peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~!

Everything hit Kaido’s body together. From a distance, it looked like a few huge lions biting Kaido and swallowing it.

bang! ! !

Suddenly, all the weapons exploded and blown away together, flying ding ding dong dong everywhere.

Kaido walked out of the smoke and dust, her body no longer swayed and her eyes became clear.

This time, he was sober.

Kaido looked towards Kulo in the air and said: “The ability is good.”


Kulo sighed and turned away. .

The last hint in his heart that Kaido was a fluke disappeared.

He can’t move this stuff.


Seeing Kulo flying away, Kaido clenched his fists and roared out loudly. The head was covered with scales, which instantly extended and turned into A dragon head.


A huge cloud appeared high in the sky, and a few muffled thunders flashed out, and the sea water was blowing wildly under the howling of the wind.

Kaido’s arm turned into a dragon claw, the entire huge body became huge, and gradually extended, the lower body jumped up, directly turned into a dragon tail, and went straight to Kulo.


Azure Dragon!

The dragon of the genuine!

Under lightning flashes and thunder rolls, Kaido turned into a dragon and flew in front of Kulo very fast. The huge body seemed to wrap him.

The dragon’s head gradually fell, and his ferocious eyes stared at Kulo, showing a trace of interest.

“Good little demon, it’s a pity to be a Marine, do you want to work for me and become a subordinate of Lao Tzu.”

Kulo looked up at the dragon eyes, faintly Issho: ” Me, but Marine.”


He slashed a slash mixed with Haki, and instantly hit the Azure Dragon head. Kaido was hit by this blow. On the last top, taking this opportunity, Kulo flew down and flew away.

The slash lasted on Kaido’s chin for a while, and then dissipated, and a ball of gunpowder smoke emerged from his chin. The slash only showed a mark and healed quickly.

“little demon!”

Kaido lowered his head, Long Tong stared at Kulo in the distance, and opened his mouth to gather a cloud of energy.


A huge energy group flew out. Kulo felt a heat behind his back and quickly avoided. The energy almost wiped himself past and hit To the island below.

bang! ! !

An island was blown to pieces by this blow, and the entire island, the lion head on the island and the nearby swords, were all evaporated.

Kulo’s completed continent has a big hole missing in the middle.

After the dragon sprayed out energy, it rolled in the air and came straight here. While flying, he was also spraying “heat”, and several energy clusters came out of his mouth. One shot went straight to Kulo.

Kulo moved left and right in the air, avoiding a hot energy group, from time to time he stretched out his hand and held it, the island floated up and turned into one after another lion head, moved towards Kaido behind him and slammed into it. I wanted to stop Kaido’s attack, but was only vomited by Kaido’s “heat” to evaporate it.

hong long long …

The dark clouds above the head thunder again, and a violent wind descends from the clouds and blows towards the Kulo side, making Kulo’s flying body obvious. Stagnant.

Behind, the energy ball shot over.

Kulo slashed the energy group with a backhand, and the energy group hit the blade, leading his body straight down.


Kulo’s body fell to the ground again, blocking the energy and moving backwards, ploughing a straight line of smoke and dust on the ground.

Until he retreated about a hundred meters, he slammed the energy ball with a stab, and flew it high in the sky, submerged in the clouds.

hong long!

There was a muffled noise under the clouds, and then it started to rain, mixed with the strong wind.

The sky became obviously more cloudy, and a flash of lightning blew up among the clouds, making the Azure Dragon in the sky more terrifying.

“The ability can still be played like this?” Kulo gritted his teeth and looked at Kaido in the air.

Dragons can call the wind and summon the rain.

At this level, he couldn’t escape.

“Bao La La La La La…”

Den Den Mushi in his trouser pocket is still ringing.

This won’t work anymore. Without reinforcements, he might be planted here today.

Kulo took out Den Den Mushi and picked it up.

“Moximosi, Kulo, where are you?” Den Den Mushi rang Kizaru’s voice.

Kulo glanced at Kaido, breathes deeply, yelled: “Old Master, help!”

“Oh~ It seems that the battle is very strong. Did you meet Whitebeard? Good terrifying.” Kizaru’s voice was full of surprise.

How did Old Master know that he met Whitebeard?

But soon, Kulo dropped the idea.

Now is not the time to care about this.

He said anxiously to Den Den Mushi: “It’s not Whitebeard, it’s Kaido. I’m in the sky now, and I don’t know where it is. In short, come and save me. If it’s late, you can I can only collect the corpse for me.”

Den Den Mushi was silent for a while, and then said: “The old man is speeding up, but it will take at least a day to find you.”


A breath of heat spurted again.

Kulo gripped the blade tightly, and the slash of golden and black flew out of the blade and hit the heat.

bang!! !

The air blasted out a cloud of smoke and dust, blasted a cloud of air, and blew the ends of Kulo’s hair.

“One day… OK, then one day!”

Kulo hung up Den Den Mushi, put it away, looked towards the one that flew from smoke and dust Azure Dragon, that Azure Dragon fell on the ground and changed into the shape of Kaido, glaring at himself.

Kulo put the limpid autumn water into the scabbard, put it in a good position, and stared at Kaido.

“You have to work hard.”

This one is different from Shiki. The guy is old and has been affected by his strength, although the last one is very domineering, showing A little bit of the shadow of Peak.

But it is not Peak after all.

But this one, at this moment, is the Peak of genuine.

There is no way to run. Kaido doesn’t care about anything. He can catch himself to the ends of the earth.

I can only find a way to force it back.

“little demon, come and kill me!” Kaido glared and roared wildly.

Kulo’s figure is a little lower, Haki wraps around and swept away, with a single stroke.

“Lion·True·Chikiri Valley!”


Hundreds of slashes with Haki rushed to Kaido indiscriminately, and its rays of light made the gloomy sky shine for a moment.

Kaido’s eyes widened, his fists clenched, neither dodge nor avoid, punch towards the first slash.


Slash was shattered by his fist.


Kaido’s arms almost turned into shadows, and his fist fell on the flying slash. With a punch, the slash was destroyed. Hundreds of slashes shattered one after another under his fist.

Until the last slash was smashed by Kaido with a punch, he stepped on his body and his figure disappeared, leaving a trace of smoke and dust in place.

He appeared on Kulo’s face!

The big one has Kulo’s high fist, and he slams the hook up and hits Kulo directly.

Boom! ! !

Limpid autumn water blocked Kaido’s fist, Kulo gritted his teeth, and his body moved backwards involuntarily. The whole person couldn’t stand the huge impact, and the body that was bombarded by this fist flew straight up.

After Kaido punched out, looking towards Kulo, who was flying in the sky by the impact, his head turned into a dragon, and he opened his mouth to exhale a few heat.

Kulo, who was flying upside down in the air, stabilized his figure with his ability, avoided the two energy clusters, and immediately slashed with a knife, colliding with the 3rd energy cluster, stimulating a cloud of dust.


At this time, Kaido’s knee bends slightly, shooting out like a spring, and directly impacts Kulo.

At this time, Kulo, who had just finished the chopping action, also wiped the blade with two fingers, emitting a golden glow.

“Ignorance divine wind flow Profound Truth…”

both of his hands Hold the knife, hold it above the head, and cut it down with a single knife.

“Blue Dragon!!!”

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