Marine’s cloak and a watch-shaped Den Den Mushi floated out by this wave of transmission, and they happened to be caught by Lida’s hand and draped them on her shoulders.

“Ah…the clothes I just bought, that’s it.”

The sound that sounded so relaxed, there was no injury after being shelled and shot. feel.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, revealing Kulo’s body.


Kulo tugged casually and tore open the ragged jacket that had been blown up, revealing his fine muscles.

It’s just that there is no trace of scars on this body.

Because the shiny black Busoshoku covers it all, leaving only a slight gap on the chest, forming a mysterious pattern.

This black Haki climbed to his face, forming a mysterious pattern on his cheeks.

The whole body is like a pair of exquisite black armor.

Busoshoku whole body!

Kulo spit out the cigar that was blown up and tattered, smacked his lips, raised his head fiercely and said:

“The cigar I brought with me was blown up by you. Now, how do you accompany me, eight quack.”

“Haki covered all over…”

Luo’s face was shed cold sweat, and there was a touch of fear in his eyes. He had seen this form when he was a child, and it was one of the most feared and hated memories in his memory.

This man can achieve this level!

It is impossible to deal with cannonballs with Fleshy body alone. Kulo is not Kaido. After all, he is still a Fleshy body without the tyrannical body, nor is it a’steel balloon’.

But Busoshoku is very useful to deal with this kind of attack.

“What should I do with this kind of guy!” Capone · Becky was desperate.

The speed is extremely fast, the sword technique is also very lethal, and there is Busoshoku Haki.

This kind of existence is not easy to deal with.

“Haki is also available, just consume him, and…his Haki may not be strong!” Luo gritted his teeth.

With so many people, he doesn’t believe that Haki can’t consume this person.

As long as Haki runs out, he can’t deal with Ability User, there will always be a weak spot!

The most important thing is that Luo is very confident in his fruit ability, as long as this man shows a weak spot, he has a chance to win!

“Moreover, this guy’s Busoshoku has space, his face and chest are not covered, unlike the man, it can cover his whole body, which means that his Busoshoku content is not much.”


Luo looked in his eyes and looked at each other with Joe Allie Pawnee, both vaguely nodded.

If Kulo knew what Luo thought, he would probably say: because the whole body coverage would be very unsightly.

Like him, the place that should be deep is deep, and the place that should be shallow is shallow.

The place that should be dense is a little thicker, and the place that should be lighter is lighter, even if it is black, it can be beautiful.

The whole body is covered, what’s so nice about the dark and swarthy colors.

He will only do this unless he is pressed into a hurry.

“Let’s try!”

Listening to Luo, Capone · Becky has one of his hands, and various gates appear on his body. The villain in his body holds each All kinds of weapons are waiting in battle, muskets, submachine guns, machine guns, bazookas, and cannons, all aimed at Kulo.

Capone ·Becky said in a low voice: “Castle·Blast!”

Ammunition poured out, after exceeding his circumference, they turned into normal-sized bullets and bombed. Kulo.

Kulo flashed sideways, and his body escaped the barrage like running water. However, the pouring of firepower was too terrifying. Kulo flicked out, igniting a wind pressure, temporarily blocking the advancement of firepower. At the same time, He stepped on and quickly dodges.

peng peng peng!

bang bang bang!

The ground where it was originally standing is full of potholes.

“This level of firepower…”

Kulo smacked, looking at the huge smoke and dust that aroused, “Kenbunshoku is not easy to hide, it’s really dangerous.”

No matter how to hide that kind of firepower, his size is there.

Although Busoshoku can be used to hard cap, why bother.

An old fogey who had been seabed long ago taught him, Haki, the key is to use it at the time.

“Also, you seem to be unable to keep up with my Peter.”

Seeing Capone · Becky facing him in this direction, the fire poured out again, Kulo body flashed, An afterimage was formed around.

“Be careful, behind you!” Joey Pawnee shouted.

Kulo appeared behind Capone·Becky, his feet spread out, his left hand held the scabbard, his right hand held the handle, his body leaned forward slightly, showing a slashing look .

The rich murderous aura is about to burst out.


At this moment, Luo roared out loudly, with one hand and one finger, a stone flew up, and at the same time, the flying stone and Capone · Becky replaced it and turned into a stone moved towards Kulo and smashed it over here.

Kulo didn’t move, as if he was still.

The stone hit the past and easily penetrated his body. His body gradually faded, like a reflection, with some fluctuations.


“You got fooled.”

The voice came from beside Luo, and Kulo’s silhouette gradually appeared beside him.

He lifted his head and Chong Luo smiled.

“Ittoryu ·Afterimages cut.”

Supernova is not to be underestimated, and Kulo has never underestimated them, um, really not.

Especially this man, Luo.

Ope Ope no Mi, the highest fruit.

Its ability is unpredictable, even Haki can be cut if used well, and this ability can have a range, not a single body.

Other people, Kulo, don’t care. This person has to be a little more serious.

If he cuts directly, this brat can be replaced and can reach the level of teleportation.

No matter how fast Kulo is, it is only its own speed, which is a bit short of teleportation.

But for now, this man currently has a slight pause after activating his abilities. This is what Kulo wants.

You think I cut Capone·Becky, but you are the one I cut!


Suddenly, two crossed curved sickles blocked Kulo’s slash, and a spark was sharpened at the intersection of the blades.


Kulo was surprised, and it was Kira who stood in front of him.

The wound on his chest is gone, smooth as if he had never been injured.

“Ah…when I was entangled by Capone ·Becky just now, were you cured by Luo? Ability User is really convenient.” Kulo said with emotion.

Ope Ope no Mi can be easily connected to a broken arm, and of course, nothing difficult is trifling.

Kulo’s arm was hard, and the blade pressed Kila’s body down, causing Kila’s arm to tremble, and the body squatted down involuntarily.

Kulo’s power is not great, but it depends on who is compared.

Kira, no.


Luo yelled out behind Kira, and with a move of his finger, Kira disappeared with him.


Appearing at Kira’s position is a stone. Kulo’s blade went down, cut the stone in half with a single knife, and then lifted his head, looking towards the red hair that suddenly appeared in front of him. .

His hand is covered with a large number of steel weapons, forming a strong steel giant arm.


His chest has no scars either.

Kid showed a grin and slammed the giant arm straight over, “Let’s settle this account!”

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