A gust of wind blew around, blowing on the ground where Kulo was standing before, where no one was visible.

The bear stood upright, looked at his palm, his expressionless face tilted to the side with his head.


Will such a man be shot by himself?

“Oh~ this is really strange.”

Kizaru finished the banana in his hand, surprised.

“Kulo!” Leda was startled, her eyes red again.

“It’s okay, the bear just shot people flying.” Kizaru took a look, comforted.

“Shoot flying?” Leda tilted her head immediately.

Sentomaru walked over at this time and said: “The bear’s ability can shoot people into the air. I heard that people can fly for three days and three nights in a row. As for where to go, only he knows. “

“With the strength of the Kulo big brother, It shouldn’t be injured. After a few days, the Kulo big brother will contact us on his own.”

, Lida’s face immediately became expressionless, with a faint disgust.

Is this guy just holding this idea?

It’s no wonder that I just rushed to the bear with enough strength.

Rayleigh was also very puzzled. Although the bear told him that he would guarantee the safety of the Straw Hat group, there is a man here, and it is not that stable.

They have the weakness of Luffy, but the young Marine does not. Obviously Kulo will be more handy.

But suddenly he was shot flying by a bear, which Rayleigh couldn’t think of.

Is the ability of Bartholomew bears so terrifying?

After Xiong was puzzled for a moment, he looked towards Luffy and found that this child had already lifted his head and stared at himself angrily.



He slapped Luffy and disappeared.

The Straw Hat group officially declared the group annihilated in Chambord.

Rayleigh glanced at Kizaru over there and said with a smile: “People are not good when they are old. They were almost killed by the new generation. Kizaru, you Marine, you have a great character. Ah.”

“The old man thinks so too.”

Kizaru laughed and said, “But it’s still not as good as your Pirate. There are troublesome people every year, let us Marine It’s a headache. This generation this year was rated as the [Extremely Evil Generation], and it’s terrifying.”

“Let’s lie less.”

Rayleigh laughed,” The goal has been achieved, I am a retired guy, so I won’t mix up here.”

As he said, he turned and left and raised his hand.

Kizaru looked at him, his sunglasses glowed, and finally let Rayleigh go.

He walked up to the bear and looked at the bear and said, “You did this. Have you figured out how to explain the above?”

“I will take care of it.” Xiong whispered. Tao.

Kizaru lightly sighed, “Celestial Dragon is very terrifying, but it is terrifying. Is it worth giving up your life for a little Pirates?”

Frequent visitors, Kizaru and bears are naturally familiar.

The original bear has been transformed to this degree, which is enough.

After all, the transformation of people has been successful.

But now the criminals who beat Celestial Dragon are released without authorization, if Xiong wants to resist the punishment…then it will only be completely reformed.

“Well, you have your own ideas. If the main culprit is gone, the old man will have to catch someone to go back, otherwise Celestial Dragon will be very annoying.”

Kizaru touched the chin, Said: “Sentomaru, take someone to catch Pirate, and bring it back for business. As for Kulo…wait for him to call.”

“I see, Old Master.” Sentomaru nodded, to Lida He said to Kuro: “Are you going, catch Pirate.”

Kuro eyes shined, “Of course I want to go!”

Catch Pirate!

Grab more Pirate, he can also achieve the goal of getting Kulo to be promoted as soon as possible, and he can also be promoted.

As long as the level is high, he does not need to be a tool man.

In the sky, an air mass flies at high speed, passing seagulls, passing through clouds, and flying in the sky.

Kulo finally achieved his wish.

Cool pressing!


He snapped his fingers and controlled the [Treasure House of Heaven] on the higher sky to fly away.

The name Lida gave him is quite good, so he just used it.

The treasure house must go together. If this thing does not go with him, if it is out of control, the shampoo ground will really be gone.

“Three days and three nights! Three days and three nights!”

Kulo Le’s teeth were about to suffocate, he lay in the air mass, posing a very comfortable Posture, took out a cigar and clamped it in his mouth. After lighting it, he breathed out smoke.

Three days!

This kind of high-speed flight takes three days, so even if he landed on the ground and had a Battleship and found himself, he would not have enough time to go back.

when the time comes, the war on the top is over.

What’s the matter with him.

Looking back, apply again and find a place to stay, so he can live his life safely and comfortably.

East Blue is best, after all, it’s my hometown, so I can’t leave it behind.

Cultivation every day, check in, smoke to get salary, and grab a few small Pirates who are not long-eyed to fool around with their performance. Isn’t it fragrant?

Thinking of this, Kulo laughed happily. He lay flat in the air ball, raised his legs, and hummed elated.


Headquarter, the atmosphere is very solemn.

Sengoku has already started.

Bundles of Marines have arrived one after another, and some have already arrived at the headquarter. At this time, there are more Marines in Marineford than ever before.

Some of the Marines who were called up received training in the headquarters training ground.

“One, two, one!”

A large number of Marines are training collectively, either from the headquarters of Marine, or from all over the world.

This time to convene, the total plan is 100,000 Marine elites. As long as they have merits, the program will not go. They will be directly called to the headquarters and transferred to the headquarters.

“One, two, one!”

In a training ground, many Marines shook their fists collectively, and one of them, a bearded man in his thirties, shook his fists most hard, shouting The loudest.

The spirit of conscientiousness seems to have infected the people around him and made the Marines next to him work harder.

“Stop, rest for five minutes, and then go for two hundred laps!”

The major in charge of training shouted.


Many Marines saluted together, then scattered and started to rest. Only the big beard was still straight.

The major gave Cass a satisfied look, then turned and left.

“Thank you.”

“I will train later, drink some water.”

The Marines whispered to each other, and around the big beard , Marine is the most gathered.

“Hey, Cass, I heard that you are from East Blue. What is the Pirate environment of East Blue? I heard it is very peaceful, unlike our North Blue, which is messy. Pirate is too cruel. “

A Marine asked in an enviable tone at this time.

This beard with firm eyes is exactly Cass!

After East Blue’s accomplishments, he heard the command called by the headquarters and immediately handed in the application form, which was directly approved and promoted to second lieutenant.

Cass heard the question from Marine, said resolutely: “No matter which sea, as long as there is Pirate, there will be no peace. But we don’t need to look at them too high, as long as we have the justice in our hearts, Tenacious and unyielding, Pirate must not be our opponent, because Pirate has no faith, but we have!”

His tone seemed to be contagious, and the surrounding Marines were shocked. .

“As expected of Cass, a man with’stubborn justice’. Yes, as long as we are tenacious, Pirate is nothing to be afraid of!”

“Yes, worthy of it It’s Cass!”

“Big brother Cass, I want to follow you!”

Kass laughed, “My justice was also learned from a man. I admire him very much. The purpose of coming to the headquarter is also to follow that man, but I am not worthy now, and when I am stronger, I am worthy to follow behind that man and help that man.”

He breathes Deeply, shouting at everyone: “If you follow me, then you must join me and help that person move forward step by step. I believe that he will become Marine Headquarter!!”

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