Can a stone become a knife?

Only Kulo in the air gathered the stone blade that Haki was attached to at his waist, and put on a stance. Suddenly, a dull imposing manner radiated from around him, pressing against the Captain captains.

murderous aura!

The rich murderous aura burst out in the square, and most of them noticed not only the people nearby but also the people in the square.

“It’s more exaggerated than it was in Mariejois…”

Doflamingo can’t laugh at this moment, staring at Kulo above, his face becomes a little more dignified unconsciously .

Hancock looked towards Kulo unbelievably, for a while even Luffy forgot to pay attention.

Does that dirty-faced man have such a big murderous aura?

Precognition in the vicinity scratched his head: “Is the murderous aura always so strong?”

“Oh~ Is Kulo angry? It’s really rare.” Kizaru was surprised.


Akainu and Whitebeard had another fight, and they sensed the murderous aura, and said with a smile to Whitebeard: “Marine’s strength is stronger than Pirate!”

Whitebeard’s face is calm , Glanced over there, looked towards Akainu, and swiped it, “My son, is not such a good-for-nothing existence!”

The two continued to fight.

At this time, Kulo also drew his knife.

“Lion Chichigu!”

A lot of golden slash dropping from the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth bombarded the Captain and the captain.

“Dodge all!”

Jozu shouted at this time, making those people retreat, blocking the front of those slashes, and the whole body was diamondized, letting the slash hit Hit his body.

peng peng peng!

As the man with the strongest defensive power in the world, that is not something Sentomaru can compare. One is flattering and the other is really strong.

For physical slash, Jozu is completely defensible.

A large number of golden slashes were resisted by Jozu alone. Those slashes did not hurt him at all, only a peng peng sound was made. Jozu’s body stepped back several steps, and one after another smoke came up on his body. and dust.

He lifted his head and showed a defiant smile, “The formidable power has become weaker.”

If you just use the stone blade, even if it is Busoshoku blessing, it will still become weaker. Without Busoshoku’s blessing, the knife would be destroyed the moment it was swung out.


Kulo looked at him lightly and pointed behind him, “But you seem to have no defense.”



Several sounds of sharp weapons entering the flesh.

Jozu looked back incredulously and saw that several of the captains were pierced by the sudden extension of the soil behind him.


Before Jozu had time to speak, the ground under his feet sank suddenly, cracking a big hole, and thrusting him into it. A rock wave was raised on the ground, immediately burying Jozu.


Izang creded out in surprise and was about to rush over, but at this time, a strong wind sounded behind him.

Kulo in the air, his body swayed like a wave.

Behind Yi hiding, a black glow flashed.


Izang quickly used the limbid autumn water to resist, and Kulo appeared behind him, waving a black stone blade and slashing on the limbid autumn water blade. Although it was covered by Haki, the stone blade had a full physique. Naturally inferior to one of the 21 O Wazamono, the stone blade broke apart under a staggered knife.

But the strength of this blade also made Izang’s hand a little numb.

At this numb moment, the limpid autumn water came out of his hand, and the blade was smashed against Izang.


Izang suddenly ejected backwards, panting far away, he clutched his chest, blood flowing from his fingers.

The limpid autumn water floated in the air, and re-turned the direction, the handle of the knife was down and was held by one hand.

“I said long ago that it doesn’t want to return to the country of peace with you, so don’t force it.”

Kulo held the limpid autumn water, Haki took the limpid autumn water The body is full, “Look at my Haki volume, so rich, so full, the limpid autumn water is already in my shape, in my hands, it will be happy, you know?”

This kind of words that are similar to molesting exposed the Tibetan veins, “you guy!!!”

both of his hands holding a knife, rushed towards him angrily.

Kulo looked at him, stretched out a finger, said with a smile: “It’s not a good thing to lose your mind in battle.”


Izang turned his head in disbelief, and saw his waist and ribs. The part that was stabbed by the white-haired woman before was pierced by a soil piercing again.


“Izang Captain!”

The rest of the people saw this scene and rushed to Izang.

“Face me, you can’t be careless, Pirates…”

Kulo disdain Issho, backhanded his sword into the sheath, put his sword into the scabbard, and said to them: “Let Look at the Chikiri Valley of the complete volume.”

On the scabbard, Haki is more dense, almost turning into a whirlwind around it.

“Lion·True·Thousand Cut Valley!”

One moment, one hundred cuts!

Simply couldn’t see the trajectory of the man in front of him. He saw countless golden slashes with Haki appearing in front of him, densely packed and blasted towards the Captain captains.

Without Jozu’s help, these Captains were impossible to resist Haki slash at the moment when they cared about Yizang.

bang bang bang!! !

Those people were submerged by slash, and a huge cloud of dust was raised on the ground, and after the dust dissipated, everyone including Izang, all lying on the ground covered in blood, Turning his eyes white, he obviously lost consciousness.

“It is worthy of being a famous figure in New World, so he is not dead yet.”

Kulo held the knife, walked over to a captain, raised the knife and started to chop.


Suddenly, the ground near him was rushed away. Jozu moved his huge body and slammed into Kulo very quickly. His eyes were also full of anger, and under anger, he ignored him.

Kulo’s mouth twitched, and his body moved to the side when Jozu rushed, avoiding Jozu’s impact. At this moment, Jozu suddenly turned around and his huge fist smashed in.


Kulo wipes the blade with two fingers, the limpid autumn water blade floats a golden lightning glow along with his movements, and the black blade is also covered by the golden light Shrouded.

“Ignorance divine wind Flow Murder Sword·Flood Dragon!”

His head tilted, avoiding Jozu’s fist, and then slashing on his chest.


A ball of sparks flashed from Jozu’s chest, and he took a step back, subconsciously covering his chest.

The diamond body surface that emerged on the chest was cracked open. Haki broke a bit of his defense, leaving a trace of scars on his chest and bleeding with blood.

“Is it just this level!”

Jozu roared, taking a step forward indifferently, and slamming his fists at Kulo.

“Can’t you hear it?”

Kulo took the limpid autumn water back to his waist at this time, without looking at Jozu, turned around and looked towards the pit that Jozu rushed away. position.

When he rushed away, he left [Sakura Ten] and [Wood withered].

Kulo hooked his hand, and the two short broadswords flew out of the pit and returned to his waist scabbard.

At this time, the fist behind his back almost reached his head.

Kulo’s mouth floated up, letting the fist fall, and said: “The light sound of divine wind.”

pu!! !

The fist behind Kulo’s head stopped at this time. At the fist wrapped in diamonds, a large amount of blood suddenly leaked out, spreading to the whole body, turning it into a blood diamond person.

And the chest that was slashed before, burst out a lot of blood, spraying it like rain.

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