“No, no more…”


“Too terrifying!”

Some Pirates were so scared that they collapsed. The terrifying seawater, fortunately, disappeared.


At this time, Marco suddenly appeared from the boat and pressed Skuyado’s head and knocked him on the deck.

“How dare you, how can you do this?!”

Marco’s veins were exposed, full of anger.

He took a rest for a while, and felt that he had recovered some physical strength. As soon as he was about to come out to exercise, he saw this sad scene.

As the father’s son, he stabbed him?

He is even worse than Teach!

“fuck off!”

Scuador reflexively slashed towards Marco, but Marco avoided him.

“You are the one who forced me to do this! Stop acting, Whitebeard, you have colluded with Marine. Sacrifice us to protect you Whitebeard Pirates and Ace!”

“Ace is the son of Pirate King Roger. In order to protect Ace, you made a deal with Marine, right? We are the object of the deal. Let us die so that you can keep it! Now it is Marine’s live target, no It’s us!”

Skuyado pointed to the rear, Pirate, attached to Pirates, many of them were beaten down by Heping Pacifista.

Most of these Pirates are Pirates affiliated with Pirates, and most of the elites of Whitebeard are fine. After discovering this problem, the morale of those Pirates is greatly reduced.

The fact is here, I have to believe it.

Kulo bit his cigar and looked towards Pirate, who was agitated over there, and laughed: “Pirate…the existence of disorder will be affected by a little bit of things.”

These Pirates, there are many who have followed Whitebeard for more than ten years, but they will be shaken by this kind of thing, and I don’t know if it is stupid or bad.

“It’s shameful, Whitebeard!”

Crocodile’s face was sour that it almost dripped water, and shouted at Whitebeard almost collapsed: “I don’t want to lose to you like this Coward!”

The tone was not disappointment over Whitebeard’s injury, but rather he thought that the hero who could defeat him shouldn’t make such perfidy actions.

Crocodile, he also believed.


Whitebeard shook his head, his eyes drifted away, one after another swept over, Marco, Jozu, Vista, who followed his son a long time ago, still There are juniors like Crocodile who are still holding on to their ambitions, Ace from the execution stage, the rookies like Straw Hat who keeps breathing, and…

The young floating brat standing on the ice.

People who break into the sea will be like the sea, with high tide and low tide.

I am old and I should return to the sea with the ebb tide. After the ebb tide, it is the high tide.

As long as a young life is entrusted to the future, then the time of high tide is the time when a new era emerges!

“What an idiot…”

Whitebeard looked at Skuyado’s eyes. There was no killing intent. Instead, there was a trace of pity from the elders. He stretched out his hand to save history. Cujardo embraced him and said, “Although he is a fool, he is still my stupid and lovely son, Skuyado. As a father, I don’t hate you.”

He patted Shiku Yado’s head supported his body with a knife, stood up, and suddenly fiercely hit the air with a fist.

Boom! ! !

The ice walls on both sides were shattered by this fist, and the ice surface was shattered, which also made the left and right rooms vacant, creating a way out.

Sengoku said: “Opened a way out for Pirate, really old fox…”

Kulo laughed: “It’s really heroic.”

“Say I betrayed my son, goo la la la la!”

Whitebeard stopped at the deck, laughed heroically, and then shouted loudly: “As Pirate, you have to decide what you believe in. What you want to do is your freedom! Choose, evacuate or fight, everyone has the right to be free…So if you are not afraid of death, come with me!!!”

Opened a way for Pirates to have the right to escape, which can make Pirates feel at ease that their father did not betray them.

And this remark boosted their morale and even became even higher.



Whitebeard jumped violently and finally fell from the deck and stood on the ice.

This Old Guy, personally played!

“Oh~ Did Whitebeard personally end up? Good terrifying.” Kizaru opened his eyes wide, and when he looked closely, he could see a trace of dignity.

Kulo smacked his lips and turned around and said: “Where are you surrounded by the wall?”


The nearest Marine behind him saluted: “Because of the ice The layer is too thick, the surrounding wall is still starting, and there is still a little time, soon!”

“How fast will it be soon…”

Kulo Turning his head and looking towards Whitebeard, I saw both of his hands holding his’Congyunqie’ and slashing posture. Above the blade, a shock wave was stirred up.

Goal, Marineford!

Boom! !

In an instant, a black shadow struck over. Kulo pulled out the limpid autumn water in a flash, bringing out a golden lightning glow, slashing the blade of the naginata that had been slashed, and the blade and the blade were handed over, sending out a dull voice. ring.


There are a few more cracks on the ice under Whitebeard’s feet.

bang!! !

From the left and right sides of Kulo, extending to the position of Marineford, all of them broke apart. The left and right edges of Marineford were smashed by a sudden shock wave, destroying a bunch of buildings. , And those bad luck Marines standing on both sides.

Whitebeard said with a smile: “Floating little demon, the angle at which the blade is cut, the defense is not comprehensive enough.”

“Just keep you from spreading to most of the Marines. !”

Kulo’s body trembled slightly. At the moment the blade hit, he also turned on the full coverage of Busoshoku, but the aftermath of this vibration still made his internal organs tremble.

“Go back to me, little demon!”

Whitebeard’s hand holding the knife slammed hard, slashed against Kulo’s body, and flew Kulo away with a knife.

Kulo was blown into the air, his body stopped abruptly, and he landed in front of the square again.

Because he heard the sound of the ice being pried.

“Go! Save Ace!”

At this time, some Pirates have reached the bottom of the square, ready to climb up, but at this moment, those ports suddenly rise Under the port made of high, hard stones, there are blocks of iron walls. At this time, the rising old heights form a ring that completely surrounds the Whitebeard Pirates.

Encircle the wall and start!

The rear is also surrounded by Heping Pacifista. There is only a hole in the front, which has not been closed yet.

“What is this enclosing wall?”

A captain took out a rocket launcher and bombed the wall, only to explode a black mark, and the iron wall was unscathed.

In the iron wall, a large number of heavy artillery extends.

“It’s over, I’m surrounded, this iron wall is so thick!”

“It can be repaired, it can’t be touched at all!”

Pirates are struggling to beat He is struggling with the iron wall, but just doing useless work.

“Hey, that Marine, aren’t you also surrounded by this way? Wouldn’t you also destroy us at the expense of yourself?!” A Pirate shouted at Kulo.

“Hateful, have you met such a Marine!”

“No matter what, kill him first!”

Pirates clamored.

It was Whitebeard, staring at the only gap ahead, which was blocked by Oars’ huge body.

“Report! Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the place blocked by Oars, because blood infiltrated the System, resulting in a power drop, temporarily unable to close.” A Marine said.

“Can’t it close…Forget it, that’s it, Sakazuki.” Sengoku said.

Akainu took a serious step forward, and his arms began to burst out with strong magma. He aimed at the sky and shouted: “Meteor Volcano!”

A large number of magma fist smoothly Launched into the sky with his arms, and then fell from the sky, like the erupting volcano, and rained a devastating magma bomb.

bang bang bang!! !

As the bomb rain fell, the Pirates were blown down one after another, and the ice began to melt. The Pirates lost their footing and fell into the sea.

“It’s hot, so hot!”

“This high temperature…hateful!”

bang bang bang!

Meteor magma bombs continue to bombard. The scattered and dense numbers are different from Kulo’s sea water. Even if Whitebeard wants to stop it, there is no way to stop it one after another.

Several magma rounds fell from behind him and blew up the Pirate Ship that was frozen in the ice.

Whitebeard’s ship, the Moby Moby Dick!

Ace, who was executed on the platform, stared wide-eyed, and watched the Whitebeard Pirates flag on the ship being destroyed. As soon as he wanted to struggle, he was held up by the soldier with knives on both sides.

The destruction of the flag, whether it is for Marine or Pirate, is a symbolic blow.

“It is the opportunity to launch a shelling to destroy the Whitebeard Pirates in the surrounding wall!”

The Marine generals in the square saw that the Pirates had lost their footing, and quickly greeted Marine, The heavy artillery on the iron wall was launched.

Those shells smashed down, and it was fatal to Pirate trapped in the sea.

bang bang bang!

After the magma bomb, it was bombardment by artillery shells. The ice surface that had not had time to melt away also became fragmented under the intensive bombardment of shells. On some ice, except for the place where Pacifista is located in the rear, there is only a small piece in front, which belongs to the position where Kulo is standing.

It’s not that nobody is there.

Whitebeard Pirates attached Pirates Captain Tara Kagi, and they boarded this ice.

Because of the fast running, he was lucky to step here before the ice on which he was standing was destroyed.

“How can it be repaired, at least, at least kill you Marine!”

Tara Kagi raised his knife, aimed at Kulo, and rushed over.


A few shells exploded on the ice under Kulo’s feet, blasting this final foothold to pieces.

Talakaji was unstable and fell into the sea.

“It doesn’t matter, that Marine is an Ability User. He entered the seawater, it is not saved!”

Talakaji fell into the seawater and was choked by the hot water. Mouth, floating on the water.

He is not an Ability User, he can swim, and that Ability User must be…

Talakaji subconsciously looked over, only to see the disappearing ice surface turned into sea water , And the Marine, which should have fallen, floated on the surface of the water with his feet, meaningless to land at all.

Kulo breathed out smoke and said with a smile to Talakaji: “Be stupid, Lord can fly.”

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