Red Hair Pirates team, merged with the rest of Whitebeard Pirates, and started fighting head-on with Marine!

“Hateful Akagami!”

Sengoku said angrily: “How dare you…”

“Pirate is Pirate after all.” Garp squeezed his fist The sound of the sound, moved towards the battlefield, “Especially the man Akagami, who is best at balancing, wants to balance on our heads.” Sengoku also walked over and said slowly: “Then you can’t let them act wilfully.”

“Kulo, go to support the battlefield, and Teach will leave it alone.” Sengoku turned his head and said to Kulo.

“The thief hahaha, you’d better listen to your Fleet Admiral, otherwise…”

Blackbeard’s palm is full of black energy, and said: “On your own, it will end. It won’t be great, tut, I’m going to die! But…you can’t kill me alone, but my’Yami Yami no Mi’ ability will absorb the damage.”

At this time, the injuries on his body actually began to disappear.

Yami Yami no Mi, given the disadvantage of not being able to elemental transformation, but it will also be compensated.

Teach will suffer twice the pain of damage, but all damage will be absorbed by the fruit ability.

Kulo also knows this point, so from the very beginning he didn’t want to deal with Teach, and now that all Marine executives were dragged into the battle, he would naturally not be able to deal with the entire Blackbeard Pirates group.

Teach saw that Kulo was silent in the sky, laughed, and turned around and said: “Little ones, run away!”

Under the treatment of Doc Q, this group of people There was movement, and he got up, climbed into the palm of the wolf, and the huge body turned and stepped into the sea.

“Thief hahaha, Kulo, see you in New World!”

Teach stood on the palm of the wolf and laughed at Kulo.

Kulo lit a cigar at this time, spit out the smoke, and watched the wolf’s body gradually enter the sea and leave Marineford.

“New World will be exempted. As for you…yin me twice, I will pay you back only once. That’s not good, you have to be even if you do everything.”


His body burst open, the speed of which caused the air to explode, Kulo quickly followed behind the wolf, his body swept down low, and the limpid autumn water penetrated into the waves below. With his flight, the blade cut the sea surface, extending a gap.

On both sides of the gap, the sea surging up on the flat ground, rising into two huge waves.

“you guy!”

Teach’s pupils shrunk, loudly said: “What do you want to do!”

Here is the sea, if you get hit by the waves If it is, then it will all sink!

“Of course…”

Kuro smiled at him: “Yin you again!”


The blade stroked the sea water, bringing up a few drops of water, and suddenly moved towards Teach with a stroke.

The huge waves rising on both sides, like being commanded, rushed forward. The huge waves merged into a ball before the blade that was drawn out, forming a huge Flood Dragon of water, Flood Dragon opened his mouth like a thunderstorm, hitting the wolf’s back and swallowing the entire group of Blackbeard. At that moment, densely packed knife wounds appeared on these people, and then they were taken by the huge sea water. The sea.

The calm sea, in this brief moment, set off a huge wave, surging violently in front of Kulo, swallowing everything.

The sea was calm again, and the silhouette of the Blackbeard Pirates regiment was gone.

Kulo bit his cigar and said, “I almost drove me into the sea just now, and now I let you taste it too!”

But obviously no one responded to him. Kulo stared at him. Looking at the surface of the sea, he didn’t find who had come up, he gave an uncomfortable tusk, turned and moved towards the battlefield and flew away.


At this time, on the battlefield, Kizaru faced Ben Beckman, Akainu continued to entangle with the Captains and Crocodile headed by Marco. The precognition blocked some of the Red Hair Pirates cadres. Vice Admiral stopped the remaining part, and Akagami was targeted by Sengoku and Garp.

However, the Vice Admiral are a little sluggish at this time. They have been playing against Pirate before. At this time, facing the intact Red Hair Pirates group cadres, it was obviously a bit difficult.

But this difficulty was compensated by the marine battle strength of the bottom layer, but because of the compensation, the remaining bottom layer of Marine, against the remaining Pirate of Whitebeard Pirates, is the birds of a feather, this kind of birds of a feather, so that the advantage that was originally saved is not there.

Marine and Pirate are caught in a strange equilibrium.

Sengoku’s incarnation of the Buddha made a shock and was blocked by Akagami. At the same time, Garp jumped up and hit Akagami with a punch, but he cleverly avoided it.

“Do two people deal with me?”

Akagami scratched his head: “This is very troublesome.”

“little demon, kill you first. “Garp bared his teeth at Akagami: “It just so happens that the old man is looking for you to calculate the account of bringing my dear grandson into Pirate.”


Akagami inexplicably Issho: “The future of the world lies with him, Mr. Garp.”

“Stop kidding, Akagami!”

Garp’s forehead has green veins exposed: “The kind Something…that’s the grandson of the old man!”

Sengoku complexion is gloomy, “Hateful Akagami!”

Two Admiral-level battle strengths, against a Yonko, defeat Akagami It’s just a matter of time, but this time is probably not too short.

And the longer it is, the greater the loss for Marine.

“Hey, eh, it’s so funny, is Akagami after Whitebeard, let’s fight, let’s fight!”

Doflamingo laughed wildly in the middle of the battlefield, “Even Marine , It will be ugly if you fail, after all… the winner is justice!”


Sengoku looked back and looked very sad. Ugly.

These Shichibukai have already watched the show thoroughly at this time.

The’Emperor’ Boya Hancock went to chase Straw Hat, lacking a battle strength, and Hawk Eyes left when Akagami came. Doflamingo and Moria did not participate in the battle. As for the most obedient Bartholomew Bear, his movements are obviously slower.

“Is the will resisting, bear…”

This time Shichibukai is called, the agreement is indeed to deal with Whitebeard, not Akagami.

As an organization of World Government, even if Sengoku wants to order them, these Pirates will not listen, and they might even stabbed them in the back.

Shichibukai is essentially Pirate.

Now on the battlefield, that is a kind of unstable factor.

In the battlefield, as soon as Smoker knocked down a few Pirates, a captain struck him and stabbed him through his body.

“Haki? What a trouble.”

Smoker waved the captain out with ten hands.

“Smoker, get out of the way!”

Just then, Hina who was not far away called out.

Two captains suddenly appeared behind Smoker, with Haki in their weapons, attacking him with a thunderous force.

It’s too late!


Smoker was stabbed by a captain behind his waist, and the other captain waved a big stick and suddenly fell on his head.


A group of things that didn’t know what it was suddenly rushed over and knocked the two captains away.

Smoker was clutching his lower back, and before he even had time to feel the pain, he felt a huge heat from the thing.

That thing is very distorted, and I can’t see it for a while.

“What is it?”

“For justice, kill!!!”

Smoker just raised a little doubt, the group of Marines moved towards Pirate rushed over, as fast as a gust of wind, that speed was obviously abnormal.

But the distorted imposing manner around made him recognize it. It seemed that this thing showed great strength when planning to encircle the wall, and forced many captains to retreat steadily. Let him remember deeply.

But before he could see that it was a group of Marines, but now that it is not as fast as ordinary people, plus that group of twisted and hideous, it is just like a white monstrous. .

Marine can fit and deform?

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