As Pirate, of course, he also knows the enemy.

There are generals with first names in Marine. Among these Pirates from East, South, West, North and Grand Line, there are always people who have heard of Daimyo.

Admiral, Garp, Sengoku, Crane, and Marine are the most famous.

I even said “Admiral Alternate”, and some people here know it.

The few elite Vice Admiral below are also well known.

Momonga, Strawberry, Yamakaji, Ghost Spider, Dauberman.

There are also those big Vice Admiral who have been against Pirate for a long time.

Dalmesia, Stainless, Bastille, Gumir, Maynard, etc…

Including those young and famous Marines.

Marine elites headed by Smoker and Hina have been heard.

But there is only Kuro, they don’t know.

The message is hidden too deeply.

If someone tells them that East Blue hides a little Marine that can hit the throne of Greatest Swordsman in the World, they will snort disdainfully, and then teach that person a meal.

This is a conspiracy of World Government.

But now the facts are in sight, but they must not be unbelievable.

The sword technique of this man is very strong, which is beyond doubt.

Proficient in Busoshoku, and also proficient in Kenbunshoku.

Needless to say Busoshoku, they can see it.

And Kenbunshoku, Joe Alley Pawnee knows the depth of Kulo best.

Her Kenbunshoku’s attainments are not low, although the scope is not wide, but it is very strong in battle prediction.

But she can’t predict Kulo’s actions!

This man is very terrifying!

“But I heard Kizaru say before, isn’t he called Kulo?” Hawkins frowned: “Is it because I heard it wrong? After all, the pronunciation is very similar, it turns out to be Kuro.”


Kira made a rare sound, and the scythe on the armguard turned a few times, some be eager to have a try.

Although he can’t beat him, as a swordsman, he still wants to challenge more.


Kulo tilted his head, just about to say his name, and suddenly thought of something.


The last drawback is gone!

These people are definitely not caught, and they will be promoted if they are caught.

But if you play with them, after they run away, they may not mention their names. After all, people have a face.

But what if, what if someone speaks out.

What if he becomes famous in New World.

But now this person is not his Kulo, it is Kuro!

Then Kuro’s name is circulated in New World, it seems to be nothing…

Kuro is famous, what does it have to do with his Kulo.

“Yes, I am Kuro!”

Kulo held the knife in a very loud voice: “The man Mihawk hailed as the man who can hit his throne, Kuro!”


Kuro’s whole person almost turned into ash-gray, he turned his head and looked towards Leda, his voice was abnormally weak: “I want to resign.”

“It’s useless to resign now, you are already famous.” Lida shrugged, taking a bite of the flesh.

Luo stared at Kulo, and said: “It’s not a question of name, but this man…Kuro, what should we do.”

As soon as these words came out, Everything is silent.

To fight, it seems there is no way to fight.

To escape, it seems that you can’t escape.

It’s so hard to lose here?

Kulo smiled, his eyes narrowed, “Sa, what should you do?”

The other way around.

Before, Luo was still amused and thought this person would be killed by Pirate, but now, where they surrounded him, it was clear that the nine of them were surrounded by this person!

Kulo looked at them silently, suddenly a little bit of nasty fun.

Just work harder…

He looked towards Pirate around him, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“There are too many people, so reduce it a bit.”

The [Huazhou] in his hand turned and held it, and then slowly retracted it into the scabbard.

As soon as the tip of the blade was sheathed, a thick murderous aura filled the surroundings.

“This is…”

The nine Supernova collectively stepped back, sweating violently.

“This murderous aura, what a joke!” Joey Pawnee shouted.

As the blade is gradually sheathed, the murderous aura is getting thicker and thicker, and everyone can’t breathe.


Kulo’s voice faintly sounded.


The murderous aura turned into a mental shock and suddenly pressed towards the surroundings.

At that moment, apart from the nine Supernovas and a few Pirates, only Leda and Kuro were still standing.

The rest of them all rolled their eyes and fainted.

Kulo’s voice became low and deep: “Capone · Becky, your ability requires the hands in your body to run down, now, what should you do.”

” Hey, this is not good.”

Capone · Becky was in a cold sweat and looked very ugly.

This is very bad.

This murderous aura hit him. Only a few of the men in his body were still awake, and the rest fainted.

Without his men, he can’t suppress firepower.


Kulo just released the murderous aura, the whole person disappeared.



Kid hugged his left elbow and screamed, his arm was severed by Kulo.

Kulo appeared in the center of these Supernovas, inserting the knife into the scabbard with his backhand, squatting slightly on his knees, and pulling out instantly.


A circle of golden flying slash, following his knife, swinging around.

bang!! !


Luo’s pupils shrank, subconsciously pulled out the demon sword and the ghost cried, and cut it towards the golden slash.

The ability made him cut the slash, but he was also shocked by the slash around him and flew back.

Drake wrapped Busoshoku with both hands, holding the spreading slash hard, and flew straight back after being shaken, crashing into a building, arousing a cloud of smoke and dust.


Kid gritted his teeth, raised a hand and a bleeding broken arm forward, a large number of metal parts and weapons gathered in his hand It turned into a metal giant arm and smashed it at the golden slash.

Kira also rotated the scythe and hit it.


Slash easily shook his giant arm, took him and Kira’s body, flew to the ground, and slid against the ground for several meters.

Others either hard top or try to dodge, but none of them can be avoided completely.

All were hit by this round golden slash.

This slash, which is like an aperture, does not drift far, only about ten-twenty meters, and then gradually dissipates.

Kulo stood up, glanced around, and chuckled.

No one is standing.

“Now, you can’t heal Kid, Trafalgar Luo.”

Kulo said to Luo who was lying on the ground and panting.

Kid’s broken arm was annihilated in slash.

It’s all grayed out, how can I connect it?

He smacked his lips, looked towards the surroundings, and found the body of Capone Becky lying there, walked over and bent over and fumbled in his arms, and took out a pack of cigars and a lighter.

Put the cigar in your mouth and light the lighter.

Kulo spit out a puff of smoke, then frowned, “Not so easy to smoke…”


He kicked Capone · Becky away.

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