiped by Kid with the weapon that was sucked in.

With Massacre Soldier Killer, there are a total of four Supernovas, which they cannot deal with and can only escape.

Then they heard a burst of noise not far away. There must be Marine. After didn’t expect ran over, they found a more stable one.

Kulo is here.

Kuro’s heart is set instantly.


Kulo thought for a while, looked towards the other side, and said: “No, there are five.”

The other side, one A lonely silhouette came over. The man was short, biting his cigar, with his hands in his pockets, and dressed like a mafia.

“That’s Capone · Becky.” Kuro’s eyes widened.

Capone · Becky walked over and took a look at the scene. There were four lying corpses beside him, Supernova like him, and not far away, there was a familiar huge figure lying down.

“Bartholomew ·Bear? So that’s how it is, have you fucked with these four, actually both sides suffer.”


Pony looked towards the peaceful Pacifista lying there, his eyes widened.

“That’s not a bear, Capone’s and Joe Allie’s, we just met.”

Luo pointed to the peaceful Pacifista, said with a smile: “It’s just a A robot very similar to a bear, but not weak.”


Pony was surprised, thinking of something, gritted his teeth and said: “Hateful World Government!”

“A robot?”

Capone·Becky looked at Heping Pacifista again, “It seems to be pretty good, I want it.”

“Hey, why do you give it to you!” Bonnie gnashing teeth said: “Bear, no, that thing can only be mine, are you going to fight me right!”

Becky breathed out a puff of smoke, looked towards Joe Ali Pony, “Speaking of which, in the restaurant before, I saw you, an impolite woman, is very unpleasant.”

“So is my old lady, all the unpleasant people are here. “

When Pony said this, he gave Leda a stare.

“You woman, I think you are not pleasing to your eyes. Kulo, I am obviously bigger and my waist is thinner!” Lida walked up to Kulo, almost sticking to her, she stood firm. He straightened his chest.


Kulo looked at the soft bullet that was almost on his face, and then at Joelie Pawnee over there.

Well, it’s hard to choose.

By the way, is it the time to care about this now?

Kuro turned his head to the side and noticed the four over-billion Pirates lying down there.

“So many more than 100 million Pirate?” Kuro heart startled.

With these five, there are nine in total.

If you count the Straw Hat group, that is to say, there are at least eleven and over 100 million people on this island? !

And if there are only so many, that is to say, except for the Straw Hat group, everyone else is here.

“Let’s treat them first. After all, they are all on the same island. When they leave, they can be distracted.”

Luo gave a command to the medical team behind. Just ran over and treated the four Supernovas.

“Oh? There is a little Marine here.”

Kid walked over and smiled: “You two came here to find this little Marine?”

Capone ·Becky doesn’t bother Issho: “Marine, it seems to be just a small character, hey, run away. Next, we have a dispute with Pirate.”

“That can be No, that woman, I want to kill him!”

Pony choked on Becky, and pointed at Leda, “Obviously I predicted your prediction!”

“Fart, I predicted your prediction!” Lida turned around and quarreled with her.

As soon as the medical team helped Hawkins up, they saw him open his eyes, glanced at a few Supernovas here, and said, “Many thanks.”

“Can talk, Looks very energetic.”

Luo laughed and said, and then looked towards Kulo, showing a malicious smile: “Capone’s boss is right, Marine, if you don’t run away, people will be impatient. Or are you too scared to move?”

Hawkins was silent for a while, and then slowly said: “Hurry up and run away.”

“Look, they all make you quick Click to escape.” Luo said with a smile.

“humph.” Kid smiled contemptuously. He is not very interested in this kind of little Marine, but it depends on his mood. Now this situation is very interesting.

Capone·Becky bit the cigar from a different angle and exhaled a puff of smoke.

Joelie Pawnee embraced her arms and looked at Kulo with interest.

Vaguely, their four waves of gangs tend to surround Kulo.

“Sa, where are you going to flee?” Luo evil smiled interestingly.

Kulo glanced at them, stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said slowly:

“He meant, let you run away.”


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