Seeing Hancock’s expression on Doflamingo, he laughed in a low voice:

“Hey, hey, it’s really terrifying, Lucifer · Kulo.”

In his temperament, the last time Mariejois suffered a loss, he had already started an investigation.

Lucifer · Kulo, born in East Blue, worked as a Marine for ten years in East Blue, but after joining the headquarters, he became a direct subordinate of Kizaru, and he was promoted rapidly.

Apart from this, Doflamingo also got a secret message. Originally he thought it was impossible, but combined with the time period he was in and out of East Blue, plus the kind that he showed in Mariejois last time. Suspended sword…

That kind of thing was done by a Marine!

This is also the reason why Doflamingo suffered but did not retaliate.

“Lucifer ·Kulo?”

Mihawk froze for a moment, but didn’t add much surprise. Kulo and Kuro are similar in pronunciation. If you don’t listen carefully, it will be difficult to distinguish.


I heard Doflamingo say that, Kulo step one stopped, and looked at him, “Have you investigated me?”

” Huh huh huh…”

Doflamingo looked at Kulo and chuckled again, and said, “Do you think you are hiding very deeply? I know the woman next to you, Flo. Rida, the Grand Line is a famous demon who emptied a lot of islands. And that hair color, 咈咈咈咈…”

Mihawk surprisedly said: “Florida? That gluttony demon It’s such a little girl, I didn’t expect.”

Other people, including Hancock, were also a little surprised.

“Are you famous?” Kulo looked towards Lida.

“I don’t know…” Lida was thinking, “Am I famous?”

“Let’s install less garlic, Kulo!”

Doflamingo said: “And your subordinate, that Kuro… used to be Pirate, Pirate who is famous for strategy, plus the Marine you cultivated in East Blue, but you are desperate for your fame. Prestige, resourcefulness, strength, you who are ready with everything, finally can’t bear it.”

“Lucifer · Kulo, what do you want to do on earth, 咈咈咈咈…It’s really interesting Ah, this world!”

Doflamingo laughed out loud.

“A man like you…”

Hancock looked at Doflamingo and Kulo in disgust, and said: “It’s really dirty.”

Mihawk Staring at Kulo, said nothing.

Moria caught with both hands frantically, said with a smile: “Shrimp, shrimp, another terrifying man, mess up, mess up!”

Lida thought for a while, The fist hit the palm, and Satori suddenly said, “What he said like this, you seem to have some big conspiracy, hey, Kulo, you won’t be lying to me all the time.”

“Don’t make trouble.”

Kulo knocked on Lida, twitched at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Doflamingo, who was in a frantic state, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

He really makes sense.

Unable to refute for a while.

“Hey, don’t you admit it? It doesn’t matter, I welcome you to my kingdom as a guest. I can provide whatever you want.”

Doflamingo smiled He got up and suddenly pointed in Whitebeard’s direction, “Speaking of which, don’t care about your subordinates, if you rush forward, it will all be destroyed.”

Kulo looked in the direction he was pointing, While still saying: “What’s the matter, my subordinate, Kuro? He should withdraw now, withdraw, withdraw…”

Can’t say anything, Kulo stared blankly at the front and approached Whitebeard. On the ice, among the many marines gradually retreating, a group of Marines not only did not retreat, but became more and more courageous.

They were facing a dozen famous captains, assembled in formation, stepping forward, fighting those captains. Those Marines were clearly a group of soldiers, but the captains of the famous world They are retreating step by step, everyone is wounded!

Among the group of Marines, Kuro moved around among them to resist the captains who wanted to sneak attack over, while the Marine forces stepped forward, actually forcing the captains to retreat.

Kulo is familiar with the first person among those Marines.

That’s a big beard!

“Kas?!!!” Kulo’s eyes were about to stick out.

“Huh?” Leda also opened her mouth wide, “Is that Cass? How could he be here?”

This guy should play his justice in East Blue Ah, why did you come to the Grand Line? He also appeared on the battlefield of Marineford, and he played very bravely!

The captains are almost pushed below Whitebeard.

Below Whitebeard, Cass and the others gradually approached. Along the way, several captains had fallen.

“What’s going on, it’s obviously a group of miscellaneous soldiers!”

While resisting Marine’s attack, Brother Dilkaban moved back, feeling extremely anxious.

They really don’t understand. They are obviously just a group of miscellaneous soldiers, even if their morale is high, why can they burst out with such a powerful battle strength.

“Quickly shave tiger claw!”

Kuro’s figure swung to the side, leaving the Marine army, and the whole person rushed forward with ten cold glows.


A captain was cut with ten deep wounds in front of his chest. Kulo continued unabated and went straight to Dilkaban brother,


His attack was blocked by Brother Dilkaban from left to right.

Rumba found the neutral position at this time and struck him with a sword.

However, he was shocked before his sword was smashed. The falling sword instantly turned its direction, and a sword swept away a dozen Marines rushing over.

“Guard Mr. Kuro!”

Marine yelled, several swords slashed on Rumba’s sword, the force was extremely strong.

There were captains nearby who wanted to come to support, but they were dragged by Marine.

Kuro’s figure retreated again and entered the Marine army. These Marines gathered and continued to attack.

The cooperation is quite clever.

Kas-based Marine is the main force, resisting the attacks of these captains, and Kuro, as a roaming, and as one of the powerful battle strengths, can find the right opportunity to deal with these captains who are in neutral.

“It works!”

Kuro licked his lips, a little excited.

If you continue to fight like this, maybe you can really catch these ten captains!

“Well done, little demon.”

At this moment, a voice rang from the sky.

Kuro hearing this lifting head, the cold sweat will go down.


Above, the tall silhouette standing on the bow of the ship, looking towards this side at this time.

Under the sun, his sharp eyes seemed to be like sharp blades. Just looking at it, Kuro felt his body hurt.


Suddenly, a bright light appeared from the side.

“Be careful!”

Kuro was startled, his ten blades crossed subconsciously.

Boom! ! !

A huge silhouette rushed away from Cass and them, and under the sun, this person’s body was shining.

Kuro’s entire body flew back ten meters before he could stop. He only felt pain in his chest and abdomen, and the cat’s claw on his hand had broken off.

“Jozu Captain!”

The captains shouted.

“How can Marine be close to Daddy.” Jozu said solemnly.

The captains were guilty, and Rumba lowered his head and said: “Sorry, we are ashamed, but we were given to by a group of soldiers…”


Whitebeard looked over, the group of Marines that had been hit by Jozu were standing up one by one at this time, and everyone’s expression was full of tenacious unyielding.

Especially the big beard at the moment. Although he vomits blood, the imposing manner has not changed at all, but has become a little stronger.

Whitebeard glanced at Cass and said, “Don’t blame you, this guy is a troublesome existence.”

“It’s really troublesome.”

Marco also appeared next to Whitebeard and looked at Cass and said, “A manifestation of will? Really a dangerous man.”

Kuro was only then aware that they seemed to be playing too much, around They were all retreating, just like a crane in a flock of chickens, the breakthrough came under the Whitebeard boat.

Nearby, there seems to be no more Marines, most of them are Pirate, and they noticed them and surrounded them here.

“Kas, from that direction, we broke through.” Kuro glanced around, aimed at a weak direction, and said to Kas.

Cass is nodded, he is tenacious, not reckless, he can still tell what the situation is.


Kuro flew up with one kick, his legs and feet turned into afterimages while kicking away, hitting dozens of slashes in the direction he chose. Bombarded the past.

For a while, Pirate that was approaching was cut down by this slash.

“Colleagues, broke through!”

Cass raised his saber and moved towards the crowd that had been cut away by Rankyaku.

“You hurt my dear son, do you want to leave so easily?”

Whitebeard said faintly at this time, he clenched his fist and slammed toward Kuro A punch in the direction of.


The air shattered at this moment, and a great shock followed the shattered air and caught up with the retreating Kuro and Cass.

Boom! ! !

That space, like shattered glass, shattered every inch of Kuro and Cass.


Kuro just wanted to continue to use Rankyaku against Pirate who had gathered around him, he felt a vibration around him. Under the vibration, he felt that his internal organs were about to move. Now, spurt a large mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.

The condition of a group of Marines such as Cass is also not very good. Under the shock, one by one fell to the ground, clutching his body and vomiting blood.

At this time, everyone suffered serious internal injuries.

“This style…”

Kuro struggled to twist his head and looked towards the huge silhouette of the folded fist behind, “Did Whitebeard take the shot?”

“The old man is the old man, and that Kuro was killed by the old man with a punch!” a captain shouted.


As soon as these words came out, Marco and Jozu subconsciously looked at Cass and the others.


Marco relaxed and said: “Don’t be joking at this time. If that guy is there, you wouldn’t be standing now.”

Nodded that Jozu agrees.

Although I didn’t want to admit it, the man I met in Kuja town impressed them very much.

A single captain will die if he encounters it.

“That’s the one who wears glasses, he claims to be Kuro!” The captain yelled, pointing at Kuro.

“Huh? The same name?”

Marco glanced at Kuro and shook his head: “He doesn’t seem to fit the name.”

Lying down Kuro fell to the ground with a black line on his forehead.

Is he not even equipped with a name now?


The vibration caused by Whitebeard naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Kizaru on the battlefield looked over and was surprised: “Did it cause a shock again? It’s really terrifying…Huh, that person?”

He happened to see that Kuro lying near Whitebeard, “Oh~ isn’t that Kulo’s subordinate?”

He looked around, and then found Kulo’s silhouette next to Shichibukai at the port, and yelled: “Hey , Kulo, your subordinate is injured.”

“I see it, don’t speak so loudly, Old Master!”

Kulo tugged at the corner of his mouth, and also called back.

He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, and said bitterly: “They said don’t rush forward, don’t attract attention, this is what the hell is happening! And that idiot, Cass, how to run this Here comes. So, neither of them know what safety is, now you are injured!”



At this time, Xiao Oars’ body gradually approached the port, and the huge machete was gripped tightly by him, and he was about to slash his head.


Kulo lifting his head, gritted his teeth and said: “It makes people uncomfortable!”

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