“My father is not dead yet!”

Ace glared at Kulo, “I only have one father, and that is Whitebeard!”

“That kind of thing doesn’t matter.”

Kulo looked down at Whitebeard from the execution platform, thought for a moment, and said: “Which father you are, it will be shocking if you die.”

Pirate fell into After the downturn, even if Whitebeard asked the Captains to support Straw Hat Luffy, they were still retreated by the energetic Marine, and many captains fell in a pool of blood.

In terms of numbers, this is justified.


Whitebeard looked at the execution table, his eyes heavy.

The floating little demon is here. It’s not that easy to save people.

My sons, there can be no more damage…

Whitebeard’s eyes flashed with determination.


Akainu drank high, his arm turned into magma and punched one after another magma.

As long as he stops this man, then Pirate will definitely be slaughtered by Marine. Victory is a matter of time.

peng peng peng!

Several magma punches hit Whitebeard’s chest. He didn’t even look at Akainu. His body moved, and Naginata brought out a shock wave and blasted forward.

hong long!! !

The earth quaked, and Marineford cracked everywhere, including the tallest headquarters building, which also cracked a few large gaps. The buildings were staggered, causing a sensation.

Kulo shook his body on the execution stand, his expression serious.

Sengoku looked at Whitebeard somewhat complicatedly, and muttered: “Newgate…”


Luffy is now ready to restart When he ran up, he was kicked off by Kulo just now, and his own damage reached a critical point.

Ivankov has given him adrenaline several times, and he didn’t faint just now.


Kizaru appeared in front of Luffy at this time, kicked him away, “Go back and forth from wherever you go.”

Luffy was kicked far away by this kick and fell. Near Whitebeard.

Whitebeard glanced at him, and suddenly yelled: “Everyone is withdrawing to my side!”

Under his blow, most of the Marines who were chasing were lost In order to improve their mobility, the Pirates began to have the opportunity to retreat.


Suddenly, in the sea behind him, a ship struck again, and Scuador led someone to Whitebeard and said: “Father, we Come support!”


Akainu took a look and said, “If you get involved again, then the previous promise will be cancelled. “

Marine certainly kept its promise.

Skuyado gave Whitebeard a knife. Although it did not cause death, the knife will naturally hurt. According to the promise, Akainu will spare Skuyado and his Pirates.

But now that Skuyado is re-entering the war, it is of course not to be counted.


Whitebeard glanced back, then shook his head suddenly, “You are here just right, but you don’t need support…”


Whitebeard smashed Akainu’s attack heavily, loudly said: “Listen now, Whitebeard Pirates, I want to say goodbye to you here, you return to the New World, and return to the New World safely! This is the last command as the captain!”


Pirates looked at Whitebeard in shock and said, “Why? We can still fight!”

“Yes, father, Ace hasn’t been rescued yet!”

“Hateful, I want to continue!”

“Shut up!”

Whitebeard glared at them and said, “Don’t you even listen to the captain’s orders? From now on, you all get on board and evacuate!”

“And I…”

Whitebeard held the knife with one hand and fisted back with one hand. “I have been traveling for a long time, and it’s time to have a result with Marine!”

Bang! ! !

Throws a punch, under the broken air, those Marines who had just stood up fell on their backs under the shock. Many Marines couldn’t stand the shock, even if it was Akainu. Also took a few steps back under this shock.

hong long!

Marineford, once again shattered, a large number of buildings collapsed under this shaking, and the headquarters building was even more difficult to describe. Under the shaking, it cracked again, low A lot shorter.

“Damn Newgate, do you want to be together with Marineford perish…” Sengoku hated.

“Old Guy is going desperately.” Kulo breathed out smoke and said.

With a shock, Whitebeard picked up the knife and started to move forward.

bang bang bang!

The Marines who got up bombarded him with guns. Whitebeard did not dodge or avoid, letting those attacks hit him in front of him, and then waved A punch, causing a shock, shocked those Marines.

“The dog bites the red lotus!”

Akainu’s arm turned into lava and extended, forming a monster with a huge mouth. It bit on Whitebeard’s waist and ribs. Groaned, Akainu swept away, and then moved towards a new wave of Marine that reappeared.

Boom! !

The Marines were thrown away again, and no one stood in front of Whitebeard.

The road ahead is unstoppable.


Several Captains still appeared behind him, Vista solemnly said: “At least, at least protect the honor of Daddy!”

“Stupid son…that kind of stuff is meaningless.”

Whitebeard glanced back, laughed, and continued to face up ahead, moving towards Ace, walking slowly in the direction.

“an arrow at the end of its flight.”

Kulo spit out smoke at the execution table, his eyes were inexplicable, he sat cross-legged, carrying a knife, and thinking for a while , I could not help but curse: “You old monsters of the old age, you are really tougher than the other. That’s the golden retriever old bastard that made Lao Tzu burn incense like this, and so are you…”

“This is Edward Newgate.”

Sengoku said to the side: “So, he must be destroyed.”


Ace stared blankly at Whitebeard, who was constantly being attacked by Marine, but kept advancing. He grabbed the ground with his head, burst into tears, and shouted: “Father, don’t come near! I’m a sinner, you shouldn’t come to the rescue Mine!”

Boom! ! !

Whitebeard once again shook the surrounding Marine, his body shook, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. His body gradually began to be unable to stand it.

But soon, he stood still and laughed: “Goo la la la, don’t underestimate me, I’m Whitebeard.”

At this time, execution On platform Marine has brought two soldiers who were executed again. They stood beside Ace, and quickly raised the bayonet. The cold glow of the bayonet was extremely dazzling under the sun.

At this time, precognition and Kizaru appeared under the execution platform. That posture would not allow Whitebeard to destroy the execution platform.

In front of him, there was Akainu blocking it. It was almost impossible to destroy the execution platform at that moment.

The bayonet fell.


Luffy yelled.


Sengoku stopped them suddenly, looked towards Ace, glanced at Whitebeard again, and sighed:

“Are there any last words? , Finally, let’s say something. Although it was said before that you, as Roger’s bloodline, will execute you, but in fact, this has nothing to do with Roger’s bloodline.”

Ace paused, lifting his head, The look was a little dazed, “I, can I say something…”

“That said.”

Kulo said with a smile at this time: “The executed prisoner is dying I can still have a good meal before, so what happened to you to say something.”

“Is it…you can still talk.”

Ace suddenly Issho, this At that time, he suddenly looked away.

He looked at Whitebeard and the Pirates behind him, finally set his eyes on Luffy.

“I, I really have something to say…Luffy, in fact, if it wasn’t for your troublesome younger brother, and Sabo, I would actually not want to live a long time ago.”

“until now, as Roger’s son, no one wants me to live, no way, everyone wants me to die. I was thinking early on, if I die, this world will be quiet Coming down, I really shouldn’t have come to this world. I’m fine if I die…”

“But if I die, I would actually regret it, Luffy, I can’t see you realize your dream. , Sorry. Also, everyone, until now, I’m very happy with you. I’m really sorry to trouble you before I die.”

“What are you talking about, Ace, you won’t die !” A Captain cried out crying: “I will definitely save you!”

“Yes, kill it, Admiral is nothing great, I will save Ace if I die!”


Listening to the Pirates, Ace shook his head, laughed, and looked towards Whitebeard, “Daddy…”


Whitebeard squeezed the Naginata hard, causing a shock.

“Ace, it doesn’t matter whether you are Roger’s child or not. What’s important is that you are my Whitebeard’s son. As Pirate, of course I want to grab the things I fancy, and I grab the things Whitebeard grabs. , Even if it is the existence of a’son’, at the moment of becoming my son, it is not another son, but my Whitebeard’s son!”

Ace was taken aback, his lips murmured, and tears were still shed. Come: “Thank you dad. Only here do I feel the warmth of being a child of a sinner, but a child of a father. Daddy, undoubtedly, this is your era. This era is called [Whitebeard], I am proud of being your son!”

Whitebeard looked at Akainu standing in front of him, then looked towards Ace, and slowly said: “My father, until now, Is it competent?”

Ace roared loudly: “Of course!!!”

“Goo la la la la la la la, that’s good, that’s good…”


Whitebeard squeezed Cong Yunqi tightly, his pupils shrunk, and a huge imposing manner emanated from him, but at this moment, his body shook again and he staggered involuntarily to the side.

The body… can’t hold it anymore.

“Execution, or Newgate will go crazy.” Sengoku saw Whitebeard’s behavior and said.

Kulo looked at Ace sighed and said: “In this situation, you can only escape unless you become light, but even if you take the bones of Whitebeard out and boil it into soup, you can’t change it, although your names It’s the same.”

“Oh, yes, I also think you are Roger’s child, what sin bloodline or something, just listen to it, Celestial Dragon or God’s Bloodline, it’s not that disgusting. So, it’s nonsense that what kind of person a bloodline produces.”

Ace said with a smile: “Really, you comfort me as a Marine, thank you. But you I don’t understand strange remarks. I am a fire, of course, I can’t change it.”

At this time, the bayonet of the soldier on both sides was raised.

He breathes deeply, straightened his back, and said loudly to Whitebeard: “until now, thanks to your care!”

He is facing the front, among the many Marines The brightest smiles appeared in the eyes of Pirate and Pirate, “I am really going to die.”

chi!! !

Two bayonets pierced through his body, blood ran down from his body, smudged under him, and drawn into a circle.

Ace did not move at all, even if he was dead, he was already straight and smiling.

It makes the scalp numb and shocked.

Kulo didn’t look at him either, still sitting in front of the execution platform, looking towards the sky, silently breathing out smoke.

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