
Whitebeard has a few more black lines in his eyes.

“You have no time to be sentimental now, Whitebeard!”

A Giant Race Vice Admiral with a mask found the opportunity and jumped up at Whitebeard with an axe. Past.

Kulo stepped back at this moment. Seeing this scene, he couldn’t help being a little stunned: “I’m so courageous. Didn’t I see the Old Master have retired? This time is over. It’s not looking for mold.”



Whitebeard fisted open and shattered the giant Vice Admiral’s axe. At the same time, he stretched out his arms and held the giant Vice Admiral’s face with his five fingers. With the force of the shock, the iron mask of the giant Vice Admiral shattered, revealing the blood-filled face.

“Step on Oars’ corpse!” Whitebeard roared.


Pirates rallied and rushed towards the port.


The other part of the bay wall was knocked away by a huge icebreaker, and the attached Pirates that were not yet on the sea surface at this time were also approaching the ice surface one by one.

All members of Whitebeard have already stepped onto it.

Without Captain’s attention, Lida’s pressure is greatly reduced.

And Kulo walked slowly over and took advantage of the situation to solve the little Pirate who rushed over him.


Kulo slashed an attacking knife, and even Pirate, who was carrying the attack, was chopped and flew out.

He shook his head and looked towards Kuro and Kas and the others lying on the ice. After getting out of breath, he kicked Kuro with his foot, “Hey, you can still move Is it?”

Being kicked twice, Kuro spouted a few more mouthfuls of blood, breathing there, depending on the situation, the problem shouldn’t be big.

Kuro is also a powerhouse proficient in Rokushiki anyway, but was shocked by Whitebeard, so that he would not lose battle strength.

At this moment, Cass pushed open his body forcefully, stood up staggeringly, and said: “Ku, Mr. Kulo, sorry, I was so embarrassed that you saw me like this. It’s really… Wuyan sees you!”

“Then what, don’t care about the others, you are very brave.” Kulo exhorted.

Dare to bring a group of miscellaneous soldiers into Whitebeard, that is not ordinary bravery.

That’s the kind that brave Kulo himself admires.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Cass had tears in his eyes, and he was praised by Mr. Kulo.

Although he was hurt and embarrassed, if he was praised for bravery by Kulo, then everything was worth it!

He wiped his tears, saluted Kulo, and said: “Mr. Kulo, I will definitely not let you down!”


Kulo was stunned, what did I do, you will not let me down?

Cass roared in echo: “Get up! We are brave and tenacious Marine, trifling Whitebeard, that injury is not enough to make me wait!”

“trifling .. .” Kulo looked a little weird.

“Mr. Cass was right!”

In the lying Marine, some people gradually stood up, “We are Marine, and we won’t succumb!”

“Yes, justice will not surrender to any evil!”

Another Marine stood up.

One after another, these Marines all got up and gathered behind Cass. Although the corners of their mouths were bloody, their eyes were firm, and the light from those eyes made Kulo take a step back subconsciously.

It feels shining than the light of Old Master…

“You are Mr. Kulo!”

A Marine looked at Kulo with emotion:” It is worthy of being a person respected by Mr. Cass, who dared to deal with Whitebeard and several Captains alone. It’s…it’s so brave!”

“Yes, heroic and just, Kulo Mr. is exactly the same as I imagined!”

“Such a Marine is a role model for my generation!”

“Mr. Kulo, lead us to victory!”

“Yes! Get the head of Whitebeard, let Mr. Kulo be famous in the sea!”

Marines are screaming frantically here, and their vigor even overwhelms the surrounding Pirate’s screams.

As soon as Cass waved his hand, the Marines were silent. He looked at Kulo with scorching eyes: “Mr. Kulo, now is the opportunity. Under your leadership, we will definitely get Whitebeard for you. Human head!”

I will take you a big papa!

I came to rescue you with kindness, so did you return me?

Why don’t you get shocked to death by Whitebeard!

Kulo’s angry teeth are hurting.

He sensed at this moment, Whitebeard’s sharp gaze after hearing Marine’s cry.

This guy is getting angry for Oars’ death. If he is about to fight with anger, he is not Sakazuki and can’t bear the damage.

“Next time, definitely next time.” Kulo waved his hand again and again.

“Mr. Kulo, why!”

Cass puzzled: “This is a battlefield. If you don’t deal with it now, you may not have a chance in the future.”

This is true.

If you don’t play Whitebeard now, there is really no chance in the future.

He is dead, where are you going to beat him.


Suddenly, Den Den Mushi rang.

Kulo opened Den Den Mushi’s wrist, and a voice rang out: “Gradually retreat and start planning.”

Kulo raised his eyebrows and said to Kas and the others: “Above Let us retreat, in short. Also, don’t think about any major event, take care of yourself first. Also, don’t report my name, you are not my subordinate.”

“Yes , Mr. Kulo.” Cass pursed his lips, his expression frustrated.

The Marine behind him is also dull.

They are dull, it is better than Kulo to die by himself.

He hit Whitebeard?

A few Admirals are still paddling, what is his commander, and where is the truth?

Not to mention, if he can’t fight, he won’t fight if he can, in case he gets promoted.

Kulo relaxed, then suddenly alert.


If it wasn’t for Cass and the others to be shocked by Whitebeard, wouldn’t they be able to kill a lot of Pirate?

Those are all great characters of the famous world. They are really going to be killed. With the addition of Kuro, the idiot, even the boss of him is also credited. Then he won’t be in danger after the war?

Good risk, good risk!

Kulo wiped the sweat on his head, then looked at Kuro who was still lying down and vomiting blood, and then breathed out again.

If it weren’t for this guy to be so forward, could Cass, an idiot, see himself? !

He kicked him bitterly, “You didn’t die, you got up and leave!”


Kuro immediately Shut up, wiped his mouth, stood up and followed Kulo.

“Hey, Cass, retreat.”

Kulo greeted Cass and took Leda and Kuro back.

And Marines, at this time, fell into a kind of suspicion.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Kulo, why didn’t you lead us? Are you afraid?”

“No, he has come to save us, he will not be afraid Whitebeard’s.”

“It seems that he retreated too fast, as if he was…fighting?”

“Yes, and why don’t you make a major event?”

” , And don’t mention his name…what’s this?”

Marine behind Cass was thinking about it.

“Shut up!”

Cass suddenly yelled: “You disappointed me too much. Don’t make any guesses if you don’t understand Mr. Kulo. Mr. Kulo is not that kind of person. On the contrary, he is just inspiring us!”

“Inspiring?” The Marines tilted their heads collectively.

“Yes! My justice is guided by Mr. Kulo, so Mr. Kulo is impossible.”

“Mr. Kulo is telling us to Reported with a vigilant heart, the enemy is the world-famous Pirate, we really should stay vigilant.”

“In the past, Mr. Kulo said: The sea is too dangerous, we must be fully prepared In order to deal with Pirate, the danger of wandering on the dangerous sea.”

“And I actually forgot Mr. Kulo’s warning and asked him to save us personally. As a subordinate, drag the boss back. This is What a shame! He was disappointed in us, disappointed in our ignorance and arrogance! But even so, but it is so…”

“Mr. Kulo still said that. Let us stay vigilant and don’t be arrogant. We can’t mention his name now because we are not strong enough, and wait until we are strong enough to bear his name!”

Cass shed tears, Loudly said: “Mr. Kulo is still thinking about us, idiots!!!”

This speech was deafening.

The Marines fell silent one after another.

“so that’s how it is, I am too confident…”

“How can it be repaired! Let someone whom Mr. Cass admires to rescue me, I actually paid Will have doubts about him.”

A Marine fiercely gave himself a slap.

“Yes, we were too careless. If we keep doing this, we will drag our feet!”

“Mr. Cass! Give us another chance, and we will prove to Mr. Kulo , We are not the ones who are holding back!”

“Yes! Mr. Cass, please don’t be disappointed with us, continue to lead us!”

“Mr. Cass!”

Marines burst into tears.

Cass wiped a tear and laughed at them: “How can you abandon you! I was awakened by Mr. Kulo during the period of confusion, so I also want to let those who are confused , Awakening belongs to your own justice, if you are still confused, then follow me, let us stick to the’stubborn justice’ together!”

“This battlefield, we will not easily withdraw. Now go back quickly Repair and heal injuries, and then prove to the world that I am the Marine who will become Mr. Kulo’s most powerful shield, and the’stubborn justice’ will not succumb!”

“Oh!!! Become Mr. Kulo’s shield!”

“Long live Mr. Cass!”

“Long live Mr. Kulo!”

The Marines raised their weapons and shouted With.

The dull imposing manner just swept away and it became unprecedentedly high.

The manifestation of Kaschi’s will once again caused heat to rise around them, and the space distortion made them look hideous.

On the square, Crane glanced at Cass, saw the rising heat, and was surprised: “This power… is that Kulo’s subordinate? He actually cultivated such a Marine , Kulo’s teaching skills, it seems not bad.”

“Oh~ it’s terrifying indeed.”

Kizaru also glanced over there and said: “Unexpectedly A group of miscellaneous soldiers are integrated. The bearded man has unimaginable power. No wonder Kulo wants to save him.”

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