
Kuliair took the lead in attacking, a flash bomb blasted in front of Kulo, bursting out a strong light.

peng~ peng~!

Izang fired a few shots and fired a few bullets. This time the bullets came very quickly. The bullets containing Haki concealed splitting the air. sound.

As soon as Kulo retreated, Vista flashed over next to him.

“Rose dancing!”

Vista waved its double knives, and a large number of rose petals floated up. Those petals are like sharp swords, flashing cold light in the air and heading straight to Kulo Come.

On the other side, Marco moved to one side, kicking over with his feet like shadows.

At the same time, Jozu rushed quickly and ran straight into Kulo.

Front and back, left and right, completely surrounded.

Kulo feels bitter in his heart.

There is a giant meat and quick recovery, there is a huge defense, there is melee output, there is long-range output, and there is an auxiliary that can emit flash bombs… which can cause disturbance to him.

Why, I am the boss of the group?

Or is my surname Uchiha?

I don’t have to be Zuo Nenghu either.

“There is no way…”

He sighed, stretched out his hand and shook his hand, and the ground under Jozu’s feet, who had collided with him, took off suddenly and flew back with his body. The flying piece of land obviously extended and turned into a huge mouth, swallowing Jozu, and smashing it into the distance.

After a tremor of a large number of metal spikes and fragments lying on the ground not far away, they all shot out, blocking the front of Kulo, forming a thick iron wall, blocking Izang Bullets.

Haki’s bullets filled the iron wall, but the speed of the bullets has slowed down.

The siege has broken the third.

Kulo waved his hand and sent out a huge slash, which shook the petals that had flown away. The slash was also offset by the petals. Kulo waved the knife again and slashed towards Vista.


Vista doubled the blades, blocking Kulo’s slash, and there was a shock.

Vista smiled: “I blocked it!”

Kulo reached out and pointed, “That’s not necessarily.”


A spike the size of a dagger appeared on Vista’s abdomen and plunged deeply into it.

“You…” Vista glanced at the abdomen, and said in astonishment.


Kulo used one hand to force, against Vista’s double knives, slashed from the blade, and directly knocked him out.

At the same time, he backhanded the limpid autumn water into the scabbard, watching Marco kicked over.

“Ittoryu Chikiya!”

Ihe was out of the sheath, and the limpid autumn water was pulled out instantly. At this moment, he chopped out hundreds of knives and hit Marco.

Marco groaned in Qingyan, kicked Kulo’s body with a slam, turned into Phoenix with this force, soared back, and landed far on the ground.

When he transforms into a human form again, Marco looks very ugly and has not been injured yet, but the attack frequency, if he does not hide, will be injured sooner or later.

Vista pulled out the spikes in the abdomen, threw it aside, and stared at Kulo solemnly.

At this time, Jozu hammered open the clod of soil that wrapped him, and looked at the iron wall floating in the air with an ugly face.

Izang and Kuliair’s looks are not much better.

The combined offensive of the five Captains who got serious, was actually cracked by him!

“Ability User…” Marco murmured.

Kulo exhaled, slowly retracted the knife into its sheath, stood up, looked towards everyone.

“Sa, dance and show me.”

The metal floating in the air suddenly exploded, rushing toward the five people like rain.

“Oops, Yizang…”

Marco subconsciously looked towards Yizang, this attack density, they are not easy to hide.

At this moment, Kulo’s figure is rippling like a water shadow.

When he appeared again, he was already behind Kuliair.

He held the handle of the knife, “Your glare, it’s too annoying, Ittoryu…”


Suddenly, there was a sound in the air .

Kulo’s shocked body suddenly tilted, and the style he was about to send was interrupted at this moment.

Marco caught it, quickly flew up, flew to Culiaire’s side, and kicked Kulo away.

Those rain-like metal spikes and fragments, under this vibration, all fell to the ground, making a dense sound of ding ding dong dong.

“Isn’t it…”

Kulo stepped back, turned his head to look, and found that Whitebeard had lifted the knife and rested on the ground.


hong long long …

The land where Kulo stood was shattered, and at the same time, the Haki on his body also made the sound of peng peng, which was a shock. Holding his body.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard lifted the knife again, and its tail landed.


For the third time, Kulo felt a stronger vibration.

bang!! !

The land was completely cracked.

Kulo’s figure appears floating in the sky, his face is very gloomy.

“It’s flying…”

Marco was shocked: “He beat us before and kept his hands? This guy really has other purposes.”

“This is really distressing, not just swordsman.” Vista said.

The rest of Captain is either shocked or looking thoughtful.

Kulo stared at Whitebeard, “Old Guy, aren’t you incapable of taking action?”

At that moment, if it weren’t for taking off quickly, I’m afraid I would be hurt by the shock.

Whitebeard sneered at him: “It’s okay to hurt my lovely son. Besides, I’m Whitebeard. Do you need to talk more about this little demon? By the way, little demon, your ability and Is the sword technique inherited from Shiki?”

“Shiki? Shiki?!” Marco surprised.

Shiki? !

That Legendary Great Pirate, its abilities and sword technique, were all inherited by this man?

No way …

“I don’t know what Shiki the yellow monkey’s, or what it said.” Kulo shook his head flatly.

“Then what are you?!” Yizang roared: “Not a pure swordsman, and I am not qualified to use limpid autumn water!”

“Who said I am not qualified ?”

Kulo looked towards Yizang, and said: “I tell you that I am actually from the country of Hezhi. If you don’t believe me, I will give you proof. There are ninjas in the country of Hezhi. Ninjas can endure the law. Well, the one I just used was Ninja, I will show it to you now.”

He casually played a trick, loudly shouted: “Ninja·Rain Tiger Freedom Art!”

There is a lot of rain in the sky.

Clearly there are no dark clouds, but the rain poured down and fell on everyone.

“Ninfa·The technique of soil thorns!”

Kulo casually fiddled with the gestures, and the squad, including Whitebeard, faced the squad. The surrounding land bulged and formed a sharp The soil thorn, stab at them.

But to this extent…

All Captains shot together, smashing the formed soil thorns.

But this magical scene is a bit surprising.

Vista was surprised: “Is there such a way of forbearance in Wazaki Country? It’s really amazing.”

“How is it possible!”

I hide back One sentence, but I am a little uncertain.

When he was a child, although he and his younger brother were doing art in the street, but the days were not long. Later, with that adult, he didn’t have much time in the country of Won, and there was a lot of secrets in Won. There is indeed something he doesn’t know.

Is there really such a magical way of forbearance?

“Forbearance·The technique of rainstorm pear blossom!”

The metal spikes and fragments that had just been shaken to the ground by Whitebeard rose all together, forming an iron curtain mixed with rainwater. Everyone.

This kind of trick makes everyone facial expression grave.

Jozu and Marco blocked Whitebeard one after another, and the others pulled out their weapons one after another, preparing to resist the densely packed iron curtain.

And this makes Kulo’s mouth a smile, as long as you don’t pay attention to how the rain comes down.

No matter what kind of water it is, if it is just drenched, it is naturally impossible to make people feel powerless, and it will not make people unable to use their abilities actively.

But once it’s wrapped…

“Lionwei·Gishojima!” Kulo shook his hand.

The rain in the sky suddenly turned into a lion-headed water ball, enveloping all the seventeen people.

It’s not an Ability User. Fortunately, it was just suddenly submerged by water, some not knowing what to do.

And Ability Users such as Marco and Jozu were suddenly wrapped in sea water. Marco, who had just turned into Phoenix, suddenly became human form, and Jozu, who was shining all over, had diamonds on the surface. Disappear, without that proud defensive ability.

Whitebeard is also under this move, surrounded by the largest sea mass.

The iron curtain descended with a bang.



Whitebeard swipes a knife and easily breaks the sea water. He glances at the iron curtain that is lowered from the sky, and laughs grinningly: “little demon, dry Not bad.”

He squeezed his left fist and punched into the air.

hong long!! !

The water mass and the iron curtain in this brief moment all disintegrated with the violent turbulence of the air, the water mass burst and flowed out under the feet of everyone, and the iron curtain fell and turned into fine pieces of metal.

The sky is suddenly clear.

And Kulo…

At this time, he was flying wildly far away, almost becoming a silhouette in the eyes of everyone.

He only fought the entire Yonko regiment when he was sick.

Do you think I am going to fight?

Wrong, actually this is my escape route!

That’s it!

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