“Oh? Recognize me, hahaha, don’t worry, you won’t be hungry.” Zhepu laughed heartily.

He has worked here for more than ten years, and it is normal to say that he is recognized, but he has retired long ago, which is nothing.

“What do you mean?”

Following Zhepu into the restaurant, Lida asked in a low voice.

“Old Pirate.”

Kulo twitched his lips: “Originally a Great Pirate, but after retiring for so many years, ZF won’t pursue it anymore. Naturally, we Marine doesn’t care. Don’t worry. He can eat something, if he is not free, I will catch him.”

It doesn’t matter if you catch a retired old Pirate.

He is not Shiki either.

Zhepu smiled secretly in his heart, eating so seriously, just eat a meal, how much can you eat yourself?


The sound of continuous superimposition of the dinner plate sounded in the restaurant.

Marines are distributed among other tables, and three people sit in the center.

Kuro sits straight, pushing his glasses from time to time, and there are wine and steak on the table.

Kulo is lazy, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking towards the white hair chewing wildly next to him from time to time.

The table in front of Leda is full of plates, and she is immersed in her hard work.

There are several ashen-faced chefs waiting next to him.

At first, the chefs still despise Kulo, because Lida is so hungry that she is too hungry. She thinks that the little girl should be abused, and she can’t get enough to eat normally.

But soon they felt something was wrong.

Too edible.

It’s so edible.

The stacked dinner plates are already the third round.

A lot of Marines have finished eating, but the cooks in the kitchen are still not reduced. Because of this little girl, the speed of eating is comparable to the speed of eighty Marines, and it’s not full like a bottomless pit. .

The food just served disappeared in no time. It takes a moment to serve the food to ensure that Lida does not stop eating.

Kulo twitched his own cigarette not to express a matter of no concern to oneself, but to let the chefs inadvertently understand that Lida’s appetite is endless.

It’s really fun to look at the faces of the chefs from the very beginning, to weird, to anger, and finally to frustration.

Hey, the days of raising a foodie are so trembling in fear and boring.

“Head chef, there are not enough ingredients!”

Someone started yelling in the kitchen.

Zepu walked out of the kitchen with a dull expression, looked at Lida who was still eating, and forcibly said with a smile: “My kid, how is the food.”

“Well, yes, six points full!”

Lida was nodded heavily, still chewing on her mouth: “Bharati is worthy of Bharati, things are delicious, better than the branch cafeteria It’s so delicious!”

“Six points…”

Zhepu was taken aback, laughed heartily: “I haven’t eaten enough yet, well, as a chef, I’m I won’t lose to the guests!”

He walked into the kitchen again, and his roar came from inside: “Now go shopping for the ingredients and make sure the guests are full. This is Bharati’s existence. Significance, fighting, this is fighting!”

Immediately there was a chef out of Bharati and took a boat to purchase ingredients.

“Kulo, is it a bit bad for me to eat this way.”

After another plate was killed, Lida licked her greasy lips and asked a little worried. .

“You foodie still worry about the consequences? Don’t worry, eat. The chefs here have a fighting heart. Eating is fighting. You will not stop if you are not fed.”

Kulo said lightly.

There is a town near Bharati, and soon after purchasing the boat, the chefs started to fight, and Leda…Of course she was happy to eat some.

This meal has been eaten till late at night.

“I’m full. I haven’t eaten so full for a long time. It’s so comfortable.”

Leida leaned back without image, touching her chubby belly, let out a long relaxed breath.

“Kulo, this is a great place. After going to the headquarters, let’s go back to East Blue, I will come here to eat again.”

Kulo glanced at his eyes and collapsed from exhaustion. The chefs twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Be kind and spare these people.

“Satisfying our guests is our Bharati’s greatest aim.”

Zhepu Qiang, who is obviously also very tired, walked out and squeezed out a smile.

Blood loss!

At this time, he hated himself why he said that sentence, why he had to treat him, why this little girl can eat so much.

Kulo certainly won’t really let this old man lose his money. After all, Lida ate too much. Before leaving, he kept the eight million Beli bounty and just gave it to himself. Share a little bit of credit.

Marines got on the boat, it’s time to rest, to sail, and the goal is to Loguetown.


“Loguetown ah…”

Kuro looked towards the approaching town, sighed.

“en? Have you been here?” Kulo asked.

“No, I didn’t think about going to Grand Line. This is my first time.”

Kuro said: “Besides, there is a Smoker Captain here. Since he came, Pirate has been I can’t log in to Loguetown.”

Loguetown was still chaotic a few years ago. Pirates often gathered here in order to get to the Grand Line.

But since Smoker took office, it has become calmer.

After all, it is a Logia.

What? You say he is weak?

You have to see who you compare to.

Kulo felt the same way. Two years later Smoker became the headquarter Vice Admiral and went to New World. You can see what perverts you encountered.

Shichibukai Duofulang Brother Ming, born Haoshoku Haki’s big pervert.

Vergo, can be a big metamorphosis of Busoshoku all over, Haki’s attainments and physical skills are all first-class.

Luo, the fruit ability has been developed very strong, and later became Shichibukai.

There is still a little gap between myself and Hawk Eyes. In case he is too exposed and sent to New World to entangle with Yonko there, he will not survive.

“Low-key, must low-key!” Kulo clenched his fists.

Battleship stopped, a group of Marines escorted Krieg Pirates to Marine base.

At the same time, inside the Marine base.

“Smoker Captain, the 153 branch warrant officer Lucifer Kulo in the report has arrived!”

In the smoky room, a Marine reported to the group of silhouettes.

“Quiet, a warrant officer of the branch, he will come when he comes, what makes a fuss about nothing.”

The thick voice sounded.

“Yes! I heard that Warrant Officer Kulo prevented the violent raid of Captain Morgan in his branch and captured a 6 million Ability User, so he was allowed to enter the headquarters for further training.”

“Oh, a somewhat capable Marine, but what’s the point.”

“They also captured Krieg Pirates!”


The tall stones stacked on the table fell.

silhouette stood up, opened the window, the smoke gradually dispersed, Smoker dangling two cigars, surprisedly said: “Krieg Pirates? A warrant officer of the branch?”

Ta Da Da. ..

A series of footsteps sounded outside, Smoker looked out the window and saw a group of Marines coming with a ticket of Pirate.

The leader is wearing a fur coat with “justice” printed on the back, and looks very lazy.

Next to him is a white-haired child chewing snacks.

There is also a slender man in a black suit and glasses.

“That man…”

Smoker’s gaze stayed on the man in the suit, “A little familiar.”

“Smoker Captain, Smoker Captain !”

A woman’s voice was passed down the corridor, the woman wearing glasses holding a knife, gasped for breath said: “Yes, there is big news!”

“Da Siqi, how many times have you said it, don’t be frizzy.”

Smoker frowned, “What big news.”

Da Siqi looked excited. “Hawk Eyes, Hawk Eyes has come to East Blue. He competed with a Marine in East Blue, claiming that Marine was qualified to attack the throne of Greatest Swordsman in the World! That was the throne of Greatest Swordsman in the World, it was amazing. That’s it!”

“Oh? That Hawk Eyes actually said such things.”

Smoker was taken aback, “Which Marine is it?”

” I heard that it is a Marine in the branch, whose name seems to be…Kuro, yes, Kuro!”

Smoker looked towards the man in the black suit below, “Sure enough, very familiar and interesting.”


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