Kulo looked at the dead Whitebeard in the air, silent for a moment.

One of the heroes of the sea is missing.

“The thief hahaha…finally died.”

Teach stood in front of Whitebeard, laughed twice, and stood there blankly, not knowing what he was thinking. .

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and he looked up at Whitebeard’s face with a grin.

A group of people took out a black cloth and quickly covered Whitebeard.

And when Teach was about to go in, there was a sudden gust of wind.


A lot of slash dropping from the sky, random bombing in the direction of Blackbeard.

At this moment, Shiliew suddenly rushed forward, [Thunderstorm] instantly turned into cold glow, resisting a large amount of slash, and set off a very strong smoke and dust, smoke and dust on the ground Dispersed, revealing the intact silhouette of everyone.

“The thief hahaha, I knew that you are a troublesome figure.”

Teach smiled at Kulo: “But I have so many partners, and I want a breakthrough. It’s easy. Why don’t you just float there and show you a good show.”

“If you don’t trouble me, I really have no interest in you.”

Kulo Floating in the air, he said: “I was relieved originally, you have to give me a little more, then I can’t help it…”

He is really not interested in Teach, no matter what he wants What to do, the dog bites the dog in New World and Pirate later. With the ability of Yami Yami no Mi, he will always get the fruit he wants.

Not to mention whether it can be prevented, even if it can be prevented, it is useless. It is not a problem that people can forbear Yami Yami no Mi for that many years and look for a powerful fruit for a while.

Even if someone is eaten by someone, with his ability, he doesn’t seem to be afraid of this.

Kulo sees this very clearly.

So he doesn’t care what Teach is going to do. If his memory is not bad, a certain face-fruit Ability User will come over later, and all Kulo has to do is catch a fish and come over and shout. To give him a face to finish.

When the time comes, what should he do, he won’t get promoted.



He killed a few people and he was promoted?

Although the entire group such as Jozu has suffered heavy losses, the Captain life force is very strong, and it will be impossible to die for a while.

As for the captains, they are not very comfortable. Even if Marco is treated later, he probably won’t live a lot.

But those captains died after escaping, so Kulo is safe.

Even though Whitebeard gave him a few shots, everyone is dead. He is in comparison with the dead.

Besides, he can’t beat him alive…

Look at other smart people, Kuzan and Old Master are playing Pirate fish outside, I don’t know how happy they are.

Look at Sakazuki again, now I don’t know where to dig a hole in the ground.

But when he is the main force, besides his own personality, doesn’t he also have the meaning of wanting to go to the highest step.

His Kulo is different, he doesn’t want to go up at all, he even wants to pull down if possible.

The top executives are not desperate. He is not a decision-making figure, so he works hard to do anything.

The plan should be done.

His strength has already been exposed to the top, so there is no point in hiding it.

But if you work harder, you won’t be worth it.

As long as I have no value, no one can use me!

He thought so good, but he was still harassed by someone who was unfathomable mystery. To say that he was out of breath, it was impossible.

Shiliew of the Rain, based on the sword technique, is comparable to himself, plus the ignorant divine wind flow, then he is better than Shiliew.

Van Augur, that kind of sonic bullet plus Haki is also difficult.

There is also the wolf who is bigger than Oars, that kind of posture, the strength of the body alone is enough.

I released one-on-one, and it took a lot of time to get rid of it. Even more how got him three in one go.

If it weren’t for the ability, you might be really guilty.

Is his Kulo the kind of person who doesn’t pay back?

“You endured that many years for a goal at Whitebeard, you might as well endure more.”

Kulo slapped a huge golden slash and slapped it downwards .

Shiliew was about to block, but instead of aiming at Teach them, the slash hit the ground on the other side of Whitebeard, cutting open a gully.

Teach said loudly with a smile: “Thief hahaha, no one, is it not enough?”

Kulo palms open, “Speaking of which, you are here to wrestle with me Is it really okay? Don’t you want to perform a play for me? Maybe, I can play it for you first.”


Behind him, suddenly There was a sound.

Teach heard the sound, eyes shrank, sweat came from his forehead, and immediately looked back.

I saw the ground on which Whitebeard was standing cracked and flew up to the sky with his body. The black cloth that had just covered him fell to the ground under this vibration.

“you guy!”

Teach Kulo, who looked at the sky incredulously and smiled, actually knew the greatest effect of Yami Yami no Mi? !

At this moment, Laffitte grew a pair of wings and flew into the air. He drew out the sword in his cane and stab it very quickly. With a few brushes, the ground on which Whitebeard was standing was chopped into several sections. , And fell to the ground with his body.

“Lionwei·Needle Roll Jizo.”

However, at this moment, Kulo clenched a fist, and the stones scattered around Laffitte reorganized and deformed in this instant. Stone thorns, moved towards Laffitte, who had not had time to change his movements, pierced them.

His ability is still at the 1st stage, but it doesn’t mean that he hasn’t grown up. He had carved lion heads for him to smash the cards from the many things in [Treasure Treasure] before, and now some trifling stones Blocks, the formation of spikes is certainly not a problem.

If it weren’t for the previous inventory to be used to smash Kaido, Kulo would actually not have to work so hard.

As for the last bit of sea water, I just made a plan to encircle the wall.


Several stone thorns staggered from Laffitte with a trace of blood. He clutched his chest, and his wings escaped the stone thorns.

“How can it be repaired!”

Teach roared loudly and ran straight to the direction of Whitebeard’s fall. The palm of his hand just touched the fallen body of Whitebeard. The five fingers of Kulo in the air are one. Zhang, the ground under Blackbeard’s feet also cracked, and a stone platform rose up and flew up with his body.

“How do you feel like being annoyed by people, too?” Kulo said with a smile.

“Dark Water!”

Teach turned into darkness with both hands, one held Whitebeard, and the other opened it at Kulo.

Kulo was about to use his ability to wrap Blackbeard up, suddenly he felt his body stop, a huge suction swayed away from him, and flew involuntarily towards Teach.

“Attract Ability User…”

Kulo held the limpid autumn water at his waist, and pointed at Teach said with a smile: “Before Ability User, I was good at , But the sword technique!”


Shiliew eyes shrank, he understands what Kulo wants to do, but now at the height of Teach, he can’t jump up.


Van Augur raised his gun at this time and fired a shot quickly, but was blocked by two short broadswords, blocking the bullet attack.

Kulo’s eyes flashed with red glow. When Kenbunshoku was fully open, trying to hit him was not something that could be done in a short while.

“You won’t succeed!”

Laffitte flapped his wings and was about to rush towards Kulo. Suddenly, the stone thorns rushed to him, forming a stone wall. Blocked his way.

Kulo suddenly accelerated at this time, his body rushed, and he rushed straight from a high altitude. The speed almost drew a line in the air. As Laffitte broke through the stone wall, he also came to Teach. In his astonished gaze, with a chuckle, the limpid autumn water pulled out in a flash, bringing out a black light.

“Moon Oro!”

chi!! !

A ball of blood drifted from the air, and Teach fell under this blade and fell to the ground with a bang.

“It hurts, it hurts me!”

He clutched his chest and rolled back and forth, blood was constantly flowing down his chest, and as he rolled, Teach rolled to the black cloth on the ground Among them, the whole body was immersed in the black brie, trembling faintly.

Kulo lowered his head and glanced at Teach, “Did you escape? I aimed at your neck, you guy Haki is not lowly accomplished.”

In the black cloth, he stopped shaking. , Teach pulled the black cloth away, clutching his chest and panting in front of the crowd. His face was all sweaty, but there was still a smile on his face.

“The thief hahaha, you don’t seem to know Yami Yami no Mi well enough, but I appreciate you very much. Why don’t you leave Marine and be my partner?”

In response to him, a golden slash dropped in the air.


Shiliew smashed the slash with a knife, bit the cigar and spit out the smoke, and said to the rear: “Success?”

“Of course!” Teach grinned.

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